AceNotes Today
Friday, April 27, 2012
Summer Hours Begin May 7
The University will begin a modified summer schedule starting Monday, May 7 and ending Monday, August 6.
Business hours for the campus will be adjusted during this period to 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. In all cases, the area supervisor is responsible for the scheduling decisions that will best meet the University’s and their respective department’s service requirements during business hours. We will return to regular hours on Monday, August 6.
The modified summer work schedule is incumbent on ensuring coverage to service our many constituencies. It is important to maintain our commitment and communication with students and their parents during the summer months. Your assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Transitions From Military to College Luncheon & Discussion
The campus community is invited for a complimentary luncheon and discussion set for Monday, May 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in SOBA 170 on the topic of Transitions From Military to College sponsored by the Office of Veterans Affairs. Panelists include current UE student-veteran, Sean Davis; Evansville Vet Center counselor, Trudy Buckman; UE Diversity and Equity Officer, La Toya Smith; and UE professor, Peter Rosen. Please contact Cherie Leonhardt in the Office of Veterans Affairs for more information and to reserve your lunch by Tuesday, May 1.
2012 UE Staff and Administrator Engagement and Inclusion Survey
Calling all staff and administrators… On Monday you should have received an e-mail from La Toya Smith, Diversity & Equity Officer, inviting you to take the 2012 UE Staff and Administrator Engagement and Inclusion Survey.
Created by members of the UE Institutional Diversity Council and approved by President Kazee, this survey assesses your experiences at work, level of job satisfaction, level of engagement at work, experiences with different others, and level of cultural competence. In addition, this survey will assess your perceptions of the institutional practices and the campus climate regarding diversity.
Each respondent who completes the survey before Wednesdsay, May 16 will be entered into a drawing for one of the following items:
• iPad3 ($650 value)
• $100 Wal-Mart gift card
• $75 Thorton’s gift card
• And other prizes
All prizes will be disseminated to the winners on Friday, May 18. Your participation is critical to the enhancement of the staff and administrator experience at UE. Please contact La Toya (x2413 or ls103@evansville.edu) if you have any questions.
Bookstore Book Buyback April 25 - May 2
Book Buyback at the UE Bookstore starts at noon on April 25 and runs through Wednesday, May 2. Promotions during the week include an IPAD giveaway and daily ITune drawings. You can register each time you sell books. Promotions also include merchandise discounts, Sweet Poppins and other items.
You may sell books back as many times during the week as you wish and you do NOT need your original receipt. You will need your student ID. We freely offer quotes on books whether used on this campus or not. You'll always get cash on spot. A majority of the books we buy stay on campus to benefit the campus community. In addition to regular pricing on books we have over 200 titles that offer special bonus pricing well above any others.
Please remember to bring all components, including CDs, that came with your textbooks as that may result in better pricing. Any workbooks or texts that require answers be written in them should be clean for value. Also always keep an eye on your books and report any missing textbooks to the Bookstore as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about Buyback be sure to ask or contact the Bookstore. Buyback ends promptly at 5 p.m. on May 2 so make sure you get in before that time.
Housing Cancellation Deadline
Students who have signed up to live on campus 2012-13 may cancel their UE Housing contracts until 5pm on May 1st without penalty. After May 1st, UE Housing contracts are binding for the duration of the 2012-13 academic year. To cancel your housing, come to the Office of Residence Life by 5pm on May 1st.
Music Holds Award Recital
The Department of Music held its thirty-fifth annual W.A. Gumberts Award Recital in Wheeler Concert Hall on Tuesday, April 24. The Gumberts Award Recital features the best performers among the senior class as selected by the Department faculty. This year’s winner, selected by a panel of judges from outside the Music Department, was Alyssa Kereki, flautist and Music Therapy major. Also performing in the recital were Kaitlin Gress (percussion, music management) and Fatima Chan (violin, performance and music therapy). The judges for this year’s event were Diane Schroeder, Dr. David Smith, and Kim Fillingim.
Found Cell Phone
A cell phone was found in the Multimedia Center in Graves Hall in the last week. See Jeannette Oakley in GH 243 to claim it.
UrEntal Book Rental Returns
This is a reminder that spring books rented through the UrEntal program in the UE Bookstore need to be returned to the Bookstore no later than Wednesday, May 2 at 6 p.m. If you return your rental during Buyback (April 25-May 2) make sure you return it to the station marked as "UrEntal Book Return". Any rentals returned after the deadline of May 2 will be subject to a $10 late fee. Please make a note of this date and if you have any questions please contact the Bookstore. Thanks for your cooperation.
Before You Leave, Check Campus & Local mail for Important Financial Aid Documents
The Office of Financial Aid has recently sent letters and/or forms to students whose FAFSAs were selected for review in a process called “Verification.” Please check your mailbox before leaving campus. Financial Aid awards for 2012-13 cannot be prepared for students whose FAFSAs have an incomplete verification status. Furthermore, please continue to check your UE email all summer for important messages from the Office of Financial Aid. For students with complete files and satisfactory academic progress, Financial Aid Notification letters will be mailed in late June to your preferred address on file with UE
Laundry Card Reimbursement
Beginning Fall 2012, campus laundry will be unlimited and included in student room and board. So, do mom a favor, don’t take home dirty clothing… use up your laundry card balance or share with a friend who has dirty clothes!
For reimbursement of unused laundry $ prior to leaving UE, bring your laundry card to Administrative Services at 1 South Frederick St. (General Services building where Safety & Security is located) by 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 4. Note: Students taking summer classes will still be able to use their laundry cards for much of the summer. An end date will be announced in July.
Fitness Center Hours
Fitness Center Hours are as follows:
Wednesday April 25 - Reading and Study Day 6:30 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
Thursday April 26 - 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday April 27 - 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday April 28 - 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sunday April 29 – 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Monday April 30 – 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday May 1 – 8:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday May 2 -8:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
Thursday May 3 – 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday May 4 - 8:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
Saturday May 5 - Closed
Sunday May 6 – Closed
Monday – May 7- Summer Hours Begin
Purchasing Procedures Announced for May
As the end of the University’s fiscal year approaches on May 31, Administrative Services and Accounting and Audit announce the following procedures related to purchases of goods and services during May.
Pcard Purchases
• Pcard purchases posting to the statement on or before May 21 (cycle end date) will be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds. Most shipments post on your Pcard within three to four business days. However, vendors have up to nine business days to post transactions.
• Pcard purchases posting from May 22 through May 31 will be paid from FY 2012-2013 (new year) funds, unless the item purchased exceeds $500. Purchases exceeding $500 will be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds.
Office Depot Orders
• Normally, Office Depot orders placed by 3 p.m. for items in stock are delivered the next business day. Upon delivery, the transaction should post on your Pcard within three to four business days.
• Office Depot orders received by May 13 will likely post on the May 21 Pcard Cycle and be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds.
• Office Depot orders placed and received but posting to the Pcard between May 22 and May 31 will be paid from FY 2012-2013 funds, unless the items purchased exceed $500. Purchases exceeding $500 will be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds.
Purchase Orders
• Approved requisitions converted into purchase orders and delivered by May 31 will be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds.
• Approved Requisitions indicating FY 2012-2013 written on them in red ink will be processed with a delivery date of June 1 or later.
• Backordered Purchase Orders not delivered by May 31 will be paid from FY 2012-2013 funds.
Blanket Orders
• All FY 2011-2012 Blanket orders expire on May 31, 2012.
• Approved Requisitions for FY 2012-203 (new year) Blanket Orders may now be submitted with June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013 effective dates.
• Backordered Blanket Purchase Order items not delivered by May 31, 2012 will be paid from FY 2012-2013 funds.
Requisitions for Check Request
• All services completed and items purchased less than $100 and on campus by May 31, must be submitted on a requisition to Accounting & Audit by 5 p.m. on Monday, June 11 to be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds.
• The requisitions must have appropriate approvals and funds available to be charged to FY 2011-2012.
• Any requisitions not submitted by this time or those submitted without appropriate approvals or without funds available will be charged to your budget in FY 2012-2013.
• All services completed and items purchased for $100 or more and on campus by May 31 must be submitted on a requisition to Accounting and Audit by Monday, June 18 to be paid from FY 2011-2012 funds. Any requisitions not submitted by this time will be charged to your budget in FY 2012-2013.
Final Exam Week Library Hours
• Wednesday, April 25: 7:45 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
• Thursday, April 26: 7:45 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
• Friday, April 27: 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
• Saturday, April 28: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
• Sunday, April 29: Noon - 1:00 a.m.
• Monday, April 30: 7:45 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
• Tuesday, May 1: 7:45 a.m. - Midnight
• Wednesday, May 2: 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Thursday, May 3: 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Friday, May 4: 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• Saturday, May 5: CLOSED
• Sunday, May 6: CLOSED
Summer Sessions Online Classes
Consider taking a UE online course this summer. Check out these online courses to meet your needs. Visiting students can contact the Center for Adult Education Department (812-488-2981) for registration assistance. For a detailed listing of ALL summer course offerings at UE, please visit http://www.evansville.edu/summersessions/
Summer I Online Courses:
ART 105 – Introduction to Visual Arts
ARTH 209 – Survey of Art II
BUS 380 – Leadership
CHEM 108 – Elementary Chemistry
COMM 380 – Intercultural Communication
EDUC 100 – History & Found of Amer Educ
EDUC 320 – Teach Strategies in K-12 Schools
EDUC 322 – Spec Need Stud K-12
EXSS 190 – Intro to Public Health
MATH 105 – College Algebra
MATH 221 – Calculus I
MATH 222 – Calculus II
MGT 280 – Leadership
MGT 311 – Mgmt Information Systems
MGT 377 – Organizational Behavior
MKT 325 – Principles of Marketing
PSCI 100 – World Politics
QM 227 – Introduction to Statistics
REL 150 – Intro New Testament
SOC 105 – Intro to Sociology
Summer II Online Courses:
ACCT 211 – Principles of Accounting II
ART 105 – Introduction to Visual Arts
BUS 380 – Social Media Strategy
COMM 130 – Intro to Communication
EDUC 320 – Teach Strategies in K-12 Schools
EDUC 516 – Adv Educ Technol & Application
EXSS 195 – Global Health Issues
HSA 414/514 – Health Care Mgmt & HR
HIST 111 – World History to 1500
MGT 310 – Production/Operations Mgmt
NUTR 280 – Nutrition in Health & Disease
PSCI 100 – World Politics
PSYC 416 – Human Sexuality
REL 130 – Christian Thought
SOC 230 – Social Problems Modern World
2012 Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Recipients
Of the seven applicants, UE students Chloe Sharp, Lauren Thomas, Danielle Cotton, and Ariel Campbell were selected by the University of Evansville African American Alumni Association (UEAAA) to be awarded scholarships on Saturday, April 21, 2012 at the Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Luncheon.
Zerah Priestly Carter ’38 was the first African American to graduate from Evansville College. The UEAAA wishes to recognize her by naming the Zerah Priestly Carter University of Evansville African American Scholarship in her honor. Twenty-Eight hundred dollars, from this endowed scholarship, was divided among the recipients to be awarded in their financial aid package next semester. Photographs from the luncheon can be viewed by going to the “UEAAA” Facebook page. A special thanks goes to Chloe L. Stanfield for saying a few words as a former scholarship recipient, and John C. White for his wonderful performance of “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,” Sondra Matthews’77, the Alumna Keynote Speaker, Bettye Poole ’02, ‘M04, UEAAA Regional Coordinator, for conducting the Pre-Session with Bosse high school students & Tania Whitlock’90, for directing the Bosse High School Choir Ensembles, and all other UEAAA on the program.
Melanie Bacaling
The Music Department is pleased to announce that Melanie Bacaling is this year’s winner of the Presser Undergraduate Scholar Award. The award is given annually to a rising senior who is recognized by the Department of Music Faculty as showing excellence both academically and as a performer. The Presser Award is made possible through a grant from the The Presser Foundation.
Concrete Canoe Team
For the third time in the past four years, the University of Evansville’s Concrete Canoe team has qualified for the American Society of Civil Engineers National Concrete Canoe Competition, held this year at the University of Nevada, Reno from June 14-16.
UE’s team of civil engineering students earned a bid to nationals by placing second in the Concrete Canoe competition at the ASCE Great Lakes Student Conference, held April 19-21 at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. Out of 14 Concrete Canoe teams, UE finished second behind the University of Wisconsin-Madison, narrowly edging out perennial powerhouse the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to advance to nationals.
UE Concrete Canoe team members are Christina Bernauer, Silas Bohlen, Abigail Browder, James Gabe, Luc Heidenreich, Josh Hood, Amanda Hopf, Jamie Johnson, Chris Kuester, John D. Look, Zach Neukam, Hannah Okray, Shannon Osiecki, Heather Passey, Ricardo Paredes Aronsohn, Matt Schutte, Alex Schwinghamer, Katelyn Spainhour (project manager), Ryan Sisk, Susan Smith, Trevor Weaver, and David Wichman. Mark Valenzuela is the team’s faculty advisor, and Immanuel Selvaraj and James Allen are the UE ASCE student chapter’s co-faculty advisors.
Tennis Represented on MVC All-Conference List
Each of the three members of the University of Evansville’s senior class were represented on the Missouri Valley All-Conference Team, which was announced on Thursday evening.
Evansville’s third-flight doubles duo of Jessica Raatz and Aleks Dzakula were named the best in that slot in the league. The pair went 18-3 in the spring and swept through league play with a perfect 7-0 mark. They enter the MVC Championship riding a nine-match winning streak and will look to extend that streak on Friday morning against Southern Illinois.
Another senior, Dora Kotsiou, was named to the All-Select Team for the Aces. She played in 20 out of UE’s 21 matches as the top singles player where she racked up a 13-7 record while winning four MVC contests. Kotsiou also had a successful run in doubles with freshman Natasha James, posting a 17-4 record while going 5-2 in the league.
This marks the first All-Conference honor for all three seniors. Last year, Kate Chybowski was honored on the All-Select Team.
Softball Resumes Valley Play with Home Series vs. Drake
The University of Evansville softball team will resume Missouri Valley Conference play and wrap up a six-game homestand with a three-game series against Drake this weekend. The Aces will take on the Bulldogs in a doubleheader on Saturday before closing the series with a single game Sunday. Both days are set to begin at noon.
The weekend could prove to be pivotal for the Aces’ post-season fate, as the Aces (15-32) enter the weekend as the tenth place in the Valley standings with a 5-16 conference record. With just six games remaining in the regular season schedule and only the top eight Valley teams receiving a bid to the MVC Tournament, Evansville sits half a game behind Indiana State and just one game back from eighth place Wichita State.
The Aces are coming off a 2-1 record this week, picking up a conference win against Southern Illinois on Tuesday before splitting with Austin Peay in a Wednesday doubleheader.
Baseball to Do Battle with Bradley This Weekend
After taking a five-game break from Missouri Valley Conference play, the University of Evansville baseball team resumes league action this weekend, bringing the Bradley University Braves to Braun Stadium for a three-game series. The contests will be played Friday at 6:00 p.m., Saturday at 2:00 p.m. and Sunday at 1:00 p.m.
Tennis Heads to Omaha
With the regular season completed, the University of Evansville women’s tennis team has its sights set high as they travel to Omaha, Neb. to take part in the State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Championship.
The Purple Aces go into the tournament as the No. 5 seed and will begin play at 9 a.m. on Friday morning at the Koch Family Tennis Center in Omaha, Neb. Evansville will take on the No. 4 seed Southern Illinois Salukis. SIU picked up a 6-1 win in their meeting this season in Carbondale.
On Saturday, the winner of that match will take on the winner between top seeded Wichita State and No. 8 Bradley at 9 a.m. on Saturday with the winner advancing to the championship.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.