University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

* Walnut Street Closed April 21-24, 2022

In preparation for the University Advancement event, Walnut Street will be closed to thru traffic from Thursday April 21- Sunday April 24. Official University owned vehicles and approved delivery service vehicles will have access to Ridgway Drive. Entry and exit from Ridgway will be in the eastbound lane of Walnut.


Upcoming Events

* UE LitFest: Student Literary Conference, April 23

The Tenth Annual Student Literary Conference will take place on Saturday, April 22. All are welcome to attend the student panels, which are scheduled for 9:30 AM, 10:45 AM, and at noon in the Schroeder School of Business Building, Rooms 271 and 272.

The Virginia Grabill and the George Klinger Memorial Writing Prizes will be announced during the last panel session of the conference.

* UE LitFest Guest Speaker - April 22

The Department of English and Creative Writing will host the Hemminger-Brown Lecture at the Melvin M. Peterson Literary Forum on Friday, April 22 at 7:00 PM in Smythe Lecture Hall, Room 170 of the Schroeder School of Business Building. Guest speaker Larry Caldwell, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Evansville, will give a talk on John Keats entitled “The Truth in the Trope: Keats, Youth and the Mists of Autumn.”

Dr. Caldwell is Professor served in the English Department for thirty years, teaching general humanities, Medieval literature, and the Romantic Poets, among numerous other courses. He received his B.A. in English and German from Central College in Pella, Iowa, spending his junior year as a participant in that institution’s study abroad program in Germany and Austria. A regular attendee of the Vienna State Opera during that period (Standing Room Only), he encountered Wagner’s Ring Cycle and through it his first acquaintance with Norse mythology, medieval literature, and the Romantic Movement.

Dr. Caldwell earned a Master’s Degree in English and Germanic Languages at the University of Nebraska, where he subsequently also received his Ph.D. in English, with a focus on Anglo-Saxon poetry.

* Pronouns: A Comprehensive Understanding

Join us for an academic conversation about the history, usage, and modern implications of pronouns! The presentation is in Koch 100 from 5-6 PM on Friday, April 22nd.

* Final Four Performances of UE Theatre's "Heroes of the Fourth Turning" with Free Tickets for All UE Employees

The University of Evansville Theatre closes their spring 2022 season with Will Arbery’s HEROES OF THE FOURTH TURNING. To celebrate the season finale of their “Welcome Back To Shanklin Theatre” campaign, they are offering two FREE tickets to every University of Evansville employee for this production, playing at 7:30 pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and at 2:00 pm, on Sunday. Free tickets for university employees are available for any date.

HEROES OF THE FOURTH TURNING, a 2020 Pulitzer Prize Finalist in Drama, is a meticulously crafted story centering on four alumni of a conservative college whose reunion spirals into chaos over spirituality, politics, and a nearly fanatical desire to be understood.

University of Evansville employees may obtain their two free tickets by calling extension 2031, or by going to the Shanklin Theatre Ticket Office, located in the Matt Williams Lobby in Hyde Hall, Monday through Friday, 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. UE students may also claim their free ticket by coming to the Shanklin Theatre Ticket Office on the day of the show they wish to attend.

In following industry standards, as established by the Broadway League, all audience members must show proof of COVID–19 vaccination or a negative test result, taken within 48-hours of the date on their ticket, and remain masked during the performance. It is our hope that these restrictions will allow the student actors to safely perform unmasked.

HEROES OF THE FOURTH TURNING is guest-directed by Dylan Frederick, a 2014 alumnus of UE. Joy Weidenhamer, a senior theatre studies major from Omaha, Neb., serves as the associate director; Robert Tintoc, a 2006 alumnus, serves as the guest scenic designer; Assistant Professor Sarah J. Smith is the costume designer; Associate Professor Stephen Boulmetis is the lighting designer; Araceli Ramirez serves as the guest sound designer; Professor Diane Brewer is the dramaturg; Moira Cassiday, a senior stage management major from Nashville, Ind., is the stage manager, and Assistant Professor Mitchell L. Critel serves as the technical director.

The cast features Delaney Ross, a first-year performance major from Keller, Texas; Gabriel Smothers, a junior performance major from Casper, Wyo.; Becky Rusch, a senior performance major from Newark, Del.; McAllister Reed Stowell, a junior performance major from Lakewood, Colo.; and Delanie Kitzman, a senior performance major from Tomball, Texas.

UE Theatre’s Department Chair, Sharla Cowden, says, “We are truly grateful to our campus community for their continued support of our efforts to produce a full season of in-person productions this year. We hope many of you will take up us on our offer to be our guest for this season finale production, and we look forward to greeting each of you personally. Indeed, Welcome back to Shanklin Theatre.”

* Free Paper Shredding on Thursday, April 28

Free off-site paper shredding by Piranha Mobile Shredding will return to campus once again April 28 (Reading Study Day) from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m. All UE students, faculty, staff, and alumni can take advantage of this free service by bringing paper to the Piranha truck in Koch Center for Engineering and Science parking lot. Paper will be shredded off-site. We will place bins along the parking lot to allow each person to empty their own material for a no contact approach.

So, if mounds of paper are taking over your office, home, or room, this is the time to gather those old files, receipts, cancelled checks, tax forms, etc. No need to take out the staples or paper clips. Avoid identity theft by having confidential information permanently destroyed.

Please - no telephone books, magazines, or newspapers. Also, please note that there is a 100-pound paper limit per visit (number of visits is not limited).

* THIS Wednesday, April 20! VOICE: Your Vision. Your Voice. Shaping Our Region's Future

VOICE: Your Vision. Your Voice. Shaping Our Region's Future.

This session may be applied to Passport to Inclusion!

This session will be of interest to any Faculty interested in teaching a ChangeLab, and will also count toward the Faculty Teaching Certificate!

The UE Center for Innovation & Change and Leadership Everyone are partnering to bring VOICE to UE Campus THIS Wednesday, April 20th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the Multicultural Commons Area, 2nd Floor in Ridgway University Center.

Regional VOICE is an initiative by Leadership Everyone to bring together diverse groups of people to envision a preferred future for our region. While RSVPs are appreciated, if you don't know until the last minute, come anyway! We can't wait to vision with you.

RSVP here:

* Join the Fitness Center and CDEI for Self-Defense Class

The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Fitness Center invites you to attend Self-Defense training. Fitness Center Director Jeff Chestnut, who is certified in Rape Aggression Defense will be holding two, one-hour sessions at 12 pm on Wednesday, April 20th, and 3 pm on Thursday, April 21st in the Fitness Center.

Please reach out to CDEI with any questions at

* This Week in Music

Several big events take place in the UE Music Conservatory this week:

On Tuesday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. the combined UE University Choir and Choral Society along with faculty/professional chamber orchestra will perform W.A. Mozart’s Solemn Vespers K 339. Also on the program are works by Charles Villiers Stanford, Alan Hovhaness, Ola Gjeilo, and Charles Ives. The concert takes place in Neu Chapel on the UE campus and is free admission. Come support UE’s Choral program and hear one the great classics of choral repertoire!

Then, on Thursday, April 21, the UE Community Band will present a concert at 7:30 p.m., in Neu Chapel. The ensemble, which includes both UE students and area community members will perform a variety of audience favorites for concert band. Our small ensembles will also be performing this coming weekend. First, on Friday, April 22, 2022, the Brass and Percussion and Percussion Ensemble will present a concert at 7:30 p.m. in Krannert room 110. Secondly, the Woodwind and String ensembles will be performing at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 24 in Neu Chapel.

Please join us for these events!

* Senior Reading for Creative Writing

The #uelitfest kicks off with the Senior Reading at the Mel Peterson Gallery on Thursday, April 21st at 4 PM. Seniors will be reading from the work they’ve done over the years, and the winners of the Virginia Grabill Awards will be announced. Come support our seniors as they transition from student writers to professionals!

* Candy-Making Immigrants Subject of Spring History Lecture

The annual Spring History Lecture will take place on Thursday April 21, at 4pm in SOBA 162. The speaker is historian Dr Ann Flesor Beck, and her subject is "Sweet Greeks: American Immigration 1880-1930". Ann Flesor Beck, Ph.D. is an independent scholar with focus on American immigration history. She is the author of Sweet Greeks: First-Generation Immigrant Confectioners in the Heartland (University of Illinois Press, 2020). Dr Beck is a third-generation Greek confectioner and, with her sister, she co-owns and operates Flesor's Candy Kitchen in Tuscola, Illinois.

* The Menstrual Equity Club presents Jampon to fundraise for the YWCA

Jampon is a one night only fundraiser for people with periods and the YWCA, and will be held on April 27 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on the East Terrace Lawn.

Jampon is a cabaret and presentation of art that promotes the normalization of menstruation. We also sell art from UE students for a monetary donation.

Price of admission is a box of period products or a $5 donation to @JamponUE on venmo

Submitted by Sophie Greenway
* Reception for Employee Photography Exhibit

The UE campus community (and guests) are invited to a reception in the Krannert Gallery on Thursday, April 21 at 4:30 p.m. Please plan to join us to celebrate the 2022 UE Employee Photography Exhibit.  The exhibit will be open through Sunday, May 8 in the Krannert Gallery.

Co-workers and UE retirees participating include:
Melissa Gust, Center for the Advancement of Learning
Tonya Albright, School of Engineering and Computer Science
Donnie Dunville, Retiree Physical Plant/Maintenance
Lynn R. Penland, Dean Emerita
Keith Gehlhausen, Human Resources and Institutional Equity
Mari Plikuhn, Sociology Programs
Lois Patton, Professor Emerita
Hanns G Pieper, Professor Emeritus
Nancy Lockyear, Department of Art
Todd Matteson, Department of Art
Kevin Gray, Criminal Justice
Joe Flauto, Professor Emeritus
John Metelko, Track and Field/Cross County
Corliss Chastain, Department of Art

* Sexual Assault Awareness Month Upcoming Events

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, also known as SAAM. The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & Office of Institutional Equity have brought forth activities to bring awareness, education, and support in this time.

April 5th at 7:00 PM Sexual Assault Awareness Panel via Zoom.
The Panel consists of Counseling Services, Public Safety, Institutional Equity, EPD, Albion Fellows Bacon Center, Deaconess, and the Prosecutor’s Office.

Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 PM in Eykamp: Not Someone Like Us: a collaboration between the CDEI and Evansville Civic Theatre. It is a play about sexual assault based on true stories. The Consent Pledge will take place before the play. The Center will also be hosting a talk back session after the play.

Monday, April 19th at 6:00 PM Bystander Intervention Training via Zoom.
Learn how to safely act when others may be in dangerous situations.

Submitted by Rachael Rose
* Faculty Retirement Tree Planting Ceremony

The following faculty members will be honored at the Faculty Retirement Tree Planting Ceremony that will take place on Sunday, April 24:

• Sharon Gieselmann- Associate Professor of Education/Chair
• Donald Rodd- Professor of Exercise Science and Physical Therapy
• David Unger- Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

The UE community is welcome to attend this event which will begin at 1:00 p.m. on the lawn south of the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration building.


Info You Should Know

* Lot "H" Will Close Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Office of Public Safety, in partnership with University Advancement, will close Lot “H” to all student parking on Saturday, April 23.

We kindly ask that all student vehicles be removed from the lot by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 22.

Alternative parking is available in all university owned parking lots for the weekend, except for the Front Oval parking spots. As always, a university issued parking permit must be displayed on the rearview mirror while parked on campus.

Lot “H” will reopen on Sunday, April 24.

* Retirement Reception for Dr. David Unger, Professor of Mechanical & Civil Engineering

The School of Engineering and Computer Science would like to invite you to a retirement reception for Dr. David Unger, Professor of Mechanical & Civil Engineering, on Thursday, April 28 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. The reception will be held in the Koch Center second floor lobby (near the concrete canoe, in front of KC 271). Dr. Unger is retiring at the end of this semester after more than 20 years of service to the University. Please come and celebrate with us, showing our appreciation for all he has contributed to the University. and the Engineering Community.

Dr. David Unger has taught mechanical and civil engineering at the University of Evansville since 2001. He has been the faculty advisor for student participation in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration student launch initiatives and accompanied his students to Huntsville, Alabama, in 2010 and 2012, as they competed in NASA high power rocket competitions. Dr. Unger won the University of Evansville’s Berger Award for scholarship in 2005, the Dean’s Teaching Award in 2006, and a Global Scholar Award in 2007.

Dr. Unger completed a BS at St. Louis University and a master’s degree from the University of Illinois in Urbana, both in aerospace engineering. He then earned his PhD from the University of Illinois in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. His text, Analytic Fracture Mechanics, was published first by Academic Press and is offered now by Dover Press. He has published numerous technical articles and has a particular research interest in how and why materials break. In three years of his free time, David built a wood model of Charles Darwin’s ship, the H.M.S. Beagle from plans he received from the National Maritime Museum near London. For additional information, see

Submitted by Tonya Albright
* Schedule Assistance

Schedule assistance needed? Pop into Academic Services in Olmsted 116 for assistance with your fall schedule before the semester ends and grab a bag of popcorn on your way!

* University of Evansville Board of Trustees | Front Oval Parking

The University of Evansville Board of Trustees will be on campus for April 2022 Board meetings on Friday, April 22, and Saturday, April 23. Parking in front of Olmsted Administration Hall and the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration will be reserved for University Trustees. Employee parking on the front oval will be limited on both days.

* Seniors: Here's the 411 on Cap and Gowns

Seniors, as long as you have previously ordered your cap and gown, pick-up in the bookstore starts Monday, April 25th and runs through Friday, April 29th. Please come in during normal business hours with you I.D. and a valid form of payment. There will be a designated pick-up area before you head to the register to pay.

* Sexual Assault Statistics

Sexual Assault Awareness is critical for many reasons. Around 20% of women will be sexually assaulted in college while 4% of men will. Most victims are assaulted by someone they know and 42% of women expect to be raped again. Nearly another 42% of college women raped will end up telling no one; only 5% of overall college sexual assaults are reported. These assaults can lead to serious problems. 4 out of 5 victims suffer from chronic physical and psychological conditions. Rape results in about 32,000 pregnancies a year and 40% of the survivors develop a sexually transmitted disease. Even more tragic, survivors are 13% more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who have not. These, and many more, reasons are why Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) should be important to you for more than just the month of April.

* 2022-23 Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship Application Now Available

It was the desire of the donor, Margery Florence Kahn, that her scholarship be awarded to "dedicated and conscientious students who exhibit a true passion for their chosen fields of study, and who, in the opinion of the members of the University of Evansville faculty, are likely to bring the same enthusiasm into the performance of their jobs or the practice of the professions which they will pursue following graduation."

All University of Evansville full-time undergraduate students who will be juniors or seniors in the 2022-23 academic year may apply. An essay of about 300 words must accompany the application along with two to five faculty recommendation letters.

The application and faculty recommendation information can be found here.

Completed applications and recommendation letters should be returned to the Office of Student Financial Services by MAY 10, 2022.

Questions may be directed to the Office of Student Financial Services via email or by phone at (812) 488-2364.

Submitted by Amber Chandler
* Financial Aid for Summer Courses

UE students seeking financial aid or intending to use loan funds for summer courses at UE, please complete a Summer Financial Aid Application and return to the Office of Student Financial Services (Olmsted 105) however is most convenient. The application will allow our office to assess your aid and loan eligibility.


On-campus jobs are available for continuing UE students during the summer. You do not need to be eligible for need-based Federal Work-Study during the academic year in order to apply. You may also apply regardless of your enrollment in summer courses. Applications will be available within the Student Employment area of WebAdvisor.

Submitted by Amy Sowders
* Summer Sessions Payment Plan

Summer session courses can be added to your monthly payment plan now with no additional set-up fee. If your student is enrolling in summer courses, anticipated summer charges can be included in the spring semester payment plan and the plan extended through May (for Summer 1 charges) or June (Summer 2 charges). The undergraduate tuition rate for Summer 2022 is $580 per credit hour. Fees per summer term include a $50 registration fee and a $40 technology fee. Online courses are assessed a $50 online course fee. Payment arrangements are due prior to the start of the summer term.

Students should contact the Office of Student Financial Services no later than Reading/Study Day, April 28, 2022 to determine if financial aid is available for their summer courses.

To modify your current payment plan to include summer, contact the cashiers in the Office of Student Financial Services at 812-488-2565.

Submitted by Amy Sowders
* Summer Housing

Are you staying in Evansville over the summer? If so, Residence Life is offering summer housing in Powell Hall. You can find more information about summer housing and apply online at Contact the Office of Residence Life with specific questions.



* Congratulations to the ACE Certificate Recipients

Congratulations to those students who completed the ACE Pathway earning the ACE Certificate!

Falicity Atkins, Chloe Bontrager, Claire Brown, Kate Dowell, Merris Egloff, Michael Furman, Baylee Geng, Dani Hurwitz, Ava Kelly, Samantha Kinnevan, Mandipalli Kausalya, Alexa Markl, Alec McAlister, Grace McGuire, Autumn Owens, Ariana Paredes Medina, NaTaya Partee, Sue Prasad, Tyla Rasche, Anna Schindler, John Sutter. Michaela Till, Amanda Ward, Majestica Weatherford, Paige Webster, Casey Winters, and Haley Worland

The ACE Certificate is awarded to students completing each element in the categories of the ACE Pathway, including self-evaluation, communication/professional image development, and engagement/connection. This program offers students the opportunity to gain the skills needed to easily communicate their professionalism, accomplishments, and career focus to potential employers or graduate schools.

All the ACE Certificate recipients will be recognized at the 2022 Leadership Awards Ceremony Wednesday, April 20, 2022!

If you are not currently on the ACE Pathway and would like to become career ready, please contact the Center for Career Development at 812-488-1083 or to get started!

* Students Participate in Research in Gerontology Symposium

On Tuesday, April 12, students from across campus participated in the 3rd annual Research in Gerontology Symposium, hosted by the University of Evansville's Gerontology Center. This year's symposium featured poster presentations from the following students on the following topics:

  • Sydney Bachman (Public Health)- “Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care Facilities”
  • Paige Beard (Sociology)- “Sexual (Re-)Education for Elders: Becoming Reacquainted with New Norms, Expectations, and Knowledge”
  • Brandi Borchers (Theatre Technology and Design)- “The Health Impact of Financials on Older Adults”
  • Megan Buechler (Public Health)- “Characteristics of Purpose-Built Elder Communities”
  • Corey Cagle (Theatre: Stage Management)- “The Effects of Intergenerational Trauma on the Parent-Child Relationship”
  • Rebecca Crow (Public Health Policy)- “Elders' Struggles with Occupational Self-Efficacy”
  • Baylee Geng (Sociology and Psychology)- “Prescription Drug Misuse Among Older Adults”
  • Shelby Jones (Public Health- Nutrition)- “Strategies for Reducing Rehospitalization Among Older Adults”
  • Destiny Ogburn (Criminal Justice and Sociology)- “The Health Disparities Among Elder Black Women in the US”
  • Lindsey Phillips (Literature)- “Influence of Pets on Elder Well-Being”
  • Brynn Radak (Sociology and Ethics and Social Change)- “The Influence of Moving to Nursing Homes on Elder Well-Being”
  • Taylor Rapp (Public Health)- “Advantages and Challenges of Healthcare Technology for Elders”
  • Becky Riggs (Criminal Justice and Sociology) and Kira Ulrich (Criminal Justice and Sociology)- “Elder Use of Technology in Maintaining Social Connections”
  • Sophia Rodil (Public Health)- “Effects of Caregiving for Older Adults with Dementia”
  • Kirby Swails (BS/MS Health Services Administration)- “Changing Expectations of Retirement for Older Adults”
  • Majestica Weatherford (Psychology and Sociology)- “Mental Health in the Older Population”
* UE Civil Engineering Senior Students Placed Second in the ASCE Student Design Presentation Competition

Congratulations to Elisa Cardona, Alex Dodson, Lauren Stevenson (civil engineering seniors) who received second place in a student design presentation competition. This annual competition was held in Carmel, IN during the ASCE Indiana Section meeting on April 12. Congratulations, Elisa, Alex, Lauren!

* American Society of Civil Engineers Indiana Section Award

Two civil engineering seniors, Elisa Cardona and Reza Shokouhzadeh received the ASCE Indiana Section award for demonstrating exemplary performance and potential in civil engineering. A certificate and a cash award was presented to them at the ASCE Indiana Section meeting on April 12th at Carmel, Indiana. Congratulations, Elisa and Reza!

* UE's School of Education student wins 2022 Darrell Ragland Leadership Everyone Award

The School of Education held a surprise recognition for student Emani Marks in Dr. Amy's class Tuesday. April 12, 2022. Emani won the 2022 Darrell Ragland Leadership Everyone Award. She was moved to action and had a desire to combat systemic racism in the Tri-state area. As a then-senior from Harrison High School, she brought the community together for a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest at the Four Freedoms Monument in Downtown Evansville on September 27, 2020.


Harlaxton Happenings

* Spring 2023 Harlaxton applications

There are still spaces available for Harlaxton Spring 2023, but we are filling fast! If you have an interest in going to Harlaxton next spring, be sure to talk with your advisor and get your application in by the end of this semester if possible! You can find the course information and application on the Harlaxton website here: Feel free to reach out to the Harlaxton team with questions at!

Submitted by Kaylynn McCalister
* Harlaxton Walled Garden Presentations

Come learn about the plans for the exciting new Walled Garden project at Harlaxton with Dr. Holly Carter and Ian Welsh! These presentations are open to all faculty, staff, and students at University of Evansville, as well as UE and Harlaxton alumni. They will be held in person in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration building. There will be presentations on Monday, April 25 at 1pm, 4pm, and 6pm, and Tuesday, April 26 at 10pm and 12pm. Please sign up for slot to attend here:, and feel free to contact Kaylynn McCalister with any questions at or 812-488-2039.



* Russell ties for 4th while UE takes 5th at MVC Championship

History was made once again by the University of Evansville women’s golf team, who earned their second-best Missouri Valley Conference Championship finish on Tuesday at Greenbriar Hills Country Club.

As a team, the Purple Aces came home in 5th place, marking the best finish outside of last year’s championship run. Evansville finished with a team score of 311 in the final round to pick up the top five finish.

Leading the UE squad was Mallory Russell. The sophomore capped off a tremendous championship showing with a score of 76. Her 3-round tally of 228 earned her a tie for the 4th position. It was only three strokes off of the top spot.

Second for Evansville and tying for 19th overall was Alyssa McMinn. Her final round tally of 80 saw her record a top 20 finish with a score of 238. Just two behind her was Allison Enchelmayer. A 79 in round three gave her a 240 for the tournament and a tie for 23rd.

Caitlin O’Donnell and Magdalena Borisova had their top round of the championship on Tuesday, each finishing with a 78 to help the Aces jump in the standings. O’Donnell’s effort in the final round gave her a 245, which tied for 33rd. Borisova’s final tally checked in at 247, which was 37th in the standings.

Kristen Giles of Drake was the medalist. A 3-over 74 in round three saw her defeat Illinois State’s Ali Schrock by one shot. ISU took the top team honors with a 911. They edged Missouri State by just one shot.

* UE softball travels to Indiana State on Wednesday

Five road games over the next five days awaits the University of Evansville softball team, who opens the week at Indiana State on Wednesday in Terre Haute.  Wednesday’s doubleheader is set for a 12 p.m. ET start and both games will be carried on ESPN+.

Last Time Out
- Evansville faced Missouri State in a 3-game series at Cooper Stadium last weekend with the Bears earning the sweep
- MSU took both ends of Friday’s doubleheader by scores of 8-2 and 4-1 before taking the finale by a 7-1 final
- Highlighting the weekend for the Purple Aces was Marah Wood, who went 4-for-8 with two home runs and three RBI
- Wood’s home rune both came in Friday’s series opener
- Jessica Fehr wrapped up the series going 3-for-3 from the plate in the finale

Back On Track
- Saturday’s series finale against Missouri State saw Jessica Fehr snap out of an 0-for-15 drought by going a perfect 3-for-3
- Fehr continues to lead the Aces with a .310 batting average and 25 runs scored
- She has recorded a hit in 17 of the last 26 games
- The senior is fourth in the MVC with 21 walks while ranking in a tie for 8th in the league with 25 runs scored; she has scored 20 times in the last 28 games
- Her double in the 7th inning in the opener at Loyola proved to be the game winner and prior to that, she had three hits in six at-bats in the doubleheader sweep over Drake and recorded a hit two of the three games versus UNI

Power Play
- Marah Wood blasted two home runs in the series opener against Missouri State and holds the team lead with seven homers and 22 RBI
- She has hit three home runs in the last six games and has picked up at least one hit in 20 of her last 28 contests
- For the season, Wood is batting .287 with seven homers and 22 RBI and is tied for second in the MVC with 11 doubles, ranks 6th with her seven home runs and is 9th in the league with a season slugging percentage of .583
- The sophomore scored six runs at the UE Softball Invitational including two in the wins over Green Bay and Morehead State before belting her third home run of the year to add some insurance in the 2-0 triumph over Creighton

Raising Her Level
- Through the opening 15 games of the MVC slate, senior Mackenzie McFeron leads the team with a .308 batting average and has a hit in six of her last eight games
- Her efforts in conference have seen her season average rise to .274
- She had the first 3-hit game of her career in the April 10 finale at Illinois State
- McFeron has 11 RBI in her career with eight of them coming in 2022


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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