AceNotes Today
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
DPT White Coat Ceremony Set for this Afternoon
The Department of Physical Therapy is proud to announce its inaugural White Coat Ceremony which will take place this afternoon. The first, second and third year DPT students will participate in the ceremony that symbolizes a student’s transition from baccalaureate studies into a professional degree program. There will be approximately 300 family members and friends in attendance to witness the event. Dr. Lynn Penland will address the audience.
Come Meet Your Library Team!
As the final installment in our summertime “Who Am I?” face recognition display series in the libraries, we’re providing a last contest opportunity for all UE students to correctly guess whose upside down portrait belongs to whom. The portrait subject: librarians and library support staff! Only one entry per student - contest open to current UE students only. The winner will be contacted via UE email. Entry forms and entry box located at the Reference Desk, and the drawing for a Jazzman’s gift certificate will be held on Monday, September 3. Come meet your library team for the 2012-2013 academic year!
Sign Up Now for United Way's Day of Caring
Each year UE supports United Way by allowing employees to volunteer during business hours on the United Way Day of Caring. This year it is Friday, September 7 from 9 a m – 1 p.m. (lunch will be provided at our site). UE employees who are interested in participating are asked to complete the volunteer form. Employees DO need supervisor approval, but are not required to take leave time to participate. UE will volunteer again this year with Evansville ARC and ARC Industries on several projects. The projects are listed on the volunteer form. Please indicate your preference of projects and we will try to accommodate your choice. UE has been a proud leader in Day of Caring participation in past years. This year President Kazee and Dr. Sharron Kazee will be joining our team and encourages your participation. We would like to have many more volunteers join us this year!
All Day of Caring workers are invited to an early morning breakfast and program at the Centre in downtown Evansville before you start work from 7 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.. Evansville ARC and United Way greatly appreciate your time, hard work, and willingness to serve our community. Thank you!
Please fill out the volunteer form and return it to Brian Conner in Ridgway University Center 229 by August 24 (if you want to be able to choose your T-shirt size) and no later than August 31 (your choice of T-shirt size cannot be guaranteed). Questions? Contact Brian Conner at 1107 or bc32@evansville.edu.
Choir Auditions
Auditions for the University Choir will be held Tuesday August 21 and Wednesday August 22. Come to Fine Arts Room 104B to sign up for a time. The audition takes about ten minutes and students do not need to prepare any music in advance. Students interested in Men's Chorus may also sign up for an audition for part placement though audition for Men's Chorus is not required. Contact Director of Choral Activities Dennis Malfatti for more information:at dm155@evansville.edu
Wind Ensemble Auditions
Auditions for the University Wind Ensemble will be held Wednesday and Thursday, August 22 and 23. Percussion auditions will be held Wednesday evening from 8:00 until 10:00 p.m.; woodwinds and brass audition will take place on Thursday from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m. Sign up for a time on the Bands bulletin board across the hall from FA 103. Audition excerpts can be found at http://music.evansville.edu/ensembles/. For more information, contact Director of Bands Dr. Kenneth Steinsultz at ks306@evansville.edu or 488-2665. The University Wind Ensemble is open to music majors and non-majors.
UE Jazz Ensemble Auditions
Auditions for the UE Jazz Ensembles will be held Wednesday, August 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The audition sign-up sheet is posted on Room 144 in the Fine Arts Building. The audition will consist of excerpts (http://music.evansville.edu/ensembles/), major scales, and sight reading. The UE Jazz Ensembles host guest artists, perform at jazz festivals, host a Swing Dance, and travel/tour. Contact Dr. Timothy Zifer for more information: at tz3@evansville.edu or 488-2878. The UE Jazz Ensembles are open to music majors and non-majors.
Join the Aces Brass Pep Band - New Exciting Directions this Year!
You are invited to join the Aces Brass Pep Band, which rehearses once a week on Mondays from 4-5 p.m. Don't let the name fool you - while we always need brass, we also need woodwinds, percussion (including drum set), bass guitar, and keyboard. We can supply most of the instruments if you don't have your own (no $ involved, you just need a UE library barcode). We perform at most men's & women's home basketball games, but the time commitment for each student is very manageable since within the group we alternate games. We have lots of exciting new music this semester, will be starting some new trends and traditions, and making this semester more exciting than ever before. The UE Purple Aces men's & women's basketball teams have some very exciting games to attend in the amazing new Ford Center arena in downtown Evansville, and this is your opportunity to be a part of it! Register for MUS 110, section 02 during add/drop, or contact Dr. Tim Groulx (tg90@evansville.edu) if you have any questions. First meeting is Monday, August 27. Come be a part of the excitement!
LinC and Crescent Magazine Interest Meeting
Learn how you can become a member of either the yearbook or magazine staff at an interest meeting at 4:30 p.m.on Thursday, Aug. 23, right outside the Student Publications office, second floor Ridgway University Center. Yearbook positions available: photographers and writers. Magazine position available: writer. Experience not required. You will receive academic credit.
Evansville Otters Back to School Special!
The Evansville Otters invite UE students to enjoy a baseball game with specially discounted rates perfect for students on a budget! Admission is FREE for all University of Evansville students for the following two games. Friday, August 24 at 6:35 p.m. and Saturday, August 25 at 1:35 p.m. Come visit Historic Bosse Field without breaking the bank! Pick up your ticket in the Center for Student Engagement, located on the second floor of Ridgway University Center. Student ID required.
Symphony Orchestra and String Ensemble Auditions
Auditions for the University Symphony Orchestra and the String Ensemble will be held Thursday, August 23, Friday, August 24, and Saturday, August 25. Audition sign-up sheets are posted across from Room 101 in the Fine Arts Building. Interested students are asked to prepare an audition lasting no longer than five minutes, consisting of a scale and the student’s favorite musical piece. The University Symphony Orchestra is scheduled to perform two concerts this fall and the String Ensemble will perform one formal concert, but will add a few lighter, smaller concert appearances. This is a great, fun opportunity to get together and make music with your friends and fellow students! Contact Director of Orchestral Activities Dr. Brian St. John for more information: at bs191@evansville.edu or 488-2881. The University Symphony Orchestra and String Ensemble are open to music majors and non-majors.
Department of Theatre Auditions
ALL STUDENTS who want to be considered for ANY of the productions in the fall semester must audition on Wednesday, August 22 at 6:00 p.m. in Shanklin Theatre. Auditionees are required to prepare 16-20 bars from a Broadway musical and two contemporary/contrasting monlogues. An accompanist will be provided. The combiined time should not exceed 2 ½ minutes. Time will begin with the first word of the first piece. Callbacks will be held Thursday and Friday evenings. The first production is EURYDICE followed by the musical DROOD. The May Studio Theatre production is THE SEAGULL. Please contact R. Scott Lank, Department of Theatre, at sl29@evansville.edu if you have questions.
This Week in Music - Summer Activities and Ensemble Auditions
As the new academic year begins, the Department of Music would like to welcome everyone back to campus and to tell you of some of the activities of department faculty over the summer. For instance, Consortium Instructor of Oboe Elizabeth Robertson and Professor of Piano Anne Fiedler performed at the International Double Reed Society Conference in Oxford, Ohio, in July. The conference is a five-day event that includes concerts, recitals, master classes, and workshops presented by leading double reed artists and pedagogues from around the globe. Dr. Robertson and Professor Fiedler performed American composer William Bolcom’s Spring Concertino.
Department of Music harp instructor, Dr. Erzsébet Gaál Rinne, along with several of her students, recently presented a concert in the Old Gallery of the Evansville Museum in downtown Evansville. The concert, titled “Musical Heritage of Evansville,” occurred Sunday, August 19, and was presented as part of the Bicentennial Anniversary of Evansville with the intent of demonstrating and celebrating the rich musical heritage that has been brought to Evansville by various ethnic groups from around the world.
Auditions are being held this week for several Department ensembles. Check out AceNotes Upcoming Events or the ensemble bulletin boards in the north hall of Krannert Hall for more details. Sign-up sheets are also available on the respective bulletin boards. The ensembles are open to both music majors and non-majors.
Libraries Announces Fall Semester 2012 Schedule of Hours
UE Libraries will observe the following schedule of hours for fall semester 2012. Fall semester hours begin on Wednesday, August 22. Exceptions to regular hours schedule will be announced in advance. Contact William Louden, University Librarian, with questions at 488.2376 or wflouden@evansville.edu.
• Monday: 7:45 a.m. - Midnight
• Tuesday: 7:45 a.m. - Midnight
• Wednesday: 7:45 a.m. - Midnight
• Thursday: 7:45 a.m. - Midnight
• Friday: 7:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
• Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
• Sunday: Noon - Midnight
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.