AceNotes Today
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Mike Carson Reading and Tribute
There will be a two-day tribute to Mike Carson, Professor Emeritus of the UE English Department, on March 31 and April 1. The tribute will consist of three events: an alumni tribute in Neu Chapel at 2-3:30 on March 31, followed by a Coffee Hour reading at 4 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. Dr. Carson will be reading from his new collection of poems, The Keeper’s Voice (LSU Press), and there will be a book signing after the reading. The next day, April 1, there will be an all-day open House at Fehn House from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and everyone is invited to stop by and visit with Dr. Carson.
After receiving his Ph.D. in English at Ohio State University, Mike Carson taught for over four decades at the University of Evansville, where he served as the English Department Chair, held the Melvin M. Peterson Chair in English and American Literature, and was honored with the university’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. He is also the author of The Keeper’s Voice, a collection of poems recently published by the Louisiana State University Press. His poems have been widely published in such journals as The Southern Review, New Virginia Review, Gulf Stream, Crisis, and Measure.
This Week in Music: Marine Band Conductor/UE Alumna to Conduct at UE
Captain Michelle A. Rakers, USMC, will conduct the UE Wind Ensemble in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway Center tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. Also on the program will be the Castle High School Symphonic Band. Captain Rakers will be on campus as part of the UE Band Festival. She will rehearse with the Castle High School Bands and conduct the CHS Symphonic Band during the Friday performance. Captain Rakers is a 1990 graduate of the University of Evansville. The concert is free and open to the public.
EXSS Forum
The spring EXSS Forum will be held next Wednesday, April 6 at 6 p.m. in Smythe Lecture Hall (Room 170), Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. A panel of professionals will provide information about the many professional options available in exercise science, and answer students' questions. It will provide one-on-one opportunities for students and the professionals to interact, and will appeal to freshmen through seniors. A signup sheet is available in Pam Young’s office, Graves Hall, Room 219. If you have any questions, please contact Career Services at career@evansville.edu or 488-1083.
See You On Tuesday (in the Writing Center) for Thunder from a Clear Sky
See You On Tuesday (in the Writing Center) for Thunder from a Clear Sky!
On July 18, 1862, an Indiana town of nearly 1,300 citizens, including almost 100 convalescing Union soldiers, was captured by a bold Confederate icon commanding only 27 Kentucky rebels. So begins Ray Mulesky’s website on his first book that shares the website’s title. The town is Newburgh, Ind. And the book, according to Mulesky, “is about the high watermark of partisan warfare, the first Confederate military operation to cross the Mason-Dixon line during the Civil War. As reported in the Evansville Daily Journal, the raid was like ‘thunder from a clear sky.’ It was a bold, unexpected stroke by a bold, unexpected soldier.”
Whether your interest lies in learning more about Newburgh’s involvement in the Civil War or in becoming a published writer on any topic, come to the Writers Forum at the Writing Center at 4 p.m., Tuesday, April 5. You'll meet local author Ray Mulesky, who has also written "Kentuckians in Gray" and is currently writing a third book about a Civil War soldier from Posey County whose letters to family members allow the author to tell the story of the war as this young soldier witnessed it. Bring your questions and enjoy this engaging writer's wonderful stories.
Car Talk!
Own a car? Thinking about buying one? Then come to Car Talk, a Define Your Life event, on Saturday, April 9, 2-4 p.m., at the Hale basketball court. Hosted by the Hale and Morton/Brentano staff, Car Talk is designed to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about cars! Car salesmen and other knowledgeable professionals will be passing out knowledge. Car Talk is free and sure to be fun and informative for everyone! Participants will learn about changing, inflating, and caring for tires, and measuring air pressure. They will learn when and why to rotate tires, changing oil and oil filters, changing batteries, and how to jump start a car. They will learn about head lights, spark plugs, fuses, antifreeze, replacing wiper blades and fluid. They will be informed about insurance, buying/selling/financing/leasing a car and related expenses, how to not get swindled, emergency preparedness kits, campus services for drivers, local car shops/dealers, and more.
Graduation Announcements
If you ordered graduation announcements before March 31 you can pick up your order in the UE Bookstore as soon as possible. Please be sure to allow yourself plenty of time for mailing your invitations. If you still need a cap and gown and/or graduation announcements please stop in the UE Bookstore at your earliest opportunity.
Student Publication Jobs
Student Publications is looking for students interested in applying to next year's Crescent Magazine and LinC staffs. Crescent is interested in hiring a copy editor, writers, essayists and columnists. LinC is looking for writers as well as a copy editor; positions with the LinC are year-long.
All positions, for either staff, receive academic credit.
Applications for the Crescent are available on uecrescentmagazine.com under Editorial Policy; e-mail LinC@evansville.edu for LinC applications.
If you have any questions, contact Kaitlin Bonifant at kb151@evansvill.edu .
Last Call for Harlaxton College - Fall 2011
A few places remain available for the Fall 2011 semester at Harlaxton College, the British campus of the University of Evansville. Interested students should act at once to ensure a place. Applications and course packets are available in the Study Abroad Office, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration, Room 261. Email queries may be directed to ek43@evansville.edu
The priority application deadline for the Spring 2012 semester was March 4. Spring applications received after that date are currently being waitlisted. Such applicants will receive written acknowledgement of their application and informed that a final admission decision is unlikely until late August at the earliest.
Volunteers Needed for Southern Indiana Classic Marathon
Volunteers are needed for the Southern Indiana Classic Marathon in April!
The Southern Indiana Classic Marathon and Half Marathon takes place on Sunday, April 10 in Evansville at the Vanderburgh County 4H center. There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available, both that weekend and the week leading up to it. Volunteers receive free t-shirts, entrance to the SIC Celebration Party (going on all day at the 4H center for the community and race participants) and are invited to a volunteer appreciation party the week following the event.
To see jobs and sign up, visit the website www.sicmarathon.com, and click "learn more" under volunteer information. This is perfect for your student organization, sorority or fraternity to all work together and help our community. If you have a group that is interested in volunteering please contact SIC intern Lauren Schaftlein at ls184@evansville.edu For all other questions, contact Andrea Klotz at sicmarathonvolunteer@sicmarathon.com or ak96@evansville.edu.
Dance Team Tryouts
When/where: April 8 from 6-9 p.m. in the Fitness Center Activities Room and April 9 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Small Gym
What to wear: Dance shoes (jazz shoes or sneakers), fitted dance clothes; no baggy pants!
$15 Tryout fee
Learn a dance on Friday and perform it Saturday in front of a panel. You will also need to show different technique skills. Please come with 4-5 8-counts of choreography. You may dance to your own music or without music. Please contact Coach Lauren Doerner at ld43@evansville.edu, Assistant Coach Mariel Arata at ma112@evansville.edu, or any current team member if you have questions. See you there!
Interested in Joining UE Dance Team?
If you are interested in trying out for the University of Evansville Dance Team, please join the current team in off-season technique practice. They will be reviewing skills you will be required to perform at tryouts and in the 2011-2012 dance season. Practice is Friday, April 1 from 3-5:30 p.m. The group will first meet in the Fitness Center Lobby. Please contact Coach Lauren Doerner at ld43@evansville.edu, Assistant. Coach Mariel Arata at ma112@evansville.edu, or any current team member if you have questions. See you there!
Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship Application Deadline is April 1
Reminder: Margery Florence Kahn Scholarship Application deadline is April 1! All University of Evansville full-time undergraduate students who will be juniors or seniors in 2011-12 may apply. An essay of about 300 words must accompany the application, along with two to five faculty recommendation letters.
It was the desire of the donor, Margery Florence Kahn, that her scholarship be awarded to "dedicated and conscientious students who exhibit a true passion for their chosen fields of study, and who, in the opinion of the members of the University of Evansville faculty, are likely to bring the same enthusiasm into the performance of their jobs or the practice of the professions which they will pursue following graduation."
Applications are available from the Office of Financial Aid (Olmsted Hall 116). Completed applications should be returned by April 1.
Last Day to Drop Spring Classes – Friday, April 1
Don’t forget that Friday, April 1, is the last day to drop a spring class. Drops will be posted with a ‘W’ grade. If you need to drop a class, fill out a yellow Add/Drop Form (available in the Registrar’s Office in Olmsted Hall room 106), get signatures from your advisor and class instructor, and return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 1.
University of Evansville Andiron Lecture Series 2011-2012 Call for Papers
Faculty and administrators from across the University campus, as well as members of the Evansville community, are invited to submit an abstract for papers on any aspect of their research or expertise for the 2011-2012 Andiron Lectures in the Liberal Arts and Sciences. All disciplines and fields of study are welcome. Reading time for papers is approximately 40 minutes. Deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2011.
Please provide the following by email:
A 50-word abstract
Name, Academic Affiliation/ Occupation,
Paper title, Contact Information
Please send submissions to:
Chris Mohn
Nominations for off-campus speakers can be sent by email to Andiron Lecture committee members Mohammad Azarian, Wes Milner, Annette Parks, John Stamm, Bill Hemminger and Chris Mohn (chair).
Staff Recognition Dinner
Each staff employee and his or her guest are invited to attend the Staff Recognition Dinner at the Log Inn on Monday, April 25. The social hour (cash bar and appetizers) begins at 6 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7 p.m. Please join Dr. Kazee in the presentation of staff service awards, and for the presentation of the Staff Employee of The Year Award. Invitations will be sent to staff employees via UE campus mail during the first week of April. Please contact Human Resources at extension 2943 if you have any questions.
Free Student Transportation to see Carlo Gutierrez at Victory
Students are invited to sign up for free bus transportation between the UE campus and the Victory Theatre to attend the upcoming International Speaker Series featuring Carlos Gutierrez. Gutierrez was the 35th US Secretary of Commerce as well as CEO and Chairman of the Board for Kellogg Company. He will discuss "Maintaining America’s Competitive Advantage" at the Victory Theatre in downtown Evansville on April 7 at 7 p.m. Students should register for the free bus transportation now through Tuesday, April 5 in the Institute for Global Enterprise in Indiana office on the second floor of the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. For more information, call 812-488-2455 or e-mail globalindiana@evansville.edu.
Heidi Strobel Participating in Seminar
Heidi Strobel, associate professor of art history, will be one of 20 participants in a Council of Independent Colleges seminar this June. The seminar, Living with Art in Renaissance and Baroque Europe, will be held at the High Museum in Atlanta, Ga.
Women's Soccer Program Adds Six Newcomers
Six high school seniors have announced that they will attend the University of Evansville and play soccer for head coach Krista McKendree. The six include midfielder/defender Taylor Brand of Greenfield, Ind., defender Ashley Chrisman of Chelsea, Mich., midfielder Taylor Clauson of Noblesville, Ind., midfielder Caitlin Dierkes of St. Louis, midfielder Tatiana Pagan of Las Vegas, Nev. and forward Katie Ross of Aurora, Ill.
"I am very pleased with the six ladies we have added to our Aces Soccer family," McKendree said. "They are as committed to their academics as they are to soccer, and that is a trait which is very important to us. These ladies are all exceptional people, and I am excited to see how hard they are going to push themselves and our current players to help us achieve the success we strive for daily. All of them understand the commitment it takes to be great and are excited to get here in August and get to work. It?s great to be able to continue the pipelines of St. Louis, Las Vegas and the Chicago areas, and I am thrilled to have the chance to incorporate the Indianapolis area and Chelsea, Mich. into our recruiting network."
Taylor Brand, Midfielder/Defender, Greenfield Central High School, Greenfield, Ind.
Brand plays for coach Jamie Gilbert's FC Pride club team. She helped lead Greenfield Central High School to a conference championship and FC Pride to a State Cup championship in 2009, and was a key player on FC Pride's Midwest Regional League championship team of 2010. Coach McKendree on Taylor Brand: "I am looking for Taylor to add versatility and athleticism to our team. Taylor has the ability to fill a couple different roles for us. She can strike a great ball and is very comfortable challenging for balls in the air."
Ashley Chrisman, Defender, Chelsea High School, Chelsea, Mich.
A standout at Chelsea High School and for the Novi Michigan Jaguars, Chrisman has more experience as a defender than any other UE newcomer. She helped lead the Jaguars to four State Cup appearances, and helped lead Chelsea High School to the state semifinals in 2009 and to a sectional championship in 2010. Coach McKendree on Ashley Chrisman: "Ashley is going to add some speed and tenacity to our backline. She also has the quickness and mindset to help us create the attack out of the back."
Taylor Clauson, Central Midfielder, Noblesville High School, Noblesville, Ind.
Also a member of Jamie Gilbert's FC Pride squad, Clauson was a second team all-state selection as a senior at Noblesville High School in 2010, and has been team captain of FC Pride since 2007. She played an important role in FC Pride's 2009 run to the State Cup championship, and for the 2010 Midwest Regional League champions. Coach McKendree on Taylor Clauson:
"Taylor is an energizer bunny. She never stops working. I am excited for her to help continue to increase our work rate in the middle of the field. It?s great to have two of our incoming girls (Clauson and Brand) be very familiar with each other on the field as well as off the field."
Caitie Dierkes, Central Midfielder, Nerinx Hall High School, St. Louis, Mo.
A member of the highly successful St. Louis Scott Gallagher soccer club, Dierkes was a member of the Elite Club's National League. She played on the Missouri State Cup semifinalist team in 2008, and was an all-conference player and team captain at Nerinx Hall in 2010. Coach McKendree on Caitie Dierkes: "Caitie continues to add depth and competition to our midfield. She is very good technically and tactically, and plays for one of the best clubs in the Midwest. She is a typical soccer player from St Louis?a soccer junkie."
Tatiana Pagan, Central Midfielder, Palo Verde High School, Las Vegas, Nev.
Pagan plays club soccer for Neusport FC, coached by Tom Amick. She was team captain in each of the past two seasons, and Most Valuable Player in 2009-10. She also made the All-Southern Nevada State Team in 2009-10. Pagan has been part of teams that have won six consecutive Nevada State Cups, and has been All-Southern Nevada three years in a row for her Palo Verde High School team. Coach McKendree on Tatiana Pagan: "Tatiana is small and feisty, and does a lot of the dirty work. She has always been a key piece on her club team and has been surrounded by many players who are going on to play at a very high level, which has helped tremendously to improve her speed of play and decision-making ability."
Katie Ross, Forward, Oswego East High School, Aurora, Ill.
Number one in goals and assists each of the past two years for the Fox Valley Strikers' club team, Ross led the Strikers to the 2010 championship of the St. Louis Scott Gallagher tournament. She was an all-conference player in 2010 for Oswego East High School, and tallied 30 career goals in high school. Coach McKendree on Katie Ross: "Katie is a tremendous attacking player, and I am very excited to add her to our options up top. Technically, Katie is very good and has a great soccer sense about her."
The six newcomers will join the Purple Aces' veterans for pre-season practice in early August, with the first exhibition match tentatively scheduled for August 10 at McCutchan Stadium against Western Kentucky University.
Baseball Edged by Billikens
The University of Evansville baseball team could not recover from falling into a five-run hole at the start of Wednesday’s game versus Saint Louis University. UE was edged, 6-5, by the Billikens, falling to 12-9 on the season, as SLU improved to 17-8.
Senior Cody Fick belted his third home run of the year in the seventh inning to put the Aces within one, but that was as close as UE would get. Fick went 2-for-4 at the plate, while senior Jared Baehl led the squad with three hits and two runs batted in. Sophomore Eric Stamets also had a multi-hit game with two knocks and a run scored.
On the mound, junior Trentt Copeland (2-2) took the loss, throwing four innings and allowing six runs on 11 hits and three walks, while striking out one. Sophomore Josh Biggs came out of the bullpen to toss four strong scoreless innings, giving up just two hits and striking out five.
“We didn’t play well enough to win a baseball game today,” said Head Coach Wes Carroll. “Josh Biggs kept us in the game, but our offense couldn’t complete the comeback.”
The Billikens jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the first inning on a double and RBI single off starter Copeland. SLU tallied four runs in the second inning on five hits. A leadoff walk, followed by back-to-back doubles and single brought around three, and two more singles scored the fourth run of the frame.
Evansville got on the board in the top of the fourth when senior Ryan Oesterle led off the side with a walk and senior Nate Smith singled through the left side to advance Oesterle to second. Baehle brought him home on a single to centerfield.
The Billikens also added one in the fourth on a leadoff single and double by Steve Fernandez. Fernandez caused a lot of problems for the Aces throughout the game, going 4-for-5 with three RBI.
Evansville had a big fifth inning, scoring three runs on two hits and an error to threaten St. Louis. Stamets led off the frame with a single to left center, and Wallace walked to put runners on first and second. A double steal and throwing error by the catcher brought around Stamets for the first run of the inning. Oesterle plated Wallace on a groundout, and Baehl tripled to left center and brought around Smith who reached after getting hit by a pitch to cap the rally and make the score 6-4.
Fick homered in the seventh, but that was it for the Aces’ offense as Travis Parker picked up the save for the Billikens.
The Aces look to bounce back this weekend when they host IPFW for a three-game series at Braun Stadium. Friday’s game starts at 6p.m.
Comeback Fifth Inning Gives UE the Split Against Racers
The University of Evansville softball team split with Murray State in last night's doubleheader at James and Dorothy Cooper Stadium. The Racers slipped by with an 8-5 win in the first game before the Aces could come back to notch an 8-5 victory in the nightcap.
As a team, UE collected 20 hits on the night. Junior Amy Gaertner led the Aces at the plate, going 4-for-7 with a two-run home run. Senior Kelci Alsip finished the night going 4-for-8 at the plate, posting a pair of two-hit games against the Racers.
The Aces (7-22) will travel to Des Moines, Iowa, this weekend for a three-game series with Drake. The Bulldogs (17-11) currently lead the Missouri Valley Conference with a perfect 5-0 record in Valley play. The Aces will face Drake in a doubleheader Saturday before wrapping up the series with a single game Sunday.
Game 1: UE 3, Murray State 7
Trailing 2-1 in the top of the third, the Aces committed three defensive errors to help Murray State add two more runs as the Racers took a 4-1 lead in the third frame.
Stephanie Edwards hit a solo home run in the top of the fifth to increase the Racers’ lead to 5-1 before Murray State went on to add two more insurance runs in the top of the seventh.
UE threatened a seventh-inning comeback, scoring two runs before loading the bases to bring the tying run to the plate, but Murray State closer Kristen Broadway was able to shut down the rally and pick up her first save of the season as the Racers took the 7-3 win.
The Aces tallied eight hits in the loss while stranding 12 runners on base. Alsip and Gaertner each went 2-for-4 at the plate. Freshman Kacey Rogers hit her second double of the season.
Junior Maggie Little (2-6) took the loss on the mound, throwing all seven innings in her first complete game appearance of the season. Little gave up five earned runs off six hits while picking up one strikeout.
Game 2: UE 8, Murray State 5
Senior Jen Stahlhut put UE ahead 1-0 with a leadoff home run to right field in the bottom of the first inning.
Freshman starter Emily Morris held the Racers to one hit over the first three innings, but Murray State strung together five consecutive hits in the top of the fourth, including a home run by Lauren Buch, to take a 3-1 lead.
Murray State was able to add to its lead when a one-out sacrifice fly from Jenna Bradley plated the Racers’ fourth run of the nightcap.
The Aces answered back in the bottom of the fifth inning, belting five hits to spark a six-run two-out rally. Gaertner blasted her fourth home run of the season, giving UE the 5-4 lead before Rogers notched her first career home run. Rogers’ homer hit off the left field foul post to bring in two more runs and give the Aces the 7-4 lead going into the top of the sixth.
Two leadoff singles in the bottom of the sixth inning put two UE runners in scoring position. Alsip delivered her fourth hit of the night to score freshman Niki Rahming from third base to push the Aces’ lead to 8-4 going into the top of the seventh.
Madysen Wilson led off the seventh inning with a solo home run for the Racers, cutting the Aces’ lead to 8-5, but sophomore reliever Kendall Kautz was able to retire the next three batters of the frame, giving UE the split with an 8-5 final score over the Racers.
Kautz (3-4) picked up the win in the circle, surrendering just two hits in 3.0 innings of relief. Morris tossed the first four innings of the game, picking up two strikeouts in the start.
Aces Open Regular Season in New Digs Against Butler
Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and University of Evansville Director of Athletics John Stanley announced today that Butler University will be the opponent in the Purple Aces' first regular season men's basketball game at the new downtown arena. The game will take place on Saturday, Nov. 12, and will be a highlight of UE's Homecoming Weekend.
"We have always enjoyed our competition with Butler over many years," Stanley said. "It is very fitting that we are able to play them in the opening regular season game. I am confident everyone who attends the game will enjoy the game and the ambiance of the arena."
Added UE coach Marty Simmons, "The Evansville-Butler series has been good for both schools for a long time, and it's a series that we hope continues for many years to come. There's no doubt they will have a very good team again next season, and that's an extra incentive for our players to work hard during the off-season to get ready for the first game of the year in November."
There have been 116 games between the University of Evansville and Butler University in a series that the Purple Aces lead 61-56. The series began in the 1920-21 season. The two teams have played in each of the last five seasons, and 13 of the last 15. The series generally alternates between Evansville and Indianapolis each year.
Thanks to North Carolina in 2009, and Butler in 2010 and 2011, Evansville has played a Final Four team three years in a row. Overall, the Aces have played 10 games against teams that went on to make the Final Four that season. Evansville's first win over a Final Four team came this season when the Aces won at Butler, 71-68 in overtime on Nov. 27.
The downtown arena will be the new home for both the men's and women's basketball teams at UE. It replaces Roberts Stadium, the home for University of Evansville basketball for the past 55 years.
Aces' Tennis Team Opens MVC Play at Home Thursday
It's been more than two weeks since the University of Evansville tennis team played its most recent match, but head coach Nick Mueller is confident that the layoff won't affect his Purple Aces when they host Southern Illinois Thursday at the Carson Center courts at 3:30 p.m. Admission is free. It's the first Missouri Valley Conference match for both teams. The Aces are 7-4 in dual matches this season. The Salukis are 7-8.
"We've used the last two weeks for outdoor preparation, and I think that time spent outdoors has paid off for us," said Mueller. "We healed a few bumps and bruises, too, so I'm confident that our players are ready to begin the conference season."
The Aces' best singles records belong to all-time victories leader Kate Chybowski, who is 10-1 at number one, and Carolyn Caire, who is 8-3 at a combination of number four, five and six singles. The top doubles record belongs to Aleksandra Dzakula and Pin Sorensen, who are 6-2 at number two.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.