University of Evansville


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

* Employee Headshot Day on Thursday, March 27

Employees in need of a headshot can have theirs taken on Thursday, March 27 at 9:45AM.

Headshots will be taken outdoors near the southwest corner of the front oval lawn. In the event of rain, they will be moved indoors to the SOBA atrium.

To add your name to the list, please contact Abbie Perry at

Submitted by Abbie Perry

Upcoming Events

* Come Cheer on your Aces in the 2025 Credit Union 1 Missouri Valley Conference Women's Basketball Tournament!

With the conclusion of the regular season this week, we now know that your Purple Aces women's basketball team will begin the postseason on Thursday night at 6 p.m. against UIC! Make sure you come out and cheer on your Aces during our pregame send-off at the Carson Center!

The Team Send-off will begin at 4 p.m. on Thursday in the Main Lobby of the Carson Center with the UE Pep Band and Spirit Squad. Make sure you join us at 4 p.m. to cheer on the team as they leave campus for the Ford Center at 4:30 p.m.!

Submitted by Elizabeth Holbrook

Submitted by Stacey Beard
* MVC Women's Basketball Tournament Tickets on Sale Now

The Missouri Valley Conference Women's Basketball Tournament presented by Credit Union 1 will be in Evansville later this month! Make sure you're in the Ford Center to cheer on your Aces as they play for a trip to March Madness. The tournament will be in downtown Evansville from Thursday, March 13th until Sunday, March 16th.

To get your tickets for the MVC Women's Basketball Tournament please contact Logan Belz by phone at 812-488-2623 or by email at Full pricing for tickets to the tournament are as follows:

    • $20 for adults (reserved)
    • $5 for youth (reserved)/ Student ID
    • $12 for adults (GA)
    • $5 for youth (GA)
Submitted by Elizabeth Holbrook
* SAA Saladpalooza

Saladpalooza 2025!   Welcoming all types of salad for our new luncheon Saladpalooza. Tuna, chicken, broccoli etc. Join the SAA on March 18, 11:30am-1:00pm, and enjoy a spread of yummy and unique salads. We will be in Eykamp Hall, and it is $5 per plate to sample all the salads! All of the proceeds will go to the SAA and it's scholarhip fund. Does your favorite salad have what it takes to be grand champion? We hope to see you there.   Sign up below to bring your favorite salad.  

Submitted by Dina Willming
* UE Employee Hypertension Webinars

Join the ASV TSC team to learn all about hypertension prevention & management, heart health tips & recommendations and how the wellness clinic can support your heart health!

This webinar will be held on two different days:

  • Tuesday, March 11th @ 10:00 AM
  • Tuesday, March 18th @ 2:00 PM 

Sign-up here:

*A Google Meet link will be shared with you the day before the presentation!

We hope you can join us!!

For questions, email Taylor (

Submitted by Taylor Kollak
* Community Iftar

Iftar is the fast-breaking meal in the evenings throughout Ramadan. Let's come together as a community to share a meal and learn more about each other.

Submitted by Breanna Bondurant
* Employee Spring Wellness Challenge

University of Evansville Employee Biggest Loser Challenge 2025

Challenge Dates: March 17th - May 11th

Welcome! This 8-week challenge is designed to help motivate participants to take on healthier lifestyle choices and pursue health-driven weight loss. While this is a weight loss-based challenge, we want this to be a positive experience for you and your team members to make healthier lifestyle choices for long-term health & success! **We do not encourage or support extreme dieting with this challenge.**

As a bonus, we’ll share a newsletter with different healthy habit topics to help you improve your own routine each week.

Challenge Details:

  • All employees & spouses are welcome to participate!

  • Teams must be between 4-8 individuals.

  • Entry fee is $5.00 (cash only please). Submit your buy-in to Lori Leduc in HR.

  • Initial weigh-in must be completed the week of March 17th - 20th.

  • Only 1 missed weigh-in is allowed.

  • No extreme dieting, supplementing or other measures for drastic weight loss is permitted. We want this to serve as a positive experience with healthy changes for long-term success!

Weigh-In Info:

  • Weekly weigh-ins will take place at the clinic:

    • Monday - Thursday from 8:00am - 12:00pm


  • 1st, 2nd & 3rd place (male & female) with the highest % weight lost

  • Team with the highest overall % weight lost

Earn a one-time $150 HRA credit for participating!

Want to sign up? Click this link:

Reach out to Taylor ( with any questions!

Submitted by Taylor Kollak

Info You Should Know

* Golden Heart Award Nominations are Open

The Center for Student Engagement is now taking nominations from the campus community for the Golden Heart Awards!

The Golden Heart Awards are awarded to a student and staff member who have shown dedication, passion, and drive to serve the UE and Evansville communities/ This award values servant ledaership in its core. They are given to a student or staff member who has displayed these aspects over the past year and that will continue to do so even after leaving the UE and Evansville communities.

Nominate a student here.

Nominate a staff/administration/faculty member here.

Self-nominations are welcome!

Please have nominations submitted by March 25th at 11:59PM!

Submitted by Mary Rachel Linderman
* Nominate an Outstanding RA or Student for ResLife Awards!

Residence Life is excited to open nominations for two prestigious awards in our department: Resident Assistant of the Year and the Donnie Dunnville Dedication and Service Award. Nominations can be made by any campus community member or through self-nomination, so if you know someone who fits the description, we encourage you to submit a nomination.

The Resident Assistant of the Year award recognizes an RA who exemplifies what it means to be in the role. Nominees should demonstrate excellend role modeling, a strong work ethic, a positive attitude, and a helpful disposition, while also portraying a positive outlook on their position.

The Donnoe Dunnville Dedication and Service Award honors a UE student with at least two years of experience who consistently displays an outstanding work ethic and dedication to the residential community. Nominees should show genuine care for fellow students, volunteer their time to those in need, exhibit social responsibility, and contribute to enhancing the overall UE experience.

Nominations for both awards are due by March 24that 10pm. To submit a nomination, please visit our nomination form

Submitted by Mary Rachel Linderman
* Hiring for the Assistant Residential Coordinator Position

Applications for the Assistant Residential Coordinator position are now open! This position is open to any and all students and the application can be found in the Erez life system or at the link below!

Applications are open until 03/21/2025!

Submitted by Teddy Thomason
* Now Accepting Applications for LEAD Forward 2025-26

The application period is now open for the LEAD Forward 2025-26 Cohort! Students of all majors are encouraged to apply for this program designed to help you be successful now and as you advance in your career. Check out a preview of the program on Tuesday, March 18, 12:25-1:05 in SB172. Lunch will be provided; register here.

LEAD Forward is an executive-style leadership skills development program. Students learn and grow through a fun and developmental retreat in August, meetings with local community and business leaders, and one-on-one coaching. We will work as a team to improve our leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. The program runs from August 2025-May 2026. Contact Megan Conapinski at mt263 to learn more and apply.

Submitted by Megan Conapinski
* Call for Presentations - Undergraduate Research and Honors Symposium

The UE Honors Program is thrilled to offer a limited number of spaces for non-Honors students and faculty to showcase their research at the Undergraduate Research and Honors Symposium on Monday, April 21, 2025, in Eykamp!

Why Participate?

  • Present your research alongside UE Honors students
  • Receive feedback from a panel of seasoned faculty and staff
  • Gain valuable experience for future research and professional conferences

Interested? Email Katie Haire, Assistant Director of the Honors Program ( to secure your spot! The deadline to apply is April 1st, 2025.

✨ New This Year! ✨ The entire campus community is invited to the Honors Project Exhibit Hall from 3:30-5:00 PM—a must-see display of Spring 2025 Honors Projects, featuring poster presentations and student discussions.

Don’t miss this chance to share your work, connect with peers, and celebrate research excellence!

Submitted by CONTACT Katie Haire
* Golden Heart Awards Nominations are Open

The Center for Student Engagement is now taking nominations from the campus community for the Golden Heart Awards! 

The Golden Heart Awards are awarded to a student and staff member who have shown dedication, passion, and drive to serve the UE and Evansville communities. This award values servant leadership in its core. They are given to a student or staff member who have displayed these aspects over the past year and that will continue to do so even after leaving the UE and Evansville communities.

Nominate a student here.

Nominate a staff member here.

Self-nominations are welcome!

Submitted by Mary Rachel Linderman
* Fall 2025 Marketing Department : On-Campus Intern

UE's Marketing Department is seeking an intern to assist with TikTok and Instagram content creation for Fall 2025.

Preferred qualifications include:

  • Understands how to use TikTok and Instagram (we prefer they understand CapCut too, but not required)
  • Can quickly put together creative video material if needed; Has a creative eye for social media and can not only film and edit material but craft captions too
  • Can attend UE events and work independently to capture student life and share the UE experience from a current student perspective (e.g., interviews, student takeovers, event recaps)
  • Follows/Stays up-to-date on TikTok and Instagram trends and can produce content to match these trends
  • Required Skills: Social media management; Creativity/content design; Attention to detail

This internship is a paid position and does qualify for BUS398. Interested students should send resumes to Abigail Perry at

Submitted by Abbie Perry
* Summer Housing Assistant Interest Meetings

Hiring Soon! 

Interested in staying on campus over the summer? Want to make a difference for visiting members of our community? Need a place to stay and a stipend to use for the fall?

Look no further than our Summer Housing Assistants! These 4 staff members will be responsible for running our summer conferences and summer housing.

If you want to learn more about the position, including what job responsibilities, expectations, and payment look like, please join us for two information sessions:

Wednesday, March 19th from 8pm-8:30pm 

Thursday, March 20th from 8pm-8:30pm

Both meetings will be in SOBA 170!

For questions, please contact Will McDonner at

Submitted by Will McDonner
* Fall Housing Applications Available

The housing selection process for fall housing begins on March 3.  Students should review the attached slideshow and review the information on the Residnce Life website at and the other header options on that page.  In the slideshow, you can click the image on the “Demo Screens” slide to link to a ScribeHow that will walk you through the application process and how to form a roommate group.

All housing applications, registration fees, forming roommate groups, and selection of rooms will take place in your eRezLife account.

Key dates to remember are:

  • March 3 – March 21
    • Apply for housing in eRezLife
    • Submit your $75 non-refundable housing registration fee in your eRezLife account
  • March 3 - March 24
    • Form roommate groups in eRezLife (roommates will need to have a completed application and accept your roommate group invitation)
  • March 24 – April 4
    • Room selection appointments by assigned time
      • View available rooms and save preferences after you receive your selection application

If you have any questions, please reach out to Residence Life or stop by one of the upcoming ResLife tabling events throughout the month of March in Ridgway (March 3, 6, 17, and 20).

Submitted by Brian Conner
* 2025-26 Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship Application Now Available

Family, friends and loved ones of the late Dr. Marvin E. Hartig are pleased to announce the application process for the Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Hartig, Dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, and administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville chapter of the American Institute of Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974, Dr. Hartig was appointed Dean of Academic Services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for thirty-five years and passed away in 2007.

This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving sophomore student. Preference will be given to a student working while being enrolled as a full-time student. International students are encouraged to apply.

Eligible students for the 2025-2026 Hartig Memorial Scholarship will be sophomores in the 2025-2026 academic year.

Download the application.

Deadline: Please return all materials to the Office of Student Financial Services by April 28, 2025. The decision will be announced by May 27, 2025.

Questions: Amber Chandler, Administrative Assistant to the Office of Student Financial Services, at or 812-488-2364

Submitted by Amber Chandler
* It's Time to Nominate a Deserving Senior for the Outstanding Senior Service Award

Do you know a senior deserving of the highest award given by UE? Ten finalists will be selected, and one student will be presented this award at Commencement. Selection is based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and community and campus engagement. 

The Guthrie May and Mabel Dillingham Nenneker Outstanding Senior Service Award nominations will be accepted February 20 – March 14, 2025. Students nominated must accept their nomination by 5:00 p.m. on March 21st, 2025. 

You can nominate deserving seniors by completing the form below. Once you submit a nomination, students will receive an automatic email giving them the opportunity to accept the award. 

Please contact Shelby Gardner, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students Office ( with any questions.

Submitted by Shelby Gardner
* 2025-2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The Margaret E. Schriefer Liberal Arts Scholarship

The Margaret E. Schriefer Liberal Arts Scholarship has been established for the University of Evansville in loving memory of Margaret E. Schriefer. This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving student, covering full tuition, books, supplies, materials, and laboratory fees. To be considered for this scholarship, students must meet the following qualifications:

  • Must be enrolled at the University of Evansville and have a major of study in Literature, English, Music or Theatre.
  • Must be a natural-born citizen of the United States of America with no prior criminal record, other than minor traffic violations.
  • Must be a free and accepted Mason in good standing in a local lodge under the authority of the Grand Lodge of its state, or be the descendant, sibling, or nephew/niece of a Master Mason in good standing in his respective lodge under the authority of the Grand Lodge of its respective state. If the related Mason shall not be living at the time of the student’s consideration for this scholarship, a letter shall be obtained from the Lodge of the related Mason to the effect that the related Mason was in good standing at the time of his death.

Must have and maintain a “C” average.

If you meet the requirements for this scholarship, please complete the scholarship application and return to the Office of Student Financial Services by April 18, 2025.

Questions may be directed to the Office of Student Financial Services by email at or by phone at 812-488-2364.

Submitted by Carly Cox


* Exemplary Teacher Award

Dr. Alison Jones, assistant professor in the School of Education, received the Exemplary Teacher Award at the Spring Faculty Meeting on Thursday, February 27. The award recognizes exceptional achievements in the classroom by creating distinctive opportunities and promoting intellectual, moral, social, and emotional growth of our students. Dr. Jones exemplifies these traits through the Education courses that she teaches, including preparing UE students for the ever-changing real-world experiences they will face in their classrooms.

Congratulations, Dr. Jones!

Submitted by Paula Heldt

Harlaxton Happenings

* Call for Applications to Teach at Harlaxton Fall 2026 and Spring 2027

Call for Applications to Teach at Harlaxton
Fall 2026, and Spring 2027

Harlaxton College is pleased to be accepting applications to teach at the Manor in Fall 2026, and Spring 2027.   These applications are online and can be found by clicking

Applications for Fall 2026 and Spring 2027 are due on April 1, 2025

Semester applicants will be informed of the status of their application in July 2025.

Semester Applicants:
Semester benefits include room and board for family members at Harlaxton.   Faculty members who wish to bring children and enroll them in the local schools will be assisted in the visa process but will be required to pay any fees for the visa.  These fees are currently approx. $1000 per person and visas are required for every person in the family.   Faculty and families will also be invoiced for health and transportation fees at the Manor for each member of the family and the faculty member.  These fees are approximately $400 per person.

Teaching at Harlaxton is a wonderful experience, and we welcome faculty members for a phenomenal summer or semester abroad.  If you have questions about teaching at Harlaxton and the experience overall, please feel free to email me at

Submitted by Holly Carter


* Taubert adds fourth home run in midweek setback at SEMO

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – The University of Evansville baseball team wasn’t able to follow up its first series win with a third after a 17-6 loss to the Southeast Missouri Redhawks.

The Purple Aces took an early lead at Capaha Stadium on Tuesday afternoon with the program's first inside-the-park home run since 2023. But UE couldn’t hang onto the lead as SEMO scored multiple runs in all but one inning. The top of Evansvillle’s order had the most success at the plate as outfielders Ty Rumsey (Evansville, Ind. / North HS) and Harrison Taubert (Casper, Wyo. / Northeast CC) had two hits each.

“We were not competitive in any aspect of the game tonight,” said Head Coach Wes Carroll. “It’s unfortunate because I believed we came off last weekend with some momentum.”

It took only two batters for the Aces to score the first run of the game on Tuesday. In his first of four at-bats, Taubert hit a ball to left field that became an inside-the-park home run, giving UE a 1-0 lead. Evansville got one other runner on base in the first as catcher Evan Waggoner (Bedford, Ind. / Bedford North Lawrence HS) was hit by a pitch. Waggoner was left at first as the Aces next batter struck out for the third out.

The Redhawks answered UE’s run quickly in the bottom of the first. SEMO scored five runs in four at-bats after a line out and a walk began the frame. With one runner on, the Redhawks had four straight hits including a double and a home run to make it a 5-1 game. Evansville was able to get two outs in one at-bat shortly after with a lineout to third baseman Drew Howard (Ferdinand, Ind. / Forest Park HS) that also became an out at first.

The Aces went down in order in the second while SEMO added two more runs. Starting pitcher RJ James (Toronto, Ontario) pitched 1.2 innings before LHP Jack Wills (Shelbyville, Ky. / Shelby County HS) took the mound for the final out of the second inning. UE got back on the scoreboard in the top of the third as a lead-off walk for Howard soon became a run with a single for Rumsey, a fielder’s choice, and a ground out.

Evansville’s defense had its shortest inning in the bottom of the third with an untraditional three-up and three-down inning. A strikeout and a flyout began the bottom of the third but the Redhawks next batter was hit by a pitch. He didn’t stay on the base paths long as he was caught stealing at second on a long throw from Waggoner to shortstop Drew McConnell (Blue Springs, Mo. / Blue Springs HS).

Along with a quick bottom of the third, the Aces added another run in the top of the fourth. A double down the right field line for second baseman Mason McCue (Bourbonnais, Ill. / Bishop McNamara HS) scored designated hitter Charlie Longmeier (Seymour, Ind. / Seymour HS) after he led off the inning with a single. SEMO again answered UE’s run with four of its own. A sacrifice fly with the bases loaded scored the Redhawks' first run of the fourth. While a three-run homer in the next at-bat made it an 11-4 game.

Evansville began the fifth with two runners on base early as both McConnell and Waggoner got plunked in back-to-back at-bats. A passed ball during the next at-bat moved both runners into scoring position. First baseman Ben Stuart (Mason, Ohio / William Mason HS) came up big for the Aces hitting a double to right center that scored both McConnell and Waggoner. Two strikeouts after the double ended the top of the fifth as UE trailed by five runs.

SEMO began the bottom of the inning with a lead-off walk and had a hit two batters later. Both of the Redhawks runners scored two at-bats later as their right fielder doubled down the left field line. Evansville ended the inning on the next play getting a rundown out at second base.

Facing a 13-5 score, the Aces added a run in the top of the sixth inning. Despite a lead-off strikeout, UE put together two straight singles from Rumsey and Taubert. Taubert’s single went into right center putting Rumsey at third base. The center fielder scored on the next at-bat as McConnell hit a sacrifice fly to center field making it a 13-6 game.

Evansville’s defense began the bottom of the sixth with a flyout. But SEMO launched their third home run of the game in the next at-bat. The Redhawks offensive dagger ended up being a triple to right center after a double that scored three runs for a 17-6 game. With an 11-run deficit in front of them, the Aces needed to score a run in the top of the seventh to keep the game going. UE wasn’t able to get a ball into play in the seventh, falling to SEMO 17-6.

Evansville is back in action tomorrow afternoon at SIUE. The Aces will look to bounce back from Tuesday’s loss with Wednesday’s game against the Cougars. First pitch from Roy E. Lee Field at Simmons Baseball Complex is set for 4 p.m.

Submitted by Athletics
* Runner named MVC Freshman of the Year

ST LOUIS – Guard Camryn Runner (Cicero, Ind. / Hamilton Heights HS) has been named the Missouri Valley Conference Freshman of the Year in a vote of league coaches, sports information directors, and media members.

Runner made an immediate impact in her first season as a Purple Ace, putting up offensive numbers not seen in over a decade. Runner was rewarded for her season helping lead UE with the MVC Freshman of the Year award. She is the first Evansville player to win the award since guard/forward Abby Feit in 2020.

Along with being named the Freshman of the Year, Runner is the captain of the MVC All-Freshman Team. The guard made her impact known right away in the 2024-25 season by putting up 18 points in her collegiate debut at IU Indy. Over the non-conference season, Runner’s offensive prowess continued to grow including having the Aces' first 30-point performance since the 2018-19 season.

Once Runner hit MVC play she was an established offensive presence, averaging 17.8 points and 3.1 assists per game. Through 31 games in the regular season, she averaged 15.3 points, 4.7 rebounds, 2.9 assists, and 1.2 steals. Runner ended the season as the highest scoring freshman in the Valley along with the most assists by a first-year player.

Runner also made her mark nationally, particularly at the free throw line. She was sixth among Division I players in both free throw attempts and made free throws. On the season, Runner has taken 243 attempts and made 199 to lead the MVC. She is also the nation’s leading freshman in both categories as Vanderbilt’s Mikayla Blakes is slightly behind in made free throws. Runner is also one of only 10 freshmen ranked nationally in points on the season.

UE has not had a first-year player make an offensive impact like Runner since Sara Dickey in the 2013-2014 season. Dickey went on to become the program’s leading scorer after four years with Evansville after having 546 points in her first season. Runner hasn’t quite made it to 500 career points but has the potential to hit that mark in the 2025 Credit Union 1 MVC Women’s Basketball Tournament with 27 more points. She has had double-digit performances in all but two games during the regular season.

Runner had two categories where she outperformed Dickey as a freshman, assists and weekly conference honors. With 89 assists in 31 games Runner had the most assists by an Aces freshman since Dakota Weatherford in 2013-14. Runner and Weatherford have a connection as the two guards are both alums of the same high school Hamilton Heights HS just northeast of Indianapolis.

With six MVC Freshman of the Week titles, Runner is UE's most decorated newcomer in the Missouri Valley Conference in a single season beating out Dickey by one recognition. She is also tied with Belmont’s Jailyn Banks for most MVC Freshman of the Week awards at six. The Valley has only given out Freshman of the Week awards for two seasons having shifted away from freshman being part of the Newcomer of the Week award.

Runner and the Aces are back in action on Thursday evening for the opening round of the MVC Women’s Basketball Tournament. As the 10th seed, UE takes on the seventh-seeded UIC Flames in the Ford Center. Tip-off on Thursday, March 13 is set for 6 p.m. in downtown Evansville.

Submitted by Athletics
* Aces baseball continues on the road to a pair of midweek matchups

The Purple Aces picked up their first series win of the season over the weekend. UE evened the program series with the Central Arkansas Bears 3-3 after taking the Saturday and Sunday games. The two wins were also Evansville's first back-to-back victories of 2025. The Aces will look to continue their win streak with two-midweek stops, first at Southeast Missouri for the program's third meeting in two years on Tuesday and at SIUE on Wednesday.

Last season UE played a home-and-home with the Redhawks and took both games by a single run. In the game hosted by Evansville the Aces won in extra innings finding the winning run when outfielder Harrison Taubert laced a one-out RBI single down the left-field line in the bottom of the 10th. The second game of the year at Capaha Field saw UE rally in the ninth inning to take the one-run victory with two home runs. Evansville initially led the game on the road but had to battle back after a four-run inning by SEMO in the eighth. The Redhawks currently lead the series with the Aces, but UE is catching up taking the last three of four games. 

Evansville's second midweek will take place at Roy E. Lee Field with the SIUE Cougars. The Aces have a strong advantage in the series with the Cougars having 18 victories since the series began in 1976. But last season UE struggled with SIUE's explosive offense dropping the team's lone midweek match up 14-6 at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium. Evansville will look to get another series victory in Edwardsville as the Cougars come into Wednesday's game with a 4-10 record. SIUE's four wins on the season are against Eastern Kentucky, Kent State, and two at Omaha this past weekend. 

UE's offense began to heat up over the past week, putting together three straight games with 10+ hits. Evansville was close to having four such games but did come a hit shy at Missouri on Sunday, March 2. Over the weekend the Aces had a total of 42 hits compared to 26 hits in the three games prior. Evansville's offense resurgence over the weekend was led by right fielder Harrison Taubert and first baseman Kevin McCormick. Taubert led the team in Conway with a .500 batting average as he went 7-for-14 with three extra-base hits and five RBIs. McCormick was shortly behind Taubert despite a slightly better batting average of .600 as he went 6-for-10 with one extra-base hit. 

The Aces currently lead the Missouri Valley Conference in two categories, including a more uncommon one in hit-by-pitches. As a team UE has taken 28 bases thanks to being plunked by pitchers. Currently, center fielder Ty Rumsey leads the team with 7 HBP but is still a ways off from Mark Shallenberger's program-high 28 HBP last season. The other category, UE leads the Valley in comes on the mound as they are the only team with multiple shutouts on the year. Evansville picked up its second shutout of the year on Sunday afternoon, keeping UCA scoreless in a dominant 8-0 victory. Starting pitcher Kevin Reed earned his 3rd win of the year going 7 innings allowing only 3 hits, striking out six batters, and not allowing a single walk.

Submitted by Athletics
* Reed earns first MVC Pitcher of the Week nod

ST LOUIS – After another stellar performance on the mound at Central Arkansas, left-handed pitcher Kevin Reed (Martinsville, Ind. / Martinsville HS) has been named the Missouri Valley Conference Pitcher of the Week.

The sophomore southpaw became the first MVC player to pitch two shutouts on the season when Reed didn’t allow a single run in seven innings on Sunday afternoon. Reed picked up his third victory of 2025 in Conway as he only allowed three hits while pitching. He also didn’t allow a walk for his second start in a row against the Bears.

At Bear Stadium, Reed helped face the minimum batters in three of his seven innings by taking Central Arkansas down in order. Reed also had two innings with multiple strikeouts in the bottom of the second and the bottom of the fourth. In total Reed struck out six Bears batters bringing his season total up to 24 Ks on the year.

Reed is currently top of the Valley in three categories and shares all three with other pitchers. He is one of only three MVC pitchers to have a complete game on the season while being one of 20 pitchers with four total starts. Reed is also one of only two pitchers in the Valley with an 8.00 strikeout-to-walk ratio along with Valparaiso’s Connor Lockwood.

The sophomore is also top three in the MVC in four other categories including ERA (2.28), strikeouts (24), victories (3), and walks allowed per nine innings (1.14).  Nationally Reed ranks in the Top 50 in complete games, games started, victories, and walks allowed per nine innings. He is in the Top 20 in three of those areas in complete games, games started, and victories.

The Aces are back in action today at Southeast Missouri. While Reed won’t be on the mound for UE, freshman RHP RJ James (Toronto, Ontario) gets the start for Evansville. First pitch from Capaha Field is set for 4 p.m. this afternoon.

Submitted by Athletics
* Softball travels to Lindenwood for Wednesday doubleheader

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – In its final non-conference contest before opening the Missouri Valley Conference slate this weekend, the University of Evansville softball team travels to Lindenwood for a 1 p.m. doubleheader on Wednesday.

Over the weekend, the Purple Aces played in a tournament hosted by Bellarmine where they picked up wins over Stonehill and the Knights.  Niki Bode batted a team-high .438 last week as she picked up seven hits in 16 at-bats.  Bode recorded four runs, four RBI, and three walks.  After drawing a walk in Friday’s game versus Stonehill, she went 2-3 with two RBI, a run and walk in Saturday’s rematch against the Skyhawks.  On Sunday, Bode put forth a huge effort against Ball State going 3-4 with two runs, two doubles, and an RBI.  In the win over Bellarmine, Bode notched two hits in four at-bats while adding an RBI, run, and walk.

Freshman Eliza Piggott recorded five hits in 10 at-bats while scoring three runs and adding a home run.  Despite going 0-for-2 on Saturday against Stonehill, she recorded an RBI on a sacrifice fly.  Sunday’s opener versus Ball State saw her go 2-3 while scoring her first run of the weekend.  In the win over Bellarmine, she went 3-5 with a home run and two RBI to lead the Aces to a 7-4 win.

Another solid week saw Morgan Adams bat .308 with four hits, four walks, and two RBI.  After earning a walk in the weekend opener versus Stonehill, Adams went 3-for-4 in the rematch against the Skyhawks.  She had a double and run in the victory.  Saturday’s game versus Ball State saw her pick up her second walk of the weekend before going 1-3 with two RBI and another walk in game two against BSU on Sunday.  She added walk #4 of the weekend in the win over Bellarmine and completed the weekend with a .500 on-base percentage.

The Lions enter Wednesday’s games with a 10-9 record.  They opened their Ohio Valley Conference schedule last weekend, dropping two of their three games to Eastern Illinois.  Jolie McMinn is batting a team-high .318.

Submitted by Athletics

Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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