AceNotes Today
Monday, February 28, 2022
Supplemental Pay Request Forms Changing to Electronic Version
Supplemental Pay Request Forms for Payroll will now be accepted electronically. The link to the new electronic form and instructions can be found on the Accounting and Audit page on the UE portal.
The Supplemental Pay Request Form requires the same information that you are accustomed to but will submit your requests and automatically flow to the next person for approvals. Please note the requirements for approvals indicated on the form and attach any supporting documents. Approvals can be made through Microsoft Teams or an automated email by clicking “Approved” and then “Submit”. The link to managing approvals in Microsoft Teams can also be found on the Accounting and Audit page on the UE portal.
Deadlines: Approved Supplemental Pay Request Forms must be received by 12:00 noon on the Friday of a non-pay week to be included in the next payroll processing. Incomplete forms or incorrect information will delay processing.
Emailed PDFs and Paper Forms will not be accepted after March 12, 2022.
Outdoor Event Guidelines Update
Outdoor events may operate at full capacity and without attendance maximums. It is expected of event hosts and organization leaders to continue to be mindful of social distancing and other best practices at events such as hand sanitizing availability. In event settings, a 6-foot distancing guideline is still used when contact tracing is needed.
Get your Booster!
You won’t need to quarantine if:
You have no symptoms AND
You have been fully vaccinated with:
• the Pfizer or Moderna less than 5 months ago
• or the J&J/Janssen less than 2 months ago
– or –
• You have received your booster.
Learn more and find access to booster locations at www.evansville.edu/YourShot
This Week in Music
The UE Music Conservatory presents UE’s two largest instrumental ensembles, the Symphony Orchestra and the Wind Ensemble, in a concert at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at Old National Events Plaza, 715 Locust St, in downtown Evansville. The concert is free and open to the public. Come hear the talented wind, brass, percussion, and string players of these ensembles.
ECTE Lunch and Learn - 3/3
Join us on March 3rd in the Philips Alcove in Ridgeway Center from 12:15-1:00 pm for a great Lunch and Learn Discussion with Dr. Thomas Josenhans regarding Creative Uses of Audio Technology: Heartbeat Songs.
The presentation will explore the use of audio technology to support learning and practice in music therapy settings, focusing on the use of Digital Stethoscopes, the audio editing software, and heartbeat songs.
Pizza and salad will be provided and a short discussion on MIT scheduling will follow.
Hope to see everyone there!
The CDEI & SAB Presents: Prom Night
The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & the Student Activities Board are proud to present PROM NIGHT! All students are invited to dance the night away at an event that you don’t want to miss! Be on the lookout for additional details coming soon.
Until then, SAVE THE DATE!
Ash Wednesday Celebration
On Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be administering ashes and offering prayers to students who wish to celebrate the beginning of Lenten season. We will also have prayers and devotions for students to take with them. Please join us anytime between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm by the information desk on the first floor of Ridgway to participate in the celebration!
CDEI Presents... I-House: Volunteer Tourism
The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is hosting its fifth I-House of the semester on Wednesday, March 2nd. Join us from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Ridgway Gallery as we discuss volunteer tourism and all the possibilities that come with it!
We hope to see you there!
Phi Mu Rendezvous
This is an event for students to come meet Phi Mu sorority sisters and get to know our philanthropies. There will be food and crafts.
Spring Break plans
It's not too late to join the Venturing Crew for Spring Break.
We will be backpacking Red River Gorge, staying in a luxury cabin and climbing Via Farratta.
All of this only costs you as a participant $25. The Crew has gear you can borrow and we will leave Saturday morning and be back to campus Tuesday evening so you can study or plan another trip for the rest of spring break.
Due to scheduling conflicts, we're unable to host tables in Ridgway but you can email us at venturing@evansville.edu and we will work out the details to get you sign up.
The deadline for sign-ups will be Wednesday March 2nd via Email to venturing@evansville.edu
Hope to see you on the trails!
IPCA Presents: Roe v. Wade Lecture
Join IPCA for a night of rights awareness and education. Pam Lockhard will be lecturing on topics such as Roe v. Wade, importance of bodily autonomy, and the right to make decisions about oneself.
Topic: Pam Locker Lecture
Time: Feb 28, 2022 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 634 233 1702
Coming Up In Religious Life
Please join Newman Club for Ash Wednesday Mass, March 2, with Bishop Siegel at 5:00 pm in Neu Chapel.
Dinner will follow Mass in Grabill lounge.
CDEI Presents: Diverse Excellence Series
The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is proud to announce its first segment of the Diverse Excellence Series! Guest speaker, Rose Mays is professor emeritus at the IU School of Nursing at IUPUI and former associate dean for community and international affairs. Join us as we learn about Mays’ cultural background and life trajectory.
Please use the link below or head over to UEngage to successfully pre-register for this event!
We hope to virtually see you on February 28th from 6:00-7:00 pm!
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
UE Employee Wellness Step Challenge~ Earn $150 in Health Behavior Credits
Join Bracket Busters Today!
This step challenge is modeled after the NCAA's March Madness tournament.
Track your steps each day.
Those with the highest step counts at the end of the week will advance to the next round.
March 14-May 8th
To sign up click the following link and enter your information: https://forms.gle/xZq88hveCeDsig8r7
Challenge participants will earn $150 in Healthy Behavior Credits (if not already earned in the 2021-2022 benefit plan year)
All employees are welcome to participate, only those with the HRA Health Plan can be awarded the healthy behavior credit
Intro to Python, and Intro to SQL Workshops
The UE Statistics and Data Science Club have arranged the following workshops:
Intro to Python
Presented by Dr. Omid Khormali
KC 102
February 23
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Intro to SQL
Presented by Dr. Omid Khormali
KC 102
March 2
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact nt74@evansville.edu.
Krannert Gallery Exhibit
The Department of Art invites you to the Krannert Gallery for the exhibit It Started with a Moose: Watercolors by Diane Ubelhor-Wunderlich. The artist exhibition will be open February 20 - March 27, 2022.
Black History Month Challenge
During Black History Month join the UE BHM Challenge sponsored by the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion! In this challenge you will find 28 ways for 28 days of Black History Month to actively learn, engage, support, and uplift Black culture from Evansville and around the world. Items listed in the challenge can be done personally or in a social group! Do some personal research on Juneteenth or grab a friend and some popcorn and watch Just Mercy. Either way you do it, #BHMChallenge yourself! Happy Black History Month!
1. Watch a documentary on civil-rights movements
2. Listen to a new Black artist, composer, or band
3. Look at or add art on Black history and culture to your collection
4. Research UE and the surrounding community’s Black history
5. Research a local/global Black activist
6. Read a Black biography or autobiography
7. Visit the African-American museum
8. Bring awareness to a charity focused on supporting the Black community
9. Incorporate BHM into your Teachings/ Learning/ Work
10. Attend a diversity training, event or workshop hosted by UE CDEI or others
11. Sign up to receive news from a Black own and operated organization
12. Find a Black story that speaks to you or that you can relate to
13. Create a "Talking about Race" Toolkit
14. Learn the full version of Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing
15. Listen to a Black speaker via TedTalk, PodCast, etc.
16. Watch a Black movie not about Black trauma
17. Host and/or participate in a Black history trivia event
18. Have an uncomfortable discussion with someone, don’t be color-blind
19. Research Juneteenth, Kwanza and other Black holidays
20. Spend time learning about an influential Black individual in Evansville
21. Read Dr. King’s "I Have a Dream" speech
22. Add some Black cuisines to your menu
23. Share a quote on your social media or with friends from an influential Black Voice
24. Find an everyday item created by a Black inventor
25. Use something related to Black culture as a background on zoom and explain what it is
26. Follow or Subscribe to a Black creator
27. Support or partner with a Black business
28. Download 3 Black-owned apps
Black History Icons Summary
To celebrate Black History Month, we sent out daily posts to honor icons whose selfless contributions through out history, continue to inspire growth in our various communities. To end our series, we've attached a list of all eighteen icons that we celebrated, and we hope their legacies continue to inspire our various UE communities. Thank you for following our series, and you can follow BSU @UEBlackStudentU, @uevansville for more programming this semester.
• Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander
• Maya Angelou
• Bessie Coleman
• Medgar Evers
• James Forten
• Audre Lorde
• Howard Thurman
• Athena Gibson
• Albert Murray
• Mae Jemison
• Jesse Owens
• Ruby Bridges
• Bayard Rustin
• Claudette Colvin
• Gordon Parks
• Angela Davis
• W.E.B Du Bois
• Dorothy Height
Student Fitness Center Gym
The Student Fitness Center Gym basketball courts and track will be closed from 7 AM - 1:30 PM on Thursday, March 3 and, Tuesday, March 8.
Harlaxton Fall 2022 deadline approaching
Spend your Fall semester at Harlaxton! Applications and deposits for Harlaxton Fall 2022 are due by Spring Break, March 7! If you have an interest in going to Harlaxton in Fall, make sure to check out the course options and apply online as soon as possible at https://harlaxton.evansville.edu/accepted/semester.cfm. Then, your $100 deposit for Harlaxton Fall 2022 can be paid to Student Accounts at their office in Olmsted Hall or by calling 812-488-2565.
If you have questions or want to learn more about Harlaxton, feel free to email harlaxton@evansville.edu or come see Kaylynn McCalister in the Harlaxton office in Ridgway 220, by student engagement!
Village Request Cards Available
Students interested in living in the Villages for 2022-23 should pick up Village request cards in the Office of Residence Life.
The Villages are reserved primarily for students with 60 plus credit hours. In order to apply to live in the Villages, each person in your group must have at least 44 credit hours on file with the University by the end of the Fall 2021 semester.
Village request cards are due back to the Office of Residence Life by 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 4.
More information on the housing assignments process can be found on the residence life section of the University website at https://www.evansville.edu/residencelife/housingapplyreturn/calendar.cfm.
Have you applied for graduation?
If you have not applied for graduation, please make sure you do so. You can do this through the Self-Service Graduation Overview tab. You must apply for graduation even if you do not plan on attending Commencement.
Questions, please contact Ashley Nels at an89@evansville.edu
Black History Month @ UE
Happy Black History Month!
This Black History Month the Center for Diversity Equity and Inclusion has a number of amazing programs scheduled for the campus and Evansville community! Keep an eye out on Acenotes, UEngage, and our social media for more specific information related to each program and how to RSVP if necessary!
In addition to Black History Month programming the CDEI will also be hosting other programs this month! Be on the look out for these, as well!
If you have any questions about the programming hosted by the CDEI, please send us an email at Center4DEI@evansville.edu
Black History Month @ UE
UE Black History Month Challenge
2/8....................Spill the Tea on Privilege
2/9.....................I-House: Blackness in other Cultures
2/14..................Black Love Trivia
2/16...................I-House: Activism around the World
2/17..................Wear the Culture Day
2/18..................Civil Rights Sip and Paint w/ BSU
2/19..................Muhammad Ali & Roots 101 Museum Trip
2/22..................BHM Keynote Speaker
2/23..................Local Leaders Panel @ Young and Established
2/28..................Diverse Excellence Series
Eykamp Prize: Call for Nominations
The Eykamp Prize was established by Richard and Rita Eykamp in 2015 to honor Faculty Achievement at the University of Evansville. Recipients of the prize will receive a one-time award of $10,000 in recognition of extraordinary contributions to the University of Evansville as University Citizens. Examples of such contributions include deep and successful involvement in recruiting students; expanding the number, scope, and competitiveness of grant funding for their department; bringing positive public awareness to the University through scholarship, knowledge, and understanding of their discipline.
Nominations for the Eykamp Prize may come from any member of the University of Evansville Community. Nominees should be tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the University of Evansville who have not received the award in the previous five years. Nominations can be submitted in writing or via e-mail to Michael Austin, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, at ma352@evansville.edu by March 11, 2022. Nominations should include the name of the faculty member and a brief statement of the reasons that he or she is being nominated.
Recipients of the Eykamp Prize will be selected by an Award Committee, appointed by the EVPAA/Provost that includes members of the faculty, staff, administrators, and a member of the Board of Trustees. Awards will be announced and presented at the May Commencement Ceremony.
Recipients in the previous five years: 2017 – Dr. Lora Becker; 2018 – Dr. David Dwyer; 2019 – Dr. Kristy Miller; 2020 – Dr. Jerrilee LaMar; 2021 – Dr. Joyce Stamm
Congratulations to our mechanical engineering alumnus, Mr. Costas Theofylaktos
Congratulations to our mechanical engineering alumnus, Mr. Costas Theofylaktos (BS, 1985, MS 1987) on the publication of the present edition of the book titled, SE Europe Energy Outlook 2021/22. He coauthored this book with other distinguished experts in this field. Mr. Theofylaktos received his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Evansville in 1985 and his Master of Science in mechanical engineering 1987. He has more than 30 years’ experience in the energy sector. Costas’s special interests include energy efficiency, cogeneration and RES. He was the chairman of Hellenic Association for CHP and also member of the executive committee of COGEN Europe. He has served as chairman and CEO of the Athens based Centre of Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES). He has worked globally as a senior consultant for several organizations including the EU, World Bank, EBRD, the Energy Community. He is a Partner and Member of the Board of Governors of IENE where he is Secretary General of the Institute and also chairs the Energy Efficiency Committee. We are proud of his accomplishments. Congratulations, Mr. Costas Theofylaktos!
Dr. Hyunsoung Park publishes a journal paper in the Journal of Building Engineering
Dr. Hyunsoung Park, Visiting Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering from the School of Engineering and Computer Science and his co-authors have published a journal paper titled "A deep learning algorithm-driven approach to predicting repair costs associated with natural disaster indicators: The case of accommodation facilities" in the Journal of Building Engineering. Congratulations, Dr. Park!
Counseling Services to Host Farewell Reception for Karen Stenstrom
The Office of Counseling Services invites you to attend a farewell reception in honor of our Director, Karen Stenstrom, as she celebrates more than two decades of service to the University of Evansville! The reception will be held on Tuesday, March 1st, in the Multicultural Student Commons Alcove (across from the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) from 3-4:30pm. Light refreshments will be available during the celebration. We hope to see you there!
UE Track & Field Sees Four School Records, 16 PRs Fall In First Day At MVC Championships
The University of Evansville track and field team set four school records and 16 personal-best marks on Sunday in the first day of action at the 2022 Missouri Valley Conference Indoor Championships at Gately Park Track & Field Center in Chicago, Illinois.
Senior Skylar Tucker (Linton, Ind./Linton-Stockton) pulled off a rare double to lead the way for UE, as she tied the indoor school record in the long jump with a leap of 5.15 meters, while also setting a new school mark in the 200-meters at 26.86 on Sunday. Fellow senior Taiza Alexander (Berea, Ky./Berea Community) also lowered her own school record in the 60-meter dash to 8.00, while junior Giovanni Purser (Port Maria, Jamaica) broke the men’s 200-meter record with a time of 22.67.
“I am really proud of the job the team did today,” said UE track and field head coach Don Walters. “Our focus was to try and set PRs today, and we were able to achieve that goal with 16 different PRs. Up and down the roster, we had people step up and give it their all, and I am proud of the effort today.
“We have the opportunity tomorrow to set some more PRs, and I am looking for the team to keep that same mentality tomorrow.”
Senior Trey Riggs (Ft. Branch, Ind./Gibson Southern) did not set a PR, but he did advance to the event finals in the 60-meter hurdles with a qualifying time of 8.31. He will enter Monday’s finals ranked sixth in the event, just 0.22 behind the top qualifier from Sunday’s preliminary round.
The UE men set nine PRs, including two of the fastest runs in program history in both the 400- and 800-meter races. Junior Steven Burkhart (South Knox HS) ran the fastest indoor 400-meter time on record at UE since 1977 with a personal-best mark of 50.70. Freshman Adam Oulgout (St. Paul, Minn./Central) also ran the fastest 800-meter time on record at UE since 1983 with a time of 1:57.45.
Senior Carson Kline (Terre Haute, Ind./South) turned in his fastest 800-meter time as a Purple Ace (2:03.06), while fellow senior Joey Rucinski (Ft. Wayne, Ind./Concordia Lutheran) ran his fastest 60-meter time (7.67) as part of the heptathlon. Senior thrower Andrew Schuler (Ferdinand, Ind./Forest Park) also set a new PR in the weight throw (14.14 meters). Junior Jackson Maurer (Evansville, Ind./Gibson Southern) and sophomore Geordan Blades (Avon, Ind./Avon) set indoor PR marks in the 400 (54.24) and 200-meters (22.96), respectively.
In addition to the three school records set by Alexander and Tucker, the UE women set four additional PR marks. Senior Haley Dean (Lacombe, La./Lakeshore) posted the third-fastest indoor 400-meter time by athlete at UE with a time of 1:01.76, while junior Claire Griffy set a new personal standard in the 800-meters. Freshman Kara Yunker (Evansville, Ind./North) also set new personal-best marks in both the 60 (8.41) and 200-meter (28.56) events.
The 2022 MVC Indoor Championships will continue on Monday, with competition set to begin at 9:30 a.m. Monday’s action can be seen on ESPN3, with the broadcast coverage beginning at 11:15 central.
Aces Drop Narrow Doubleheader to Dayton to Close Weekend
In a pair of close contests, the University of Evansville baseball team dropped a doubleheader on Sunday afternoon to Dayton, 4-2 and 5-4, on Sunday in German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.
"Losing two close games is tough early in the season. We need to learn how to win with quality outs out of the bullpen and an offensive approach late in games to win," said Aces head baseball coach Wes Carroll. "You have to credit Dayton's pitching staff because they did a great job against our plan at the plate."
Game One: Dayton 4, Evansville 2
Both starting pitchers opened the day on a roll as the Aces Nick Smith and Dayton's Ryan Steinhauer faced the minimum through three innings. The Flyers got on the board first in the fourth, recording a pair of runs on three hits before Smith shutdown the Flyer threat. In the bottom half of the fourth, Evansville responded, scoring a run on RBI base hit up the middle from Simon Scherry that scored Brent Widder. Scherry would work his way to second with just one out, but the Aces went down on back-to-back strikeouts to end the inning.
In the sixth, Smith was relieved, finishing his outing with five innings of work, allowing two runs on four hits, while striking-out four. Coming in to pitch for the Aces was Nate Hardman, who was difficult for the Flyers to hit. The seventh inning saw the Aces tie the game on an RBI single from Eric Roberts that pushed home Tanner Craig. Evansville looked poised to add additional runs, but Roberts was thrown out at home and another strikeout ended the inning.
With the game headed to the ninth, Dayton took advantage of their last chance, scoring twice in the top half of the inning and shutting the door on the Aces in the bottom half as the Flyers captured the 4-2 win.
Game Two: Dayton 5, Evansville 4
It was Evansville who jumped on the Flyers first in the bottom of the first of game two. The Aces loaded the bases with just one out and scored Roberts and Evan Berkey on a single to left from Brendan Hord that ended the day for Dayton starter Parker Bard after just a third of an inning of work. Poised to add more, Evansville's threat was ended with back-to-back outs from reliever Anthony Hattrup.
Dayton scratched back a run in the top of the second to narrow its deficit to one at 2-1, but overall, Aces starter Shane Harris worked well through the first few innings. In the fourth, Dayton jumped on top, doing so by way of a two-run homer to right from Alex Neff. The Flyers pushed their lead to 4-2 an inning later with an RBI sac bunt.
Harris' day came to an end in the sixth having gone 5.2 innings, allowing four runs on five hits, striking-out six. The Flyers would add their final run in the seventh, but the Aces built a comeback bid in the eighth and ninth. Trailing by three runs, Chase Hug scored on an error in the eighth, getting within a pair of runs at 5-3. With the game on the line, Evansville generated some offense, sparked by Tanner Craig's ability to reach base on a strikeout as the leadoff batter in the inning due to an errant throw from the Flyer catcher. Back-to-back outs put the Aces in a tough spot, but Mark Shallenberger delivered a needed RBI on a blooper into center that scored Craig and put the Aces just a run back. Down to their final out, Flyers' reliever Jake Silverstein got a strikeout, earning the 5-4 win for Dayton.
Evansville is back in action on Wednesday with a trip to Lexington, Ky. to take on the Kentucky Wildcats at 4 PM (CT).
Softball splits day two in Hattiesburg
In the second day of the Hub City Challenge, the University of Evansville softball team split a pair of games, erupting for an 11-0 win over Alcorn State before dropping the second game of the day – a 7-2 decision to Southern Mississippi.
Game 1 – UE 11, Alcorn State 0 (5 innings)
UE scored four times in the first inning and pulled away to finish with an 11-0 win over the Braves to open the day. Alexa Davis walked to lead the game off and would score on a passed ball later in the inning. The big hit came off the bat of Marah Wood, who drilled a 3-run homer to center field to bring in Jessica Fehr and Sydney Weatherford.
Things remained 4-0 in favor of the Aces until the fourth when four more runs crossed the plate. Once again, it was Davis leading off and delivering a double. Weatherford followed with an RBI double to bring in the fifth run of the day. A bases clearing double by Jenna Nink made it an 8-0 score. In the fifth, the Aces put the finishing touch on the game, extending the lead to 11-0.
Bella Coffey recorded an RBI double to score Elyse Hickey before Brooke McCorkle delivered a 2-run home run to score Coffey and make it an 11-0 game. Alcorn State had one reach base in the bottom of the fifth before Izzy Vetter shut the door and finished with the shutout. Vetter pitched 4 2/3 innings to earn the win. She struck out ten batters. Nink was a perfect 3-3 at the plate with three RBI while Wood matched her RBI total. Davis, Weatherford and Jessica Fehr each scored twice.
Game 2 – Southern Miss 7, UE 2
Southern Miss limited the Aces to two runs on four hits to finish with a 7-2 win. Hannah Hood scored a pair of runs in the contest. The Golden Eagles plated two runs in both the first and second innings before Evansville got on the board in the third. Hood reached on a walk and would score on a USM error.
Following another USM run in the fourth, the Aces got it right back in the fifth when Hood came home for the second time on a Sydney Weatherford single down the right field line. UE threatened in the top of the sixth as Marah Wood hit a leadoff double, but was stranded at second. Southern Miss took advantage, plating two more in the sixth to finish off the win. USM starter Morgan Leinstock pitched the complete game and struck out eight. Paige McAllister made the start for UE and allowed four runs, three earned, in three frames. Weatherford threw the final three innings and gave up the final three runs.
USM and UE meet up again on Sunday in a noon contest.
Frederking and Givance reach 1,000 points in home finale
Noah Frederking and Shamar Givance both reached the 1,000-point mark in their careers in the regular season finale on Saturday at the Ford Center. Battling down to the wire, the University of Evansville men’s basketball team came up short in an 88-79 contest against Missouri State.
Givance was the top scorer for the Purple Aces (6-23, 2-16 MVC), recording 20. He was 4-of-5 from outside and all of his points came in the second half. Blaise Beauchamp also finished with four triples on his way to 18. Frederking registered 17 points while draining four of his six outside attempts while Blake Sisley finished with 14.
Pacing the Bears (22-9, 13-5 MVC) was Gaige Prim, who had 28. Isiaih Mosley finished with 20 while hauling in a game-high 11 boards.
Evansville hit one of its opening 10 field goal attempts on the day, but rebounded to finish the game by knocking down 23 of its final 45 tries (51.1%). Frederking, who needed just eight points to reach the milestone, scored UE’s opening eight tallies before reaching 1K with a 3-pointer at the 13:28 mark that made it a 12-8 Missouri State lead. The Bears came back with a 9-3 run to take their first double figure lead of the game at 21-11.
Over the final minutes of the opening half, the Aces got within six points before heading to the break trailing the Bears by a 37-29 score. Beauchamp got the team going in the second half, turning a Sisley steal into a 3-pointer in the first UE possession to make it a 5-point game. His shot was a good omen for UE, who shot 57.1% in the final stanza. MSU went back up by seven and held a 43-37 lead with 16:07 remaining in the game.
That is when Evansville stormed back with a 7-0 run to take its first lead of the day. Givance drove for a basket to get it started before Gage Bobe knocked in two free throws. After forcing a miss on the defensive end, Frederking came right down and drained a triple to give UE a 44-43 lead at the 14:08 mark. The Bears responded with a triple on the other end to jump right back in front and embarked on an 11-2 stretch to go up by a 54-46 score over the next four minutes.
Frederking answered with another trey before a floater by Beauchamp made it a single possession game once again. At the 8:21 mark, Beauchamp came through with a triple to give UE a 57-56 lead. A technical foul on Evansville proved to be a turning point with the Bears scoring three points on the possession as part of a 14-4 run that gave them a 70-61 advantage entering the final five minutes.
A tenacious Aces team never backed down. Trailing by as many as 12 in the final three minutes, UE continued to knock down its triple and another from Givance made it an 80-75 game with 56 ticks showing on the clock. As a team, the Aces hit a season-high 16 triples on the day. MSU was able to answer on the other end and would finish with the 88-79 victory.
UE is set to square off against Valparaiso for the third time in two weeks in the Arch Madness opener on Thursday at 8:30 p.m.
Coffey's 2-run double lifts UE to 3-1 win at Southern Miss
Minutes after Southern Miss tied the score at 1-1, Bella Coffey hit a 2-run double to help the University of Evansville softball team finish the Hub City Challenge with a 3-1 win over Southern Miss.
Evansville’s win caps off another strong weekend that saw the Purple Aces go 3-1 while improving to 9-5 on the season with three of those losses coming to opponents ranked in the top eight in the nation.
Izzy Vetter was the story through the first five innings on Sunday. The senior allowed just one Southern Miss hit in the opening five frames while the offense gave her a 1-0 lead in the third. UE threatened in the first inning when a 1-out single by Jessica Fehr was followed by a double from Marah Wood. Fehr rounded third before an excellent throw got the out at home.
Two innings later, Fehr continued to swing the hot bat, reaching on a 2-out double. Wood followed with her second double of the contest and Fehr crossed the plate for the first run of the game. The score remained 1-0 in favor of UE until the sixth when the Golden Eagles knotted the score at 1-1, picking up three of their four hits on the day.
In the seventh, the Aces offense wasted little time in working to retake the lead. Hannah Hood led off with a walk and Alexa Davis followed with a single. The duo advanced to second and third on the play and gave Bella Coffey a big opportunity. Coffey delivered, doubling down the right field line to put Evansville on top at 3-1. Vetter was solid in the seventh, allowing one walk before recording the final two outs to clinch the win. She picked up win #7 of the season.
Fehr and Wood accounted for four of UE’s eight hits in the game. Fehr, Hood and Davis scored the three Aces runs.
Home action opens next weekend with the UE Softball Invitational. Running Friday through Sunday, the Aces are set to face Oakland, Green Bay, Morehead State, Creighton and Bowling Green.
Nink's walk-off single gives UE 5-4 win
For the second weekend in a row, outfielder Jenna Nink had the game-winning hit for the University of Evansville softball team, delivering a 2-out single in the 7th inning to give the Purple Aces a 5-4 win over Alcorn State in Friday’s Hub City Challenge opener.
Evansville (7-4) held a 4-3 lead entering the seventh before the Braves (7-5) rallied to tie it up. In the bottom half of the frame, Nink’s single brought in Jessica Fehr to clinch the win. Fehr was a perfect 3-for-3 on Friday while adding two runs, two RBI and a walk. Marah Wood added a double and two RBI as the Aces picked up nine hits. Izzy Vetter picked up the win for UE, tossing the final two innings.
Alcorn State took a 2-0 lead to open the third inning before the Aces knotted it right up. Alexa Davis was hit by a pitch to lead the inning off before Sydney Weatherford singled and advanced on the throw to put runners on second and third. Marah Wood came through with a 2-RBI double to left center.
Two more runs crossed the plate in the fourth to give Evansville its first lead of the day. Haley Woolf, Mackenzie McFeron and Davis each singled to load the bases. With two outs, Jessica Fehr brought in a pair of runs with a single. Alcorn State got one of the runs back in the fifth before a 2-out single tied it in the 7th.
UE was unphased by the rally and used more 2-out magic to respond. Fehr picked up her third hit of the day with one out before Alyssa Barela picked up a walk in a pinch-hit appearance with two outs. That brought Jenna Nink to the plate, who delivered once again with a single up the middle to clinch a 5-4 win.
Saturday’s action features an 11 a.m. rematch with Alcorn State before a 2 p.m. contest versus Southern Mississippi.
MVC Indoor Championships Up Next For UE Track & Field
The final indoor track meet of the 2022 season will take place on Sunday and Monday for the University of Evansville track and field teams, as the Purple Aces will take part in the 2022 Missouri Valley Conference Indoor Championships at Gately Park Track & Field Center in Chicago, Illinois.
So far this year, Evansville has been busy rewriting the indoor record books at UE, as the Purple Aces have already either set or tied four men’s records and two women’s records during the course of the indoor season. The Purple Aces have also established 43 personal-best marks in its first four indoor meets of 2022.
“We have to keep the same mindset that we have all year long this weekend,” said UE track and field head coach Don Walters. “We need to focus on doing our job and focus on setting a new PR.
“We cannot worry about anything else. We just need to go out and do our job and focus on us.”
Senior Trey Riggs (Ft. Branch, Ind./Gibson Southern) will be looked upon to help lead the UE men’s team, after finishing eighth in the 60-meter hurdles last year at the indoor conference meet. Riggs also established a new UE indoor long jump record earlier this year with a jump of 6.66 meters.
Junior thrower Zach Dove (Princeton, Ind./Princeton Community) has also been coming on strong of late, as he set a new school standard in the weight throw on February 5 at the Don DeNoon Invitational, before setting a new personal standard in the shot put last weekend at Indiana State.
On the women’s side, graduate student Anna Lowry (Taylorville, Ill./Taylorville) will look to defend her 5,000-meter title at the Valley Championships. Lowry has earned a podium finish in the 5,000-meters in each of the last two MVC Indoor Championship meets, and is also the reigning 10,000-meter outdoor champion in the Valley.
Senior Taiza Alexander (Berea, Ky./Berea Community) also tied the UE indoor record in the long jump last weekend at Indiana State, while also holding the school record in the 60-meter dash, set at last year’s Valley Indoor Championships.
Senior Day set for Saturday when UE welcomes Missouri State
Senior Day is on tap Saturday when the University of Evansville men’s basketball team closes out the regular season schedule with a 4 p.m. game against Missouri State. Fifth year seniors Noah Frederking and Evan Kuhlman will be recognized. ESPN+ and the Purple Aces Radio Network will have the coverage.
Approaching 1K
- Noah Frederking and Shamar Givance are within striking distance of the 1,000-point mark in their careers
- Frederking currently has 992 points while Givance just behind him with 989
- There are currently 50 members of the Purple Aces’ 1,000-point club
- The last player to reach 1,000 was K.J. Riley, who did so in 2019 and finished with 1,062 in his career
Last Time Out
- UE took a 3-2 lead in the early moments before Loyola flexed its muscle, finishing the night with an 82-31 win over the Aces
- The Ramblers put the game out of reach with a 30-2 run that made it a 32-5 score with 5:11 remaining in the first half
- For the second game in a row, Blake Sisley led the team in scoring, finishing with 9 points on three triples
- Emmette Page tied his career mark with six points
Leading Once Again
- Finishing with nine points at Loyola on Wednesday, Blake Sisley led the team in scoring for the second game in a row
- On Monday, Sisley reset his career scoring high with 18 points at Valparaiso...over the last two games, Sisley has hit 7 of his 12 attempts from outside
- He has recorded 9+ points in five of the last seven games
- Over the last seven games, Sisley is averaging 10.9 PPG while shooting 49.1% from the field and 44.4% from outside
First Double-Double
- Monday’s road game at Valparaiso saw Shamar Givance record the first double-double of his career with 12 points and 10 assists
- The 10 helpers for Givance marked the top tally of his career and the first UE player to record double figure assists since Dru Smith in 2017
- Over the last seven games, Givance has scored at least 12 points in five of those contests and is just 11 away from 1,000 in his career
- The latest streak raised his season average to a team-best 13.6 PPG, which ranks 14th in the MVC
Scouting the Opponent
- Missouri State comes into the regular season finale with a 21-9 mark and sit at 12-5 in the Valley
- The Bears are right in the thick of the conference battle and enter the weekend tied with Drake for the third spot and could finish anywhere between second and fourth
- On Wednesday, MSU defeated Bradley by an 83-67 final
- Isiaih Mosley is tied for the MVC lead with 20.0 points per game and also leads the team with 33 steals
- Gaige Prim has a 15.9 PPG average while hauling in a team-high 7.7 rebounds per game, which ranks second in the Valley
- Prim scored a game-high 23 points in the first meeting against UE
Regular season road slate comes to an end for Aces on Saturday at SIU
Rounding-out the road portion of its regular season schedule, the University of Evansville women's basketball team challenges Southern Illinois at 2 PM on Saturday afternoon in Carbondale, Ill.
Previewing the Matchup: at Southern Illinois
• Evansville and Southern Illinois are meeting for the 66th time in series history with the Salukis owning a 37-28 advantage in the all-time series.
• SIU captured the last meeting between the two sides in a close one inside Meeks Family Fieldhouse, 75-62, on Jan. 29.
• The Salukis enter the matchup with an 18-7 overall record and a 13-2 mark in MVC play, currently sitting atop the conference standings, clear of Missouri State by one game.
• Evansville looks to secure its best seeding in Hoops in the Heartland since the 2016-17 season. The Aces are currently the No. 9 seed with a pair of wins in MVC play, while Bradley is 10th with one win in the conference.
• Since the Aces and SIU met on January 29, only three results for the Salukis have been closer than the Aces were to SIU.
• Saturday marks Evansville's final road game of the regular season as the Aces close the season with a home series against Drake and UNI next weekend.
Aces welcome in Dayton for home-opening series
After four games on the road to start the season, the University of Evansville baseball team opens the home portion of its slate with a three-game weekend series against Dayton at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.
Previewing the Matchup: Dayton
• The Aces and Flyers are meeting for the 21st time in series history in Saturday's series opener as Evansville owns a 16-4 advantage in the all-time series.
• Its been four years since the two met (Feb. 17, DU W, 6-3) and 10 seasons since the two sides engaged in a series with the Flyers capturing a 2-1 series win in Evansville during the 2012 season.
• The Flyers enter the weekend with a 3-0 mark after sweeping last weekend's series with North Carolina A&T. Dayton was selected as the runner-up in the A10, picking up one first-place vote.
Weekend Rotation
RHP Shane Gray
RHP Nick Smith
RHP Shane Harris
RHP Kenny Serwa
LHP Ryan Steinhauer
RHP Chris Peguero
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