We still have openings for Red Cross blood donations tomorrow, 1/20. Drive starts at 7:15am - and the last appointment is 6:00pm, held in Eykamp Hall. Go to www.redcrossblood.org, type in UE in the zip code "find a drive" field (shown in the photo), and we're the first drive listed. NOTE: They have an urgent need for Power Reds. Who can give a Power Red? LOTS of people:
*The only blood type who can't give a Power Red is AB, and if you don't know your blood type, they can check it at check in, and you can still donate.
*There are height / weight restrictions: You must be at least 5'1" and 110 pounds if male, and 5'5" and 150 pounds if female.
*If you meet those requirements and already have an appointment, you can go online and convert your donation to Power Red.
*Power Reds donate 2 units of red blood cells (takes about 10 minutes longer than the normal draw), but you'll receive a saline solution, and they only keep the red blood cells, so you should leave feeling pretty great!
*Power Reds help save quite a few NICU babies, and frequently go to help people who need it the most: trauma, violence or accident patients.
*To save time, make sure you download the Red Cross app and complete your Donor Card (takes about 8 minutes)
All donors in January are entered to win 2 tickets to Super Bowl LVII in AZ, and you will receive a T-Shirt at the drive. Fun fact: The Red Cross noted that UE's women are showing up the men on this particular blood drive. So male students and faculty, join us tomorrow to help save a life (organization or department with the most donors will win a pizza party! Congrats to last drive's winner: AOPi! |