AceNotes Today
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Swipe Right on Consent and Bystander Intervention Training
Join the Offices of Counseling Services and Institutional Equity and the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to "Swipe Right to Get Consent". Check out the table during lunch (11am-1pm) all week in Ridgway to take the pledge. In addition, join us for Its on Us Bystander Intervention training from Katie Vinci, tonight (4/18) at 5:30 in SOBA 162. |
Submitted by Annie Sills cs175@evansville.edu |
ECTE Lunch Bunch this Thursday
Faculty and staff, join us for chips and salsa at Lunch Bunch this Thursday, April 20th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Philips Alcove (Ridgway 2nd floor). No need to RSVP. Stay as little or as long as your schedule allows. There is no agenda or presentation for these gatherings. Lunch Bunch is a way to offer faculty and staff a common place to get together. We hope to see you this Thursday for our last Lunch Bunch of the semester! ECTE Team: Kyle, Stephanie & Diana |
Submitted by Diana Rodríguez Quevedo dr130@evansville.edu |
UE Student Research and Honors Symposium - April 19
The campus community is invited to attend the 2023 UE Student Research and Honors Symposium on Wednesday, April 19. The event will be held from 9:00am-5:00pm in Eykamp 251/252 and will showcase the scholarly activities of students of diverse disciplines across UE’s campus, including the graduating seniors of the Honors Program. Panels will be held each hour throughout the day, and you are invited to attend your choice of panels as your schedule permits. View a detailed schedule of presentations.
We hope you will join us to support the fantastic work of our UE students. |
Submitted by Jayme Williams jw504@evansville.edu |
UE Wind Ensemble and Orchestra to Perform at Victory
The University Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra will perform tonight, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Victory Theatre. The Orchestra will be joined by guest artist Ching-Yun Hu who will perform Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4.
This concert is free and open to the public. |
Submitted by Amy Esche ae128@evansville.edu |
The Hands That Create - Senior Art Exhibition April 17-May 5
Please join the Seniors in the Department of Art as we celebrate their group exhibition, The Hands That Create. There are two opportunities to visit the exhibition and speak to the artists. The first date is April 20th from 5-7 pm and the second is May 5th, 4:30-6pm. The exhibition is located in the Melvin Peterson Gallery.
The seniors are Lilly Boring, Jasmine Brents, Zoe Dennis, Rachel Fisher, Hannah Holbrook, Baylee Minton, and Niamh Steffens. Ian Leonhardt also contributed to the exhibition with the original music.
The Melvin Peterson Gallery is open during the week with posted hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, 12-3pm
Wednesday and Thursday, 12-6pm
Hope to see you at either reception.
Department of Art |
Submitted by Carol McCraney cm177@evansville.edu |
FREE Lollys Pops
The University of Evansville really needs your help to get to the 60 percent goal for the campus survey completion! The response rate is currently at 9 percent, but if by next Friday, April 21, UE reaches the goal, Lollys Pops will come to campus as a special thank you!
The survey is completely anonymous and takes less than 10 minutes!
If UE reaches this goal, there will also be a a $500 donation made to United Sound. This organization was created through a ChangeLab, and its purpose is to give students with disabilities an opportunity to learn how to read and play music and perform in a concert.
Please share your feedback with UE at your earliest convenience!
Submitted by Holly Smith / hh98@evansville.edu |
Journey to Justice - June 10-17, 2023
From June 10-17, 2023, the University of Evansville will lead an eight-day Journey to Justice bus tour. Travelers will venture through cities of the South to explore the history of the Civil Rights Movement. Students on this journey will learn important, valuable lessons at each stop for an impactful experience of personal reflection and application within their own community.
Journey to Justice is open to current students, high school students age 15 and older, middle school and high school teachers, and adult community members!
Earn College Credit
Through this opportunity, students can earn three college credits. While the Journey to Justice bus tour will be an exciting trip, it will also be an interactive experience as part of Social Justice Movements, an ethics course. Students who register can apply this towards the Ethics & Social Change major or a general education requirement. Some assignments will be completed during the trip, while others will be given before and after returning.
Site Visits
Journey to Justice will include site visits at:
- Evansville, Indiana
- Montgomery, Alabama
- Birmingham, Alabama
- Selma, Alabama
- Memphis, Tennessee
- Louisville, Kentucky
Popular attractions will include the National Voting Rights Museum, Beale Street, Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Edmund Pettus Bridge, Rosa Parks Museum, and more.
Registration details and tuition costs are available at the Journey to Justice webpage. A limited number of scholarships are available for high school students.
For an in-depth recap by participants of the 2022 Journey to Justice, watch this video.
The deadline to register is April 30, so don't wait to sign up! |
Submitted by Julie Beer / jb855@evansville.edu |
2023 Spring Crick Lecture by Shannon Proksch, PhD
This year's Spring Crick Lecture will take place on Thursday April 20 at 4:00 PM in a Zoom format. The lecture will be presented by Shannon Proksch, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Augustana University. The title of the lecture is “Acoustic social interactions: emergent crowd dynamics at a basketball game”.
When multiple individuals interact in a conversation or as part of a large crowd, emergent structure and dynamics arise that are behavioral properties of the interacting group rather than of any individual member of that group. In other words, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Such is the case for fans gathered together to watch a basketball game – at times coordinating their acoustical behavior into well-practiced chants, loosely coordinated cheers, or cacophonous distracting noise. Individual fans in the crowd “softly assemble” into certain functional patterns of acoustic behavior for periods of time, alternately enacting a collective, coordinated “we” or acting as a collection of individuals. These chants, cheers, and noise are examples of different levels of coordination among members of the crowd. In this talk, Dr. Proksch will discuss how tools from dynamical systems theory can be used to detect these coordination modes by analyzing the acoustic behavior generated by an interacting crowd.
Zoom Meeting Info
Meeting ID: 865 294 1995
Passcode: purple
For further information, contact Vincent Campese at VC44@evansville.edu. |
Submitted by Cheryl Emmons ce36@evansville.edu |
Join a ChangeLab this fall
Are you looking at the world around you and asking, “What if”?
Are you interested in helping the community to innovate for a more just, prosperous, and sustainable world?
Do you need to add a course and not sure what to take?
ChangeLab is for YOU!
All ChangeLab Students receive presentation coaching workshops, team building guided by expert coaches and project management resume building skills!
Here are just a few of the ChangeLabs YOU can choose from for Fall 2023!
YUMMY (CHNG 310-05) - Explore ways to offer EVSC students with free, hot, healthy lunches.
Health Equity in Evansville (CHNG 310-01) - Examine marginalized healthcare case studies, hear from professionals in the field, and learn exhibition strategies. The end goal or product would be for students to use the information to create an exhibition about health equity in Evansville.
Equitable and Nourishing Food System for All (CHNG 310-07)- Students will collaborate with Urban Seeds, a not-for-profit organization advocating for a quality, equitable, and robust food system.
UE Audio/Visual: Creative Tech in a Changing World (CHNG 310-Y04) - Projects will encompass any Audio/Visual necessities of the campus and community.
A complete list can be found on Self-Service. Look for CHNG 300 and CHNG 310 courses! Honors sections are also available. |
Submitted by Andrew Carter ac116@evansville.edu |
Stipends available for summer 2023 internships
The Center for Career Development has a limited number of stipends available to students completing an unpaid or minimally paid internship each semester. There are still stipends available for Summer 2023.
The Center for Career Development stipends:
- Are for a maximum of $500 based on the number of hours being worked.
- Are offered to students within the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Health Sciences
- Are offered to undergraduate students only.
- Each student is eligible to receive a total stipend amount of $500 in their undergraduate college career.
- If interested, please contact the Center for Career Development at career@evansville.edu or 812-488-1083 for an application.
Submitted by Amanda Wood aw505@evansville.edu |
On campus recruiting- Select Medical
Select Medical will on campus Tuesday, April 18th from 11am until 1pm recruiting primarily for registered nurses, but open to talk to any health science majors. Be sure to stop by their table in Ridgway! |
Submitted by Amanda Wood aw505@evansville.edu |
Summer Work Study Position Available
Going to be in Evansville and/or on campus this summer? The Center for Career Development has an office assistant position available for a total of 150 hours (to be worked anytime between May 8th and August 19th). You do NOT have to qualify for federal work study to accept this summer position. See posting in WebAdvisor for more details. Applications can be submitted to Amanda Wood (aw505). |
Submitted by Amanda Wood aw505@evansville.edu |
Summer Hours and July 4 Holiday
Summer Hours
UE will reduce business hours during the summer from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. This schedule will be in place beginning Monday, May 8 through Friday, August 4. Regular hours will return Monday, August 7. Enjoy the sun a little longer.
Friday Jeans Day
You can wear jeans on Fridays in the summer – as long as you wear purple on Fridays. Please dress appropriately and adjust the dress code as necessary on Fridays for visitors or other events. And as always, purple shoes are welcome – and send me pictures for Friday Wrap.
July 4 Holiday
The long weekend will get a little longer. The President’s Council added one additional day to create a long holiday weekend. In addition to the University observing the July 4 holiday on Tuesday, the University will also be closed on Monday, July 3. Enjoy the sun even more. |
Submitted by Noah Alatza na122@evansville.edu |
Andiron Lecture Series 2023-2024 (Call for Papers)
UE faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to submit an abstract for papers on any aspect of their research or expertise for the 2023-2024 Andiron Lectures Series. All disciplines and fields of study are welcome to submit proposals.
Please send the following by email:
A 50-word abstract with
Name, Academic Affiliation/ Occupation, Paper title, and Contact Information
to: Ray Lutgring at RL5@evansville.edu with a Cc to Cheryl Emmons at CE36@evansville.edu . These will be forwarded to the Andiron Lecture Committee for consideration.
Nominations for off-campus speakers can be sent by email to Ray Lutgring at RL5@evansville.edu with a Cc to Cheryl Emmons at CE36@evansville.edu ; she will forward them to the Andiron Lecture committee for consideration. |
Submitted by Cheryl Emmons ce36@evansville.edu |
Computer Science Courses offered during Summer Sessions
Dr. Maxwell Omwnega will be offering CS-101and CS-210 during Summer Session I (May 15 thru June 17) and Summer Session II (June 19 thru July 21) Register today to save your spot in these courses! |
Submitted by Tonya Albright ta58@evansville.edu |
Sociology Programs Announce Annual Award Winners
The Sociology Programs announced the winners of their annual awards:
Hanns G. Pieper Sociology and Criminal Justice Senior Research Award: Kaitlyn Collins (CJ '23)
James Berry Sociology and Criminal Justice Outstanding Junior Award: Majestica Weatherford (SOC/PSYC '24)
Mary Rode Petkovsek and Ludwig A. Petkovsek Sociology and Criminal Justice Outstanding Service Award: Haley Worland (CJ/SOC/PSYC '24)
Inaugural Lowell A. Dunigan Award for Outstanding Research in Gerontology: Brandi Borchers (Theatre Design and Technology '23)
Congratulations to these exceptional students! |
Submitted by Mari Plikuhn mp168@evansville.edu |
Students Present Posters at Research in Gerontology Symposium
On Tuesday, April 11, students presented posters at the Research in Gerontology Symposium, hosted by the UE Gerontology Center. The symposium featured posters from a variety of majors on the following topics:
"Dead or Alive: How Aquamation is Changing the Responsibilities of the Dead," Claire Abner ‘24 (Environmental Administration)
"The Relationship between Spirituality and Death," Nuha Adeel ‘24 (Educational Studies)
"Restorative Art: A Coping Mechanism for Grieving Families," Paige Beard ‘23 (Sociology)
"Death with Dignity: How Can It Help?" Brandi Borchers ’23 (Theatre Design and Technology)
"Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide," Emily Burleson ‘23 (Health Services Administration)
"Life after Death: Studying Egyptian Funerary Rituals," Sophia Caci ’25 (Archaeology)
"What Does Suicide and the Societal Reaction Look Like across the World?" Emily Clark ‘23 (Psychology)
"Maternal Mortality: A Racialized Issue Fueled by Access to Safe Abortion," Kaitlyn Collins ’23 (Criminal Justice)
"Psilocybin Therapy for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients," Andrew Garvin ’23 (Cognitive Science and Psychology)
"Death and Funerals in America," Micah Jesus ’25 (Sociology and Psychology) and Autumn Kolley ‘24 (Creative Writing)
"Grief and Mourning in the Wake of Parasocial and Collective Identity Loss," Seph Kier ‘23 (Psychology)
"Coping with Child Loss," Josie Kremzar ‘25 (Sociology)
"Genocide and the Expression of Grief," Connor Pfau ’24 (Sociology)
"The Potential Benefits and Future of Hospice Counseling," Chloe Prince ‘23 (Psychology)
"Differences in Grief between Sudden Loss and Expected Loss," Sadie Scovern ‘24 (Cognitive Science)
"Overdose in the US," McKenzie White ‘24 (Sociology and Criminal Justice) |
Submitted by Mari Plikuhn mp168@evansville.edu |
UE Nursing Celebrated 70th Anniversary
The Dunigan Family School of Nursing celebrated our 70th anniversary this past reunion weekend. We were joined by alumni to celebrate the occasion, including guest speaker, Dr. Christine Kasper. Memorabilia from UE Nursing was displayed, including UE Nursing uniforms throughout the years, scrapbooks created by students, historical medical instruments, and the UE Nursing Rolodex. A great time was had by all. Visit UE Nursing's Facebook and Instagram pages to see photos of the celebration. While you are there, give us a follow!
A huge thank you to all that made this event a great success. |
Submitted by Paige Baumann db316@evansville.edu |
Professor McCracken publishes research article concerning false confessions
Professor Evan McCracken, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, co-authored a paper titled, "An attribution theory–based content analysis of mock jurors’ deliberations regarding coerced confessions" in the journal, Law and Human Behavior, with Dr. Margaret Stevenson and Dr. Taylor Petty (UE alum 2015).
This research highlights internal attributions as a potential underlying psychological determinant of wrongful convictions in cases involving coerced confessions. Researchers and legal practitioners can leverage these findings to improve jurors’ evaluation of confession evidence to facilitate justice, particularly for defendants whose actual innocence renders them vulnerable to false confession and wrongful conviction. |
Submitted by Evan Wayne McCracken em157@evansville.edu |
April Employee of the Month
SAA would like to congratulate Melissa Edris Administrative Associate/Dean Education and Health Sciences and Annie Sills Assistant Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator on being nominated and selected for April Employee of the Month. Thank you for all you do for our students, faculty, and staff!
Melissa Edris
Annie Sills |
Submitted by Stephanie Stoll ss810@evansville.edu |
Women's golf jumps three spots in second round
Led by Kate Petrova’s 3-over 75, the University of Evansville women’s golf team rose three spots in the standings to 4th place at the Missouri Valley Conference Championship.
Petrova jumped all the way to second place in the standings at Annbriar Golf Course. Combined with her 80 in round one, Petrova has a 155. She is four strokes behind Murray State’s Payton Carter entering Tuesday’s final 18 holes.
Second for UE and tied for 12th overall is Allison Enchelmayer. She lowered her score by three strokes from round one as she carded a 6-over 78 on Monday. She goes into the final round with a 159. Enchelmayer is one shot outside of the top ten.
Mallory Russell posted a 79 in round two and has a total of 164 in the first 36 holes. She lowered her score by six shots from Sunday and is tied for 27th. Magdalena Borisova is two behind Russell with a 166. Borisova also lowered her score by six, jumping from an 86 to an 80 in round two. Alyssa McMinn completed Monday’s round with an 88 and is tied for 41st with a 170.
Evansville is in fourth place with a score of 640. The Purple Aces are just 10 behind leader Missouri State. The Bears have a 630 with two out of three rounds complete. Second through fourth are separated by just three strokes with Belmont (637), Murray State (639) and UE (640) still in the hunt.
Tuesday will mark the final 18 holes of the tournament. |
Submitted by Athletics |
Reigning OVC Freshman of the Year is heading to Evansville
One of the top freshmen from the 2022-23 college basketball season has officially joined the University of Evansville men’s basketball team as head coach David Ragland has announced the addition of Cameron “Cam” Haffner.
The 2023 Ohio Valley Conference Freshman of the Year joins the Purple Aces following his freshman campaign at Eastern Illinois. He is the son of Evansville basketball legend Scott Haffner.
“Ace's fans and family will be excited to welcome in the son of a legend. Cam is competitive, a gym rat and can shoot with the best of them,” Ragland said. “Our staff is excited to work with someone as committed to improvement as Cam is.”
“Cam is coming off a freshman season where he was able to be challenged at the collegiate level and gain in game experience. Cameron shares the passion, along with our staff, the hunger and eagerness to help rebuild our storied program,” Ragland continued. “It is important to continue to build our program with individuals who have won at a high level and have an affinity for the University of Evansville.”
Haffner completed his inaugural collegiate season as the top freshman scorer in the OVC with 7.5 points per game. He was even better in league outings, scoring 9.2 points. He scored a season high of 17 points on three occasions, including a game at Little Rock that saw him drain five 3-pointers.
One of the top 3-point shooters in the OVC, the 6-foot-2 guard ranked third in the league with 42.7% of his outside attempts finding the bottom of the net. He reached double figures on nine occasions as a freshman while hauling in his top total of nine rebounds against Tennessee State.
As a senior at Westfield High School, he averaged 16.5 points per game while converting a single season school record of 85 triples in his final seasons. The Indiana Large School All-State honoree in 2022 was named to the Indianapolis Star All-Super Team, which recognizes the top 15 players. In his senior campaign, Haffner was named to the All-Regional Team while earning All-Sectional Team accolades in his final two high school seasons. He was also a 3-time All-Conference selection
His father – Scott – is one of the most recognizable names in UE men’s basketball history. His #3 jersey was retired by the program in 2014, making him the first player in UE’s Division I era to receive the honor. In just three seasons with the program, he accumulated 1,686 points. Scott’s most impressive outing with the Aces came on February 18, 1989 when he scored a program record 65 points in a 109-83 win over Dayton at Roberts Stadium. |
Submitted by Athletics |
Baseball Aces Return Home Tuesday Against WKU
The University of Evansville baseball team will briefly return home on Tuesday night to conclude a home-and-home mid-week series against the Western Kentucky University Hilltoppers. First-pitch is set for 6 p.m. at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium.
Evansville will bring a 20-15 overall record into Tuesday night’s game after a heart-breaking 3-2 walk-off loss to Southern Illinois on Sunday. After winning the series-opener 10-2 on Friday night at SIU, the Salukis rallied for 6-3 and 3-2 victories to win the series.
Graduate outfielder/pitcher Eric Roberts led UE last week both offensively and on the mound. Roberts hit a team-best .389 last week with two doubles, a home run, four RBI and two stolen bases to lead the Purple Aces’ offense. He also went 3.0 shutout innings in his first career start on the mound last Tuesday at WKU. Overall, Roberts is hitting .307 with a Missouri Valley Conference-leading 14 home runs and 42 RBI. He is joined above .300 this year by fifth-year first baseman Chase Hug, who is hitting a team-best .366 going into Tuesday night’s action.
WKU will enter Tuesday’s game at 19-18 overall after winning two out of three games at UAB over the weekend. WKU infielder Tristin Garcia was named the Conference USA Player of the Week on Monday, after hitting .556 last week to help the Hilltoppers to three victories. Garcia went 1-for-4 in the game between UE and WKU last Tuesday, but exploded for nine hits in three games at UAB. He will bring a team-best .370 batting average into Tuesday night’s game.
WKU used eight different pitchers to keep UE at bay last Tuesday night in a 6-2 win in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Senior third baseman Brent Widder had two of UE’s five hits with a double and a solo home run to pace the Purple Aces’ attack. Evansville will send freshman RHP Max Hansmann (2-0, 9.15 ERA) to the mound to try and get revenge on Tuesday night. WKU will counter with LHP Cal Higgins (0-1, 10.22 ERA), who also started last Tuesday’s game for the Hilltoppers. Higgins worked a scoreless first inning last Tuesday, issuing a walk and recording a strikeout.
The game will not be televised and there will be no local radio available. The only audio stream available will be WKU’s radio stream, available from a link on GoPurpleAces.com. |
Submitted by Athletics |
Aces welcome SIUE on Tuesday evening
In its final non-conference game of the regular season, the Purple Aces welcome SIU Edwardsville on Tuesday evening for a 6 p.m. game. ESPN+ will have the coverage from Tri-State Orthopaedics Field at James and Dorothy Cooper Stadium.
Last Time Out
- On Sunday, the Purple Aces fell to Murray State in the weekend finale by a 6-2 final
- The Racers plated two runs in the second, fourth and fifth innings to take the commanding lead; Evansville scored twice in the seventh but could not get closer
Power Play
- On Friday at Murray State, Alexa Davis had one the Purple Aces’ top offensive games of 2023
- The junior was 2-for-3 with six RBI; after hitting a 2-run double, Davis came back with a grand slam in her next plate appearance
- Davis now has a season tally of 19 RBI, which is tied for the team lead.
- With two outs and two runners on base in a scoreless game on April 11 at Indiana State, she belted a 2-run double to left center that would prove to be the game-winner in a 2-0 shutout win over the Sycamores
- Davis continues to rank in the top five in the MVC in triples (T-3rd), stolen bases (3rd) and walks (T-rth)
Nice Week at the Plate
- Marah Wood recorded a hit in all four games for the Purple Aces last week while batting an even .500
- She was 6-of-12 from the plate and added a home run, three RBI, three runs, two walks and a sacrifice fly
- Tuesday’s win at Indiana State saw Wood go 1-3 with a hit and a walk
- In Friday’s victory at Murray State, she posted a 2-4 effort at the plate while scoring twice
- On Saturday, Wood had her top contest of the week, going 2-2 with a home run and three RBI before completing the weekend with a double and a walk in the series finale versus the Racers.
Big Time Shutout
- In nine frames of work in Evansville’s four games last week, Mikayla Jolly allowed just one earned run while finishing with an ERA of 0.78
- She made the start on Tuesday at Indiana State, tossing five scoreless innings and gave up five hits while striking out one
- With the performance, Holly earned her fourth pitching victory of the season
- On Saturday at Murray State, Jolly received a no-decision as she allowed one run in four innings |
Submitted by Athletics |
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.