University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Upcoming Events

* Biggest Loser Team Challenge- June 1st- July 30th

GAIN HRA credits and LOSE extra WEIGHT! For this years Summer Healthy Behavior Challenge, the university will hold a Biggest Loser Challenge for Employees and Spouses! Challenge will run June 1st- July 31st. Participants will weigh in weekly at the employee health clinic. A $5.00 buy-in will be required for participation. 100% of the buy-in will go back to challenge winners! All weight loss is calculated by percent weight loss.
Please click the link below to sign up!


Info You Should Know

* Extra Black Toner Replacement Cartridge Available

The Res. Life department has an Office Depot black toner cartridge # 0D64A (item # 229987) that is used in a HP desktop printer available to any department on campus. Please contact Jane at ext. 2371 if you would like this cartridge.



* Clark Kimberling writes about Myrtle Hart

Clark Kimberling, UE professor of mathematics, has an invited article about Myrtle Hart in the current issue of the American Harp Journal. Entitled "Myrtle Hart (Louise Kavanaugh), Harpist: A Documentary History", the article opens with a picture of Myrtle at her harp, as it first appeared in an 1895 Chicago newspaper. Eighteen years earlier, Myrtle had been born in Evansville to Henry and Sarah Hart, at a time when Henry was known as Evansville's "king of music".

About 1878, the Harts moved to Indianapolis. There Henry's reputation spread, and in 1901, he was profiled as a "social necessity" who had played for five Indiana governors and for visits of U. S. Presidents Hayes, Cleveland, and Harrison. Henry was greatly admired by Col. Eli Lilly, who made it possible for Henry to purchase a magnificent harp for Myrtle.

Myrtle became known as "the greatest Afro-American harpist in the world". Kimberling's article traces her professional and personal life, including her change of name and passing for white, as well as the associated personal and professional challenges. His research, begun years ago, led to writing the Wikipedia article on Henry Hart: The Wikipedia article concludes with links to UE-based pdfs on Myrtle and her sister, Hazel Hart Hendricks, for whom an Indianapolis public school was named. Tombstones for Henry, Sarah, and Hazel are located a little more than one mile from the UE campus, and Myrtle is memorialized in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts:


Contribute to Purple Pulse
To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.

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