AceNotes Today
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy 158th Birthday UE!
Founders Day Facts: In February of 1854, John Collins Moore founded Moores Hill Male and Female Institute, what we now know as UE. The citizens of Evansville raised the necessary funds to move the College to Evansville and our chartering as Evansville College occurred in February 1919. Then in February 1967 we officially became the University of Evansville. Happy 158 UE!
Everyone’s invited for Purple Birthday Cake in honor of UE’s 158th on Friday, February 17, at 12:45 p.m. in the lobby of the Ridgway University Center.
Congratulations to the following UE Alumni Association Awards recipients who will be honored at the Founders Day luncheon on Sunday, February 19:
R. Edward Coleman ’65, professor of radiology at Duke University School of Medicine – Distinguished Alumnus Award
Craig Bryan ’01, Associate Director of the National Center for Veterans Studies at the University of Utah – Young Alumnus Award
Patrice and Richard Schroeder – Samuel Orr Honorary Alumni Award
Road Trip Hosting Meeting
All hosts for Road Trip must attend one of the following meetings in order to sign their waiver and pick up their t-shirt. The meetings are Tuesday, February 14 at 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., and Wednesday, February 15 at 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Both meetings will be in Eykamp 252, Ridgway University Center. All hosts are required to attend one of these four meetings.
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Hosting a Food Drive
The University of Evansville Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will be holding a canned food drive on Wednesday, February 15 at the UE men’s basketball game against Northern Iowa. The collected items will be donated to Evansville’s North Park Baptist Church Food Pantry, located on First Avenue.
Fans who donate three or more canned food items will receive a lower bowl end zone ticket for just $9, which is a $5 discount from the regular price. Donations will be accepted at the Carson Center ticket office leading up to the game on February 15. Fans can also donate at the Ford Center Box Office on the day of the game to receive the discount.
For more information, call (812) 488-ACES.
Aces for LIberty Call-Out Meeting
Aces for Liberty will be hosting their call-out meeting for the spring semester on Wednesday, February 15 at 5 p.m. in Room 172, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. If you have any questions, contact Collin Jamieson at cj58@evansville.edu. We hope you'll join us to learn more about this non-partisan political group dedicated to promoting, discussing, and learning about the principles of individual liberty and free markets.
CNS Meeting Wednesday, February 15
There will be a CNS meeting Wednesday night in Room 75, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building at 5:45 p.m. Ronda Stone, the coordinator of Disability Services at UE will be coming to speak about cochlear implants. Everyone is inited to attend!
I-House: Malaysia
Join us this week for I-House: Malaysia with student Lee Lian Kong. Bring your friends to enjoy a presentation about this fascinating Southeast Asian country, Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of Ridgway University Center in the Class of 1959 Gallery. See you there!
Time to Nominate Individuals for Employee Excellence Awards
The University of Evansville, in pursuit of excellence in service, wishes to recognize monthly a non-faculty employee displaying records of achievement as a leader. Leadership may be demonstrated in any of the following categories:
• Service to the University community
• Service to students
• Job performance and attitude towards fellow employees
One award will be presented each month. To be eligible, an employee must be a full-time member of administration or staff.
Nominations for the March 2012 Employee Excellence Award are due no later than Friday, February 17.
To nominate someone, or to find out more information about the Employee Excellence Awards, go to http://acelink.evansville.edu/Tools/EmployeeAward/
Informal Chinese and Taiji Lessons Begin on February 15
Professor Zhu’s informal Chinese language and culture course will be offered again this semester. The class will meet each Wednesday at 3 p.m. in Room 204, Hyde Hall for 10-weeks, beginning Wednesday, February 15. The course will mainly cover practical vocabulary and skills in Chinese conversation, basic cultural information about Chinese traditions and customs, and an introduction to the Chinese writing system. The free Taiji (shadow-boxing) lesson will also continue this semester. It will follow the language and culture course, beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays The first meeting will be at the entrance of Krannert Hall of Fine Arts. In addition to the 24-movement Yang Style Taiji, Baduanjin, or the Eight Section Brocade, a traditional Chinese breathing exercise (similar to Taiji but easier to learn) will also be taught.
Both courses are open to the campus community.
UE Fitness and Health Fair Set for February 16
The annual UE Fitness and Health Fair is set for Thursday, February 16 from 11 a.m-2 p.m. in the Student Fitness Center. Admission is free! Services to be offered at the fair include: chiropractic screenings, display of fitness equipment, vision tests, drunk driving goggles that demonstrate impairment levels in driving drunk, and blood pressure screenings. You could win free giveaways such as restaurant gift cards and more! So come out and have fun, get free things and see how fit and healthy you are!
Housing Information Meetings
The time to sign up for housing for 2012-2013 is fast approaching Information meetings will be held at 4:00 pm, 8:30 pm, and 9:30 pm on the following dates.
Tuesday February 21 in Koch 100
Wednesday February 22 in Koch 100
Thursday February 23 in Graves 100
Students who will be living on campus next year should plan to attend one of the meetings. The housing selection process will be discussed in detail. Students who will be studying abroad or not on campus for the fall semester do not need to attend a housing meeting. Information about the upcoming housing selection process can be found on the Residence Life website. Students with questions can email UEHousing@evansville.edu or stop by the Office of Residence Life.
Resident Students Association Heads to Colorado - So Can You!
Love meeting new people from across the globe? Looking for leadership development? In need of new programs for your floor, hall council or organization? These are all reasons that you should apply to attend NACURH, a national conference that connects students from around the world, provides student leadership development, and shares programming resources and efficient practices for running organizations. The conference is June 1-4, at the University of Colorado – Boulder. Applications are available NOW in Residence Life or on the RSA website: rsa.evansville.edu. This opportunity is open to any student living on campus and it is completely sponsored by RSA. In other words, it is FREE! Contact Sierra Burtis at sb269@evansville.edu with questions or for more information.
Campus Community Invited - Book Discussion "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien
The University of Evansville Office of Veterans Affairs has joined forces with the University of Southern Indiana to participate in a Community Read conversation about “War and our Community.” This semester long project will involve readings, discussions, and reflections on the issues facing returning veterans and their community. As part of the project, the Community Read has chosen Tim O’Brien’s collection of short stories entitled “The Things They Carried.” This award winning book reflects on the experiences of the Vietnam War and the challenges that veterans face upon their return. The Community Read hopes that this collection will span discussions across the community and open up a wide ranging response to the concerns of returning veterans in our community.
For book discussion participants, the University of Evansville Office of Veterans Affairs is providing the first 40 people from the UE campus community (students, faculty, administration, staff, alumni, etc.) who respond to Cherie Leonhardt at cl29@evansville.edu by February 20 with a complimentary book! Honors Program students will receive .5 points to participate.
Discussions, lectures, and community events are planned throughout the city of Evansville including discussion groups organized through the UE Office of Veterans Affairs. Further information about upcoming events is available at http://www.usi.edu/communityread/.
UE book discussion participants will be invited to a special kick-off event (stay tuned for details) to learn more about the book, meet veterans, enjoy refreshments, and pick up their books. Spring break is around the corner and a perfect time to read with us! Email today.
The freshman council will be hosting a Dodgeball Tournament on February 29 in celebration of Leap Day. This event will be open to all students not just the freshman. The Dodgeball Tournament will start at 5 p.m. and go until around 8 p.m. It will take place in Carson Center, and there will be awards for the winning team.
To start a team here is what you have to do. Email a team name and the name of the team captain to AW293@evansville.edu by February 27. Then you just have to make a team of 5 or 6 people to play with. Then just show up ready to play some awesome dodgeball on February 29 with your team.
If you have any other question email cc221@evansville.edu
Students of AMF Meeting
Student of AMF will be having their February meeting this Thursday, February 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Life Center's Conference Room. Please feel free to invite a friend and you're more than welcome to bring your dinner with you! It will be a fairly short meeting as we'll be talking about our service project for this semester. For more information contact Alex Jackson at aj93@evansville.edu
Survival of the Fittest: Strike Out Arthritis
The women of Alpha Omicron Pi will be hosting their annual Philanthropic event Survival of the Fittest: Strike Out Arthritis, a male beauty pagent with a focus on baseball, on Friday February 17 at 7 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. Tickets are on sale this week in Ridgway University Center for $4 or are $5 at the door. Roadtrippers get in for FREE! So, bring your roadtripper and come out for a wonderful show!
Attention Once and Future Harlaxton Students
A reception will be held Thursday, February 16 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Dunigan lounge, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Dr. J. Gordon Kingsley, principal of Harlaxton College and Suzanne Kingsley, director of Planning and Design at Harlaxton, will be there to welcome future Harlaxton students and to greet old friends.
Commencement Central
This is a reminder to ALL May Graduates that Commencement Central is set for Monday, February 27 from 5-8 p.m. upstairs in the Ridgway University Center and Tuesday, February 28 from noon-5 p.m. outside the UE Bookstore. Plan to attend one of these sessions so that you can finalize your graduation plans and make sure everything is set. During the event you will meet with the Registrar and staff from the Alumni and Career Planning offices. You also will purchase your cap and gown and/or graduation announcements. There will be other useful information offered as well. During the Monday night event there will be food and a special giveaway. Please mark your calendar and make sure you attend this event - it only takes a few minutes.
What UEL Can Do 4U: Music Index
Are you curious about book reviews completed by Professors Dallinger, Zifer, or Ungar? Do you need the article written by Dr Wylie on music and special learners or the article analyzing a song cycle by Dr Rike? If you need information about William Albright or Antal Dorati the articles authored by Doug Reed and Elizabeth Robertson will be useful to you. Citations for all of these items can be found in the Music Index.
The Music Index is a comprehensive guide to music periodicals and literature featuring digitized content from 1970 to present. This database contains cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts of articles about music, musicians, and the music industry for more than 480 periodicals, as well as book reviews, obituaries, news, and selective coverage for more than 200 periodicals.
Coverage of the music field and many aspects of the classical and popular worlds of music makes Music Index a useful resource for your music literature questions.
Contact Kathy Bartelt (kb4@evansville.edu) or Shane White (sw69@evansville.edu) with questions or comments.
Founders Day Is this Weekend
Please be advised that Founder’s Day is this weekend, February 19 and not February 26 as previously listed on the Administrative Schedule
There's Still Time to Apply for Harlaxton College: Summer, Fall, Spring
The UE Study Abroad Office is still accepting Harlaxton College applications for the coming summer and academic year. Remember to come see us before Spring Break! See tips below.
Summer 2012:
The five-week summer session at Harlaxton still has openings for the following classes:
BIOL 399 Neurobiology
EXSS 488 Cardiac Rehabilitation: An International Perspective
HSA 406/505 Jurisprudence and Ethics in Health Care
HSA 499/599 The British and US Health Care Systems: A Comparative Study
MGT 331 International Business Strategy
REL 130 Christian Thought
THTR 110 Introduction to Theatre
Fall 2012:
It’s not too late to join the fall semester group. The priority application deadline has been extended until March 15, meaning that any qualified UE student who applies by that date is guaranteed admission. Applications received after that date will be considered on a space-available basis.
Spring 2013:
The priority application deadline for Spring 2013 is Friday March 2, so act before Spring Break to assure your spot!
Applications and full course information are available at the Study Abroad Office in Room 261, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Questions? Contact us at studyabroad@evansville.edu or 488.1085.
Vets Day 5K Proceeds Presented to Lucas Place II
Vets Day 5K Walk, Run, Roll committee members from the University of Evansville, University of Southern Indiana, and Ivy Tech Community College Southwest presented a donation check for $2,802.25 to Lucas Place II on February 9. Lucas Place II provides housing and services for homeless veterans in our community.
1st row, left to right: Robert Grant, Michael Caudill (Lucas Place II), Dawn Tedrow (Lucas Place II), Steve Rayner
2nd row, left to right: Cody Land, Sean Davis, Grayson Boyte, Kurt Harris, Cherie Leonhardt, Aaron Will, John Chretien
Attention Chess Enthusiasts!!
The West Terrace Elementary School (located 1 mile from the campus of USI) is in need of some volunteers to teach students how to play chess. The West Terrace Chess Club will be meeting most Tuesday afternoons beginning on Valentine's Day - February 14 - from 2:16-3:30 p.m.
No prior chess experience required! Any level of chess knowledge is helpful - knowledge of piece names and movements, up to scoring moves and advanced play. If you love working with children and playing chess then this will be perfect for you!
If interested, please contact Laura Seibert-Cavins at (812) 422-8126.
The Major George Cowgill and Mrs. Mary Cowgill Award in Creative Writing
The Department of Creative Writing announces the Major George Cowgill and Mrs. Mary Cowgill Award in Creative Writing.
George and Mary Cowgill believed in the power of a good education and the potential freedom and opportunity higher education could provide. Though he achieved much in his life, often through determination and a knack for being in the right place at the right time, Mr. Cowgill felt he could have achieved more if he had earned a college degree and instilled this belief in his sons. Mrs. Cowgill taught English for many years and continued her own education, eventually becoming a high school guidance counselor, where she helped many students in their search for the right college. A number of those students attended the University of Evansville, including her son Michael (BFA, creative writing, ’95). In her retirement, she volunteered at St. Gerard, a high school for pregnant teenagers in St. Augustine, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. Cowgill both worked hard and made sacrifices so their sons could attend college. Though creative writing wasn’t their first choice of major, they supported Michael’s choice both at UE and later at the graduate level at George Mason University. They were lifelong readers and considered writing an honorable profession. Michael honors their spirit and memories with this gift to the Department of Creative Writing.
DEADLINE: Entries MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, AT 4:00 P.M. No late manuscripts will be accepted.
One $1000 prize will be awarded for the best story
ELIGIBILITY: Any UE writing major or minor.
ENTRIES: Maximum 15 pages of short fiction.
FORMAT: All entries are to be typed on one side of 8 ½ x 11 sheets, double-spaced. Each is to have a title, and pages are to be numbered. The writer’s name is not to appear on the work, but each submission is to have an attached (stapled) cover page (8 ½ x 11) listing: the name of the award (“The Cowgill Award), the genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, academic essay), the title, author, and the UE ID number. PLEASE NOTE: NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RETURNED.
Michael Cowgill will award the prize at the Creative Writing Coffee Hour on April 19 at 4 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. All are welcome to attend.
UE Student Writing Contest
The deadline to enter the UE Student Writing Contest for the Virginia Lowell Grabill Writing Awards and the George Klinger Memorial Prize for Excellence in Writing is February 17. Entries must be submitted to Kathy Martyn, administrative assistant for Departments of English and Creative Writing, in Room 320, Olmsted Hall. THEY MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012, AT 4:00 P.M. No late manuscripts will be accepted.
Grabill Awards
Four $100 first prizes will be awarded for the best (1) Poem; (2) Short Story; (3) Creative Non-Fiction Essay; and (4) Academic Essay. Second and third prizes of $75 and $50 respectively will be awarded in each category. In each category a student will receive only the highest prize for which he or she is eligible.
Anyone who is or has been a University of Evansville student at any time between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011 is eligible to submit a work in any category.
For the Poetry Category: a poem of at least 10 lines. Three may be entered separately. For the Short Story Category: a short story of at least 5 pages. Two may be entered separately. For the Creative Non-Fiction Essay category: a creative essay of at least 5 pages. Two may be entered separately. For the Academic Essay: an expository research paper of at least 8 pages. Two may be entered separately.
Klinger Prize
Two prizes will be awarded in the amount of $500 each, one for creative writing (poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction) and one for academic writing.
Any senior University of Evansville student is eligible for this prize.
Entries in the Poetry category should be a poem of at least 10 lines. Three may be entered separately. For Short Stories: a short story of at least 5 pages. Two may be entered separately. For Creative Non-Fiction: a creative essay of at least 5 pages. Two may be entered separately. For Academic Essays: an expository research or analysis paper of at least 8 pages. Two may be entered separately.
All entries are to be typed on one side of 8 ½ x 11 sheets, double-spaced. Each is to have a title, and pages are to be numbered. The writer’s name is not to appear on the work, but each submission is to have an attached (stapled) cover page (8 ½ x 11) listing: the genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, academic essay), the title, author, the UE ID number, class rank, and the name of any teacher who has read or heard the work. PLEASE NOTE: NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RETURNED.
Prizes for Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction will be awarded at the Creative Writing Coffee Hour on April 19 at 4 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. All are welcome to attend. Prizes for academic writing will be given at an English Department event to be announced at a later date.
Seniors will be entered automatically in both the Grabill and Klinger contests.
If in the opinion of the judges, entries in one or more categories are too few or not of satisfactory quality to merit recognition, one or more prizes may not be awarded. All entries are judged “blindly” (i.e. anonymously.) Please note that all entries in the Poetry, Short Story, and Creative Non-Fiction categories will be judged by the Department of Creative Writing Faculty and may be considered for publication in The Evansville Review and/or The Ohio River Review. All entries for the Academic Essay Category will be judged by the Department of English Faculty.
Tiffany Griffith
Assistant Professor Tiffany Griffith and her co-author, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Rhetoric and Composition Area Head Lisa McClure, presented a draft of their paper, "Everyone Is Contingent," at the Annual North Carolina Symposium on Teaching Writing. The theme for this year's symposium was "A 'Non-Place' to Visit: Exploring the Employment Practices and Working Conditions that Affect Writing Instructors," and their paper explored the impact of professor and program contingency on writing programs, writing instruction, and students.
Shemikah Colleton
Biology major Shemikah Colleton has had her summer research titled “Development and optimization of quantitative image analysis for hepatocyte BrdU labeling indices using NIS-Elements software” accepted by the Society of Toxicologic Pathology for its 2012 Scientific Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.
Colleen Dedalis
Colleen Dedalis is the recent winner of the $500 Integrity Scholarship from the National Society of Collegiate Scholars! Colleen is a sophomore psychology major and sociology minor from Mesa, Arizona. The scholarship was a week long competition that awarded the best representation of multiple facets of integrity. Colleen had to be creative and come up with a pictoral representation of integrity each day of the week. You can check out her photographs on the NSCS Facebook page!
Northern Iowa Up Next For Men's Basketball
The University of Evansville men’s basketball team returns home on Wednesday, playing host to the University of Northern Iowa on Wednesday evening at 7:05 p.m. inside the Ford Center.
Drake completed the regular season sweep of the Aces thanks to a 78-54 win on Sunday night at the Knapp Center. Evansville never led in the game, but overcame a double-digit deficit to get within a point (40-39) with 13 minutes remaining. UE missed four shots that would have given them the lead and the Bulldogs made them pay. Drake hit 10-of-12 shots while holding Evansville to 0-9 shooting and forcing four turnovers in 24-4 run. That stretch came in a span of less than five minutes. The Bulldogs were also sharp from three-point range, hitting a season high 11 treys, connecting on 11-of-22 attempts.
Colt Ryan has had just three games this season where he has not reached double figures and two of them came against Drake while the other was at North Carolina. In two games against the Bulldogs, Ryan has scored a total of 13 points while hitting a pair of buckets in each game. A 41.4% shooter on the season, the junior has shot just 28.6% (4-14) in the two contests, both losses for the Aces.
Following a 24-point outing at Bradley, Ryan’s blazing scoring pace has slowed down over the last three games. Ryan notched 17 points or more in 11 of the first 12 MVC games for UE, but has not been able to score more than 14 points over the last three games. A 41.4% shooter on the year, the Batesville, Ind. native has been successful on 9 out of 31 shots in over that span, 29%. His scoring average has gone down to 20.0 PPG, pushing the 2-time MVC Player of the Week recipient to 13th in the nation in scoring.
Senior Kenneth Harris has been a force this season for the Aces, averaging 11.6 PPG, second behind only Colt Ryan. Last season, his first with the Aces, Harris posted 11 double-digit scoring efforts. He has improved immensely this season, notching 19 efforts of 10 or more points including six of the last seven outings.
It has been a tale of two seasons for the Panthers, who began the season with a 10-1 mark before losing three in a row, including their first two MVC games. Since that streak, UNI has hung around the .500 mark, going 7-6. Northern Iowa has been on a roll lately, going 3-1 in their last four contests, including a 65-62 home win over Creighton. Anthony James is the lone Panther averaging double digits, scoring 13 points per game. Aside from James, the Panthers spread the ball around as five players average between 6.9 and 9.3 PPG.
On New Year’s Day, Evansville grabbed its first win in Cedar Fall since the 2002 season, rallying for a 76-65 victory over the Panthers. Northern Iowa opened up the game on a 22-8 run, but was unable to hold it as the Aces got within six points at the half before making another run in the second half. With nine minutes remaining, Denver Holmes hit a trey, which gave UE the lead for good. UNI got within three with under two minutes remaining, but it was the free throw shooting of UE that made the difference. Evansville was a perfect 18-for-18 from the charity stripe in the final two minutes while going 24-26 for the game. Another game-changer was Colt Ryan. After being held scoreless in the first half, Ryan exploded for a game-high 29 points in the second stanza.
The UNI game will mark a stretch of UE playing three of its final four games at home. On Saturday, the Aces will face Western Illinois in its Sears Bracketbusters game at 7:05 p.m. before wrapping up the 2011-12 regular season on the 25th, playing host to Missouri State at 1:05 p.m.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.