University of Evansville

AceNotes Today

Monday, April 5, 2021

COVID-19 Corner

* COVID-19 Vaccinations for 16 and Older at Ascension St. Vincent

Currently, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) has identified the following Indiana residents as eligible to receive the COVID vaccine:

  • Healthcare Workers
  • First Responders
  • Teachers and school staff in pre-K through high school, child care centers, Head Start and Early Start programs
  • Licensed childcare providers, including center-based and family care providers
  • Age 16 and above
  • Specific groups of patients at highest risk of severe illness from COVID-19 who are identified by their healthcare provider are also eligible. These individuals will receive a unique registration link by text or email.

We will keep our patients updated as eligibility and administration sites broaden. Although currently there is no cost to patients for the vaccine, insurance information will be collected.

Vaccine Scheduling

The COVID-19 vaccine is available by appointment only. No walk-ins will be permitted. Once listed as eligible by the ISDH, go to or by calling 211 or 1-866-211-9966 to schedule an appointment.

Detailed instructions

  • Go to
  • Enter date of birth and attest to being over age 16
  • Enter zip code and Select Ascension St Vincent Vaccine Clinic location
  • Select appointment date and time
  • Complete demographic information including accurate date of birth
  • Confirm appointment

Ascension St Vincent Vaccine Clinic

For your convenience, the Ascension St. Vincent Vaccine Clinic is open 7 days a week and located on the hospital campus in the Manor Auditorium. When scheduling an appointment on the state website, select “Ascension St Vincent Evansville VAX” as site location. Directions: Enter the parking garage off of Bellemeade Avenue, immediately turn left and follow the directional signage to the designated vaccine clinic parking area. Patients should enter the clinic using the doors adjacent to the parking garage. Tri State Clinics patients are encouraged to call our office at 1-888-492-8722 with questions or for assistance with scheduling at the Ascension St. Vincent Vaccine Clinic.

Spencer County Residents

Spencer County Local Health Department
Heritage Hills High School

Perry County Residents

Perry County Local Health Department
Perry County Memorial Hospital

Posey County Residents

Posey County Local Health Department

Illinois Residents

Phase 1A: Healthcare workers, those in long term care facilities.
Phase 1B : Frontline essential workers, residents 65 years of age or older and under 65 with comorbidities.
Phase 1B+ : IL residents 16+ with disabilities or serious medical conditions. Higher education staff, gov workers, and media. Details and scheduling info at:

Kentucky Residents

Phase 1a: Long term care facilities, healthcare personnel
Phase 1b: First responders, anyone 70 or older, K-12 school personnel
Phase 1C : KY residents age 60+ AND 16 and older with serious medical conditions and essential workers
For locations and to schedule appointment go to: or call the KY COVID-19 Hotline - (800) 722-5725 for more information.

Should you have any additional questions, please contact Ashley Chipps at or Stacey Smith at


Upcoming Events

* This Week in Music


The UE Department of Music Streaming Concert Series continues this week with the Eykamp String Quartet, resident string quartet at University of Evansville. The quartet’s members, Alan Snow (violin), Jia-Rong Gan (violin), Mark Hatlestad (viola), and Graham Cullen (cello) also serve as the principal string players of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra. The program will feature music by 20th Century composers Yi Chen, Florence B. Price, and Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson. The stream will be available on Tuesday April 6 at 7:30 p.m. and will remain available at the following link for viewing through the end of the week: We hope you will join us online.

* This Week in Religious Life

1. The Muslim and Christian Prayer Rooms in Neu Chapel are available for use 24/7. Contact the Muslim Student Association for keycard access to the Muslim Prayer Room.
2. The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion now offers a spirituality library, including books from eleven different religious traditions. From Brene Brown to Thich Nhat Hanh, and from Christian bead prayers to self-reiki, there is something for everyone. Stop by the Center's conference room to borrow one for yourself.
3. Newman Club, UELA, American Medical Women’s Association, and the American Red Cross are teaming up to host a blood drive on April 6 in Eykamp. See details below.
4. This week's Newman Night will feature Dr. Kevin Schemenauer talking about moral issues. Join in at the Newman House on Wednesday, April 7, 7PM.

Due to pandemic restrictions, UE will not offer Protestant worship in Neu Chapel this semester. However, there are two churches just across the street from campus that offer services online and in-person just across the street from campus.

Methodist Temple
8:30am, traditional worship
11am, contemporary worship

Redeemer Lutheran
8am and 10:30am, traditional worship

A Catholic Mass is held each Sunday at 1PM in Neu Chapel.

1. Yom HaShoah ("Day of the Catastrophe") will be commemorated on April 8 in the Jewish community to honor victims and self-sacrificing heroes of the Holocaust. You are invited to spend a few minutes in silence that day to remember them and pray for peace.

blood drive flyer.

All donations are tested for COVID-19 antibodies.

Plasma from antibody-positive donations may help current Coronavirus patients in need.

April 6, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Appointments are encouraged to ensure a timely donation. Call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit and enter Sponsor Code: UE.

Consider a Power Red Donation if your Blood Type is O+, O-, A-, or B-.

* Spring Healthy Behavior Challenge

event flyer.

Sign up to participate in the next Healthy Behavior Challenge-- Bracket Busters! Just following March Madness, this is a group step challenge where those with the highest steps advance to the next round! Sign up today!!-- email If you are enrolled in the Universities HRA Health Plan, those who complete this challenge can earn an additional $150.00 in HRA credits.

April 12 - May 21

  • Must have a step counter to participate
  • Track steps daily Monday– Sunday
  • Submit weekly step totals by 10AM each Mon-day of the challenge to
  • Those with the highest weekly step totals will advance to the next round.
* The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Presents: Spill the Tea on Implicit Bias and the LGBTQ+ Community

event flyer.

Join The Center for DEI in its fourth and final installment of the Spill the Team on Implicit Bias and... series on Tuesday, April 6th . This final presentation focuses on implicit bias in regarding the LGBTQ+ community. Emma Burns, a CDEI intern will provide a thirty minute training on myths and biases, followed by a student testimonial, and a moderated discussion. Participants can then follow along on Instagram (@UEdiversity) or Facebook (UE Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) for 20 days of discussion. The program will begin at 5:00PM and run until 6:30 PM.

You can register for the event online.

* Virtual Celebration Honoring Dr. Davies Bellamy Service to the University of Evansville

The School of Education cordially invites you to join us via Zoom to celebrate with Dr. Davies Bellamy as he retires from the University of Evansville. Our virtual celebration will take place on Friday, April 30 at noon CST. We hope you can join us! Be sure to have your favorite snack on hand for the virtual party; You know Dr. Bellamy believes there should be food at every meeting!

Topic: Dr. Bellamy’s Retirement Celebration via Zoom
Time: Apr 30, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 2768 1501
Passcode: UE
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89727681501#,,,,*562269# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,89727681501#,,,,*562269# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 897 2768 1501
Passcode: 562269
Find your local number:

* 59th Annual Student Art Exhibition

UE Student Artists are showing their work in this annual, juried show in the Melvin Peterson Gallery. The exhibit includes Paintings, Prints, Drawings, Sculpture, Ceramics, and Jewelry. Awards will be presented on 3/29.

* Matthew 25 Returns to Student Health Center to Offer Free HIV Testing

Matthew 25 AIDS services will offer free and confidential HIV testing on Wednesday, April 14th at the UE Student Health Center from 9-11 a.m. No appointment necessary.


Info You Should Know

* Waste Not, Wear Not Clothing Swap


Swap your old look for a new style with ECO! Drop off clothes in good condition at our table in Ridgway on 4/5, 4/6, and 4/9 from 11-1 and 5-7 to earn you credits, then swap your credits for clothes donated by others via our thrift store on Instagram! All remaining clothing after this swap will be donated to a local thrift store.

* Sexual Assault Awareness Month / Religious Exploration Month Challenge


The month of April highlights Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Religious Exploration Month. Join the UE SAAM/REM Challenge sponsored by the Center for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion! In this challenge you will find 30 ways for 30 days of religious exploration and sexual assault awarness to actively learn, engage, support, communicate with individuals across the religion spectrum and survivors of sexual assault, while also breaking the stigma surrounding religion and sexual assault awareness. Items listed in the challenge can be done personally or in a social group! Join the Center in one of our many events for the month focused on religion or sexual assault awareness, research the origins and culture of Denim Day and/ or grab a friend and reflect about what religion means to you. However and whatever you do for the #SAAM/REMChallenge, challenge yourself!

We can't wait to see the ways in which you all #SAAM/REMChallenge yourself!

To make it extra fun, share what you're doing on social media and be sure to tag us!

Instagram: @uediversity Facebook: UE Center for Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Religious Exploration Month Task List

  • Watch a documentary on sexual assault and have an open discussion
  • Engage in productive discussions about consent and its importance in the campus environment
  • Sign the consent pledge hosted by the CDEI
  • Learn about UE’s Title IX policy and locate the Title ix officer on campus
  • Host a trivia night on sexual assault resources (Resources available at
  • Donate/volunteer/ support a charity aimed at raising sexual assault awareness Ex. Albion
  • Uplift survivors of sexual assault by breaking the stigma and starting the conversation
  • Research and learn about the spectrum of sexual assault
  • Learn about local resources available to survivors of sexual assault
  • Learn about the significance of Denim Day
  • Learn about the common misconceptions and realities surrounding the prevalence of sexual assault
  • Call out and have discussions about bad behaviors in people you know
  • Research the way in which sexual assault affects people of different identities
  • Break the stigma surrounding men identifying surviorvs of sexual assault by having open conversations
  • Attend Sexual Assault Awareness Week events on campus
  • Visit New Chapel on UE Campus
  • Read a biography or autobiography of an influential religious figure
  • Learn about the various religious holidays
  • Research UE’s commitment to religious enlightenment/education
  • Donate/volunteer for a religious affiliated charity
  • Host/participate in a trivia on world religions
  • Try practicing silence through meditation and spending time outdoors to appreciate nature
  • Visit online museums to celebrate/appreciate religious art
  • Learn about different religious origin stories
  • Reflect on your personal biases towards other religions
  • Research different important/famous religious cites/monuments around the world
  • Visit the Candles Holocaust Museum & Education Center
  • Learn about current issues/ stereotypes surrounding different religious societies
  • Participate in center for DEI events for Religious Exploration month
  • Talk to others about your personal experiences with religion and learn about theirs
* UE Connect Mentoring Program (last) Lunch & Learn for Spring 2021

Please join us for our last Lunch & Learn for the UE Connect Mentoring Program, Spring 2021

"Finding a Work/Life Balance That Works for You"

Wednesday, April 7th
Noon - 1:00 p.m. CST
Zoom and Facebook Live
Join us for an online networking session and career chat with UE alumna, Alyse Knust.

Alyse graduated from UE with a degree in Theater Management in 2010 and went to work as an admissions counselor for Concordia University in Texas, where she earned her master's in business administration. She went on to work as the assistant director of admissions for the department of theatre and dance at the University of Texas at Austin, before securing her current role as the senior director of alumni engagement at Millikin University.

Alyse has a lot of experience balancing a busy career with her personal life. In this lunchtime discussion, she will share some of her tips on accomplishing your career goals while maintaining a healthy balance with your needs and finding a schedule that works for you.

Join Zoom Meeting – April 7th 12-1 pm
Meeting ID: 988 9936 1151

Be sure to make your reservation at:
Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 6th

* Crescent Magazine March 2021 Issue Published Online

Check out the March 2021 issue of the Crescent Magazine featuring articles about UE music, food insecurity, and Harlaxton.

Be sure to check out the Crescent’s brand-new website for monthly issues created by student reporters, designers, and photographers! The Crescent is now accepting content submissions and hiring for all positions. See website for more details.

Crescent Magazine is a monthly student magazine published six times during the academic year by and for the students of the University of Evansville. The magazine serves as an open forum for University of Evansville students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni through its editorials, columns and letters to the editor. With a focus on student life, the magazine provides coverage of campus news, features and sports, and select local and general-interest items of interest to the audience. The Crescent’s aim is to present relevant content in a fair, accurate and unbiased manner, to keep news items free of editorial comment, and to use editorial comment as a tool for informing and persuading through the use of factual information and opinion.

Crescent Magazine welcomes letters from UE students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni, but material the CMEB regards as libelous, malicious and/or obscene will not be published. Letters should not exceed 250 words. For verification, letters must include the author’s name, class standing or title and email address. Crescent Magazine does not print anonymous letters or those that cannot be verified. Letters will be edited as needed.

Crescent Magazine is committed to helping you bring your products and services to University of Evansville students and the UE campus community. To advertise in the Crescent Magazine or on the website email

* Deadline Extended: 2021-22 Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship

UPDATE: The scholarship deadline has been extended to Friday, May 7.

Family, friends and loved ones of the late Dr. Marvin E. Hartig are pleased to announce the application process for the Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Hartig, Dean of Evansville College’s Evening College in 1967, and administrator for the Center for Advanced Study, director of the Evansville chapter of the American Institute of Banking (AIB), and the international student advisor. In 1974, Dr. Hartig was appointed Dean of Academic Services. He retired in 1984 after serving his alma mater for thirty-five years and passed away in 2007.

This scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving sophomore student. Preference will be given to a student working while being enrolled as a full-time student. International students are encouraged to apply.

Eligible students for the 2021-2022 Hartig Memorial Scholarship will be sophomores in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Download the 2021-22 Dr. Marvin E. Hartig Memorial Scholarship application.

Deadline: Please return all materials to the Office of Student Financial Services by April 23, 2021. The decision will be announced by June 14, 2021.

Questions: Amanda Wood, administrative assistant to the Office of Student Financial Services, at or 812-488-2364



* Creative Writing Grad Publishes Fiction

UE Creative Writing Grad Jenna Sumpter publishes "The Sunday Incident in Nebraska (That Will Never Make the News)," a short fiction piece, in Flyover Country Magazine. It can be read online.

* UE Granted Accreditation-Continued Status for Physician Assistant Program

The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the University of Evansville Physician Assistant Program sponsored by the University of Evansville. Accreditation-Continued is an accreditation status granted when a currently accredited program is in compliance with the ARC-PA Standards.

Accreditation remains in effect until the program closes or withdraws from the accreditation process or until accreditation is withdrawn for failure to comply with the Standards. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be March 2031. The review date is contingent upon continued compliance with the Accreditation Standards and ARC-PA policy.

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at

Congratulations to the faculty, staff, and students of the PA program!  

* DPT Alumni and Professors Collaborate on a Publication in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy

The Doctor of Physical Therapy department is proud to congratulate a team of professors and former students for their publication titled, "The Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Screen: A Validation Study" that was recently published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2021. As students, Dr. Mary Beth Garner ('19), Dr. Risa Ricard ('19), and Dr. Josh Hayden ('19), collaborated with DPT professors, Dr. Phil Plisky, Dr. Kate Schwartzkopf-Phifer, Dr. Bethany Huebner, and Dr. Kyle Kiesel, to collect, analyze and publish a validation study of a novel ankle dorsiflexion screen. Publishing reliability and validity reports is an important step in advancing the field of physical therapy in evidence based practice. We are proud of how our students and faculty embrace the value of collaboration and the spirit of the University of Evansville as changemakers. See the article here:



* Borgstrom Delivers Two Homers as Aces Earn Sweep of SDSU

Continuing its offensive extravaganza, the University of Evansville baseball team captured a 14-8 win over South Dakota State in Sunday's series finale, earning the Aces a weekend sweep, at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.

The win extends Evansville's winning streak to seven games, its longest such streak since capturing eight-straight wins from March 24 to April 6, 2019.

"Great weekend for our club. Our offense was led by (Kenton) Crews and (Troy) Beilsmith all weekend," said Evansville head baseball coach Wes Carroll. "(Danny) Borgstrom had a great game and it was refreshing to see his approach at the plate. (Eric) Roberts finally connected for a long ball, as well. Big week of practice for us and we get ready to get back into Valley play."

Evansville jumped-out to a massive lead early in the contest, doing significant damage in the second inning. With Craig Shepherd on first and one out, the Aces got started generating runs. Sophomore Danny Borgstrom moved Shepherd over with a base-hit to right center to begin what would be an impressive day at the plate. Freshman Brent Widder drove home the first run of the game with a ground-rule double to right center, scoring Shepherd. Fellow freshman Max Malley nearly cleared the bases in the next at-bat, just missing a home run as the ball bounced off the wall, scoring Brogstrom.

Off to an incredible start in his fifth season, redshirt junior Kenton Crews ripped a double to left field, bringing Widder home and pushing Evansville's lead to 3-0, still with just one out. Redshirt senior Troy Beilsmith reached safely on a fielder's choice as Malley scored on a throwing error by the Jacks third baseman.

After Beilsmith stole second, freshman Simon Scherry drew a walk to fill the bases. With the bases loaded, freshman Mark Shallenberger was hit by a pitch, scoring another run, as the bases remained full.  Junior Eric Roberts responded to the opportunity, smashing a grand slam over the right field wall and handing Evansville a 9-0 lead after the second inning.

South Dakota State showed resilience, scoring five runs in the top of the third to trim Evansville's lead to four at 9-5. After the third, Aces starter Donovan Schultz's day came to an end, being replaced by junior reliever Zac Cummins.

In the fourth, Borgstrom added an RBI to his game line, driving in Shallenberger to push the Aces lead back to five. Rotating to the top of the fifth, Cummins continued to pitch effectively for the Aces as the newcomer finished his outing, lasting two innings, while not allowing a hit and striking-out one.

The day continued to go well for Borgstrom in the sixth as the second baseman drove a two-run home run to right, scoring Roberts and elevating Evansville's lead back to seven at 12-5.

A wild pitch from the Jacks in the seventh put Evansville in position to again earn a run-rule win as the bases were loaded with just one out and with the Aces owning a 13-5 lead. Following the run on the wild pitch, SDSU recorded back-to-back outs to end the inning and extend the game.

SDSU would not go away in the series finale as the Jacks responded with two runs in the eighth to cut Evansville's lead to 13-7.

Borgstrom closed his account on the day in a fitting way, launching another home run, this time with a shot to center field. The Jacks scored a run in the top of the ninth, but closer Jakob Meyer locked-down the 14-8 win for Evansville.

The Aces return to Missouri Valley Conference competition next weekend with a four-game set at Bradley on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Dozer Park in Peoria, Ill.

* Enchelmayer Leads UE Women in Terre Haute

Allison Enchelmayer shot the low round of the day for the University of Evansville women’s golf team in the opening round of the ISU Invitational at the Country Club of Terre Haute.

Allison Enchelmayer is actually leading the tournament with a 1-under 71 and paces the field by three strokes. 

Alyssa McMinn was next for the Purple Aces.  A first-round score of 78 has her in a tie for 18th place.  Mallory Russell was one behind McMinn with a 79 and is tied for 22nd.  Caitlin O’Donnell and Sophia Rohleder recorded identical rounds of 81 and are tied for 30th.

Carly Frazier had an outstanding round as an individual.  She fired off a 79 to sit in a tie for 22nd.

Evansville wrapped up the opening day in fifth place with a score of 313.  UE is six behind 4th-place Butler and 14 shots ahead of Western Michigan.  Northern Iowa holds the team lead with a 300 and are two in front of Green Bay and four ahead of Indiana State.

The final 18 holes will begin on Monday morning.

* Beilsmith Blasts Aces to Doubleheader Sweep

Fueled by two home runs by Troy Beilsmith, the University of Evansville baseball team swept a doubleheader from South Dakota State, 3-2 and 11-1, on Saturday at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.

"What a special day from Troy Beilsmith," said Aces head baseball coach Wes Carroll on the redshirt senior's massive day. "Troy made a big decision to come back and have a true senior season. It's great that he can have this type of experience."

Game One: Evansville 3, SDSU 2 (7 Inn.)

Pitchers for both Evansville and SDSU shined in the first game of Saturday's doubleheader. The Aces sent junior Caleb Reinhardt to the mound, while the Jackrabbits started sophomore Drew Beazley.

Beazley and Reinhardt combined to strikeout seven batters in the first three innings as the Jackrabbits allowed just two hits in that span, while Reinhardt faced the minimum. After Beazley exited after the third, SDSU brought in Ryan Bourassa, who continued the strong effort on the mound, allowing just two hits and striking-out four.

Reinhardt took a perfect outing into the sixth before the Jacks recorded a single and double with one out. Later in the sixth, with the bases loaded, SDSU pushed a run across on a fielder's choice, taking the lead, 1-0.

Junior Eric Roberts replaced Reinhardt to start the seventh and was effective, allowing a run to come across, but held the Jackrabbits lead to just two heading into the bottom half of the seventh.

SDSU pulled Bourassa after the sixth and brought in Eli Sundquist. Evansville proceeded to get its offense going, opening the inning with a single by senior Craig Shepherd. After a strikeout, sophomore Danny Borgstrom pinch-hit for the Aces, earning a walk. With sophomore Evan Kahre pinch running at first, Evansville got a run back on consecutive wild pitches, scoring Shepherd. Trailing by one, Kahre came home on another free pass, this one of the balk variety as Evansville tied the game at 2-2. After a strikeout put a second out on the scoreboard, Beilsmith stepped to the plate. The Weldon Spring, Mo. native came up big, driving a homer to left field and walking-off the game with a 3-2 Evansville win.

"In game one, Caleb Reinhardt was outstanding and kept us in the game so our offense could find a way," remarked Carroll on the doubleheader opener. " A leadoff single from Shepherd was huge (in the seventh) and then Troy delivers a heroic HR to win it."

Game Two: Evansville 11, SDSU 1 (7 Inn.)

Evansville's offense got off to a much quicker start in game two, generating runs in the bottom of the first. Beilsmith continued his tear, scoring Crews on an RBI groundout in the opening inning. Scherry next stepped to the plate and ripped a ball to right field. After a diving play by the SDSU right fielder was unsuccessful, Scherry turned on the jets. The freshman sprinted around third after the ball rolled all the way to the wall and beat a relay throw home, scoring an inside-the-park home run.

Crews continued his hot streak with a pair of RBI singles in the fifth and sixth innings, which were split by a sacrifice fly in the sixth for SDSU, to give the redshirt junior six RBI on the day and increasing Evansville's lead to 4-1.

The seventh inning proved crucial in the contest as Scherry led off the inning with a double and advanced to third on a wild pitch. After freshman  Mark Shallenberger walked, Borgstrom delivered a run with an RBI base-hit to center.

Junior Mason Brinkley walked in the next at bat, forcing a change for the Jackrabbits. After the pitching change, Widder sliced a two-run double that scored Shallenberger and Borgstrom, followed by an RBI single from fellow freshman Max Malley that scored Brinkley and elevated UE's lead to 8-1.

Looking to replicate his last at bat in game one, Beilsmith did just that in the seventh against the Jacks. Beilsmith drilled a 2-2 pitch to left field, clearing the wall and walking-off with an 11-1 seven inning run-rule win for the Aces.

"In game two, Jake McMahill gives us another quality performance and the top of our order delivers eight hits including the second walk-off HR of the day from Beilsmith," said Carroll on the game two performance. "I love everything about this team right now and the character they are showing."

On the day, the top of the order (Kenton Crews and Troy Beilsmith) was fantastic for the Aces, going 9-of-15 from the plate, while generating seven RBI.

Evansville and the Jackrabbits close-out the four-game series Sunday afternoon at 1 PM at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.

* Aces Take Down Loyola Behind Clutch Defense, Goal by Hill

The University of Evansville women’s soccer team took down the undefeated Loyola Ramblers, 1-0, Saturday at Loyola Soccer Park. The win marks the second win against Loyola in program history and the first since 1993.

The game winning goal came off the head of Emilie Hill at the 26:56 mark. The cross came off a corner kick and was assisted by Nicole Benati, marking the first assist for the Aces this season. The goal by Hill is her first career goal and the second goal of the season for UE.

Evansville saw impressive efforts from the backline and from goal. Goalkeeper Michaela Till made 11 saves, including a massive stop during a penalty kick attempt at the end of the first half. Till and the rest of the Aces defense faced 20 shots from Loyola.

On offense the Aces were efficient with five total attempts with four coming in the first half. Along with four corner kicks during the match.

Evansville will close out the regular season with a matchup against Indiana State on April 10 at home for senior day.

* Eryn Gould Takes over Third on UE Home Run List

Senior Eryn Gould hit the 25th home run of her University of Evansville career and is now alone in third place on the Purple Aces all-time list.  She hit a leadoff home run on Saturday with the Aces falling by a 9-1 final in the series finale against UNI.

Gould’s home run gave Evansville (17-11, 5-4 MVC) a 1-0 lead in the first inning before the Panthers (15-13, 7-2 MVC) scored five in the bottom of the second before pulling away for the win.

The Panthers’ Kamryn Shaffer led the second off with a solo home run before Adara Opiola hit a grand slam that gave them a 5-1 lead.  UNI added three more in the third and one in the fifth to clinch the victory.

UE had three hits on the day.  Aside from Gould’s home run, Jessica Fehr and Lindsay Renneisen each posted hits.  Gould continued her unbelievable streak of reaching base; she finished the game 1-for-1 while adding two walks.  The Panthers finished the day with six hits.

Making the start for UE, Izzy Vetter struck out five and walked five over the course of four innings.  Seven of the nine runs given up were earned.  Kailyn Packard tossed all five innings for UNI and allowed three hits while walking three.

Evansville is back on the road next weekend, traveling to Southern Illinois for a 3-game series on Saturday and Sunday.

* Aces Open Weekend with Run-Rule Win over SDSU

Powered by a pair of eighth inning homers, the University of Evansville baseball team earned a 13-3 run-rule victory in eight innings over South Dakota State on Friday night at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.

"That was the most electric arm we have faced this year so I'm proud of our hitters for making an adjustment the second time through the order," said Aces head baseball coach Wes Carroll. "Always great to see an offensive explosion with big RBI's from Crews, Beilsmith and Scherry. Gray, Parks and Dominik did a great job giving us a chance to win."

The game began with a pitchers duel as Evansville's Shane Gray and SDSU's Adam Mazur combined to record 11 strikeouts in the last 12 outs. In the second inning, the Jackrabbits took an early lead, as a one-out double that put the runner on third due to an error was followed by base-hit that scored a run to give SDSU a 1-0 lead.

Evansville's offense going in the bottom of the fourth as redshirt junior Kenton Crews earned a walk to leadoff the inning and quickly stole second. A double down the left field line by redshirt senior Troy Beilsmith scored Crews, tying the game at one. Afte freshman Mark Shallenberger recorded a single to move Beilsmith to third, the Aces got back-to-back RBIs from freshman Simon Scherry and junior Eric Roberts to put UE in front, 3-1.

Gray's day on the mound came to an end after the fifth inning as the starter tallied a new career-high with 10 strikeouts, while not allowing an earned run in five innings of work.

The Aces tacked-on two more runs on to their total in the fifth as Beilsmith ripped a two-run single to left that brought home Crews and freshman Brent Widder.

The trend continue for Evansville in the sixth as Scherry walker and stole second to open the inning, followed by a walk for Roberts that chased the Jackrabbits starter. After senior Craig Shepherd reached on a fielder's choice that resulted in no outs, SDSU got back-to-back strikeouts looking to end the threat. Crews continued his monster day, stepping to the plate and sending a two-RBI double to center, scoring Scherry and Roberts to boost the Aces lead to 7-1.

In the top of the seventh, junior Michael Parks allowed his first earned runs since March 7 as the Jacks delivered a pair of runs to trim Evansville's lead to 7-3.

As was true in Sunday's win over Xavier, a big offensive inning proved to be the deciding factor in the Aces win. In the eighth, senior Ben Komonosky drew his 10th hit-by-pitch of the season with one out. Crews responded, capping his day with a two-run blast to left field to give Evansville a 9-3 advantage. Following Crews' homer, Evansville got three free passes with Beilsmith and junior Tanner Craig getting hit by a pitch and Shallenberger garnering a walk to load the bases. With the 10-run rule in effect, Scherry ended the game with one swing, driving a full count pitch into the netting in left field which prevented the ball fromr eaching the Lloyd Expressway, for a grand slam and handing the Aces a 13-3 win in eight innings.

Evansville and SDSU meet for a doubleheader on Saturday beginning with first pitch in game one at 1 PM at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.

* Men's Golf Returns to Action at Murray State

Spring action continues for the University of Evansville men’s golf team, who are set to open the Murray State Invitational on Sunday in Dickson, Tennessee.

Set for Greystone Country Club, the tournament will feature 36 holes on Monday and the final 18 on Tuesday.  Par is set for 72 while the yardage comes in at 6,858.  Murray State, Southern Illinois, UT Martin and Tennessee State highlight the 2021 field.

The men are back in action for the first time since March 16 when UE earned a top ten finish at the Bobby Nichols Intercollegiate in Sevierville, Tenn.  Evansville came in 9th place.

Spencer Wagner had a strong tournament, tying for 15th place with a 216 over the course of three rounds.  He began the event with two 1-under rounds of 71.  Second on the team was Isaac Rohleder, who tied for 32nd. He also had an excellent opening day, carding an even 72.

Jessie Brumley rounded out the UE top three as his third-round final of 74 tied him for 46th overall with a 225.

* Women's Golf Treks to Indiana State

A quick turnaround will see the University of Evansville women’s golf team return to action this weekend at the ISU Invitational. 

Hosted by Indiana State, the tournament will be played at the Country Club of Terre Haute.  Par is a 72 and the yardage is approximately 5900.  Play gets underway on Sunday with an 11 a.m. ET start while Monday’s start time is 9 a.m. ET.  Teams will play 18 holes each day.

Joining the Purple Aces in the event are Butler, Eastern Illinois, Green Bay, Indiana State, Northern Iowa, Rose-Hulman, Valparaiso and Western Michigan.

UE is coming off of a 6th place finish at the Pinehurst Women’s Intercollegiate, which wrapped up on Tuesday.  Alyssa McMinn got better in each round and capped off the event with a 1-under 71.  She tied for 7th place to lead the Aces.

Caitlin O’Donnell was second for Evansville.  A 3-round total of 232 saw her tie for 21st.  Allison Enchelmayer came home in a tie for 35th on the charts.

* Bella Coffey Hits Grand Slam in Opener at UNI

Taking to the road for the first time in its 2021 Missouri Valley Conference schedule, the University of Evansville softball team fell to UNI in both games of a doubleheader on Friday at the Robinson-Dresser Complex.

Evansville (17-10, 5-3 MVC) dropped the opener by a 22-7 final before the Panthers (14-13, 6-2 MVC) finished the day with a 14-0 win.  Highlighting the day for UE was Bella Coffey, who belted a grand slam in Friday’s opener.  It was the first home run of her UE career.

Game 1
A 15-run fourth inning saw UNI turn a 7-6 lead into a 22-6 advantage.  Trailing 1-0 in the top of the second, Marah Wood hit a leadoff single and would later score on a hit by Lindsay Renneisen.  UNI came back with three runs in both the second and third frames, but Evansville came through with a big effort in the fourth.  Haley Woolf led off with a double before before scoring on a Jenna Lis hit.  Jessica Fehr and Renneisen walked to load the bases for Bella Coffey, who hit the first home run of her career – a grand slam.  Her hit got UE back within one run at 7-6.

The Panthers did not let the Aces get any closer, scoring an unbelievable 15 runs in the bottom half of the fourth to put the game out of reach.  Sammey Bunch led the way for UNI, going 2-2 with seven RBI and five runs scored.  She hit two homers.

Game 2
In the second contest, UNI opened with two runs in the first and did not look back, pulling away for a 14-0 victory.  Emmy Wells and Daryn Lamprecht each posted three RBI in the win.  Evansville had three hits with Jessica Fehr recording two and Jenna Lis adding a double.  The Panthers offense erupted for 15 hits in the contest.

* Baseball Looks to Continue Momentum with SDSU Series

Coming off an impressive series win over Xavier, the University of Evansville baseball team will aim to build off its momentum with a four-game set over the weekend against South Dakota State at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.
Last Time Out: Evansville 9, Xavier 2
• A persistent and timely offense lifted the University of Evansville baseball team to a 9-2 victory over Xavier on Sunday, earning the Aces a 3-1 series win over the Musketeers, at German American Bank Field at Charles H. Braun Stadium in Evansville.
• "Such a great win for our team today. It started on the mound and defensively I felt like all weekend we played stellar defense that gave us a chance," said Aces head baseball coach Wes Carroll. "Of course on the mound getting the efforts from Donovan Schultz and Caleb Reinhardt today was outstanding and then for our bats to just really come alive and get into their bullpen. Their starter was magnificent today with his ability to keep us off balance with some really good off-speed. For us to take three out of four against such a quality club with four legit rotation arms really gives us a boost of confidence that we're going to have to take into Missouri Valley play."
• Xavier found the scoreboard first in the second inning, scoring runs off a double and single to take a 2-0 lead.
• The long ball helped halve the Musketeers lead in the bottom half of the second as freshman Mark Shallenberger launched a solo shot to right to cut the Xavier lead to 2-1.
• Senior Craig Shepherd tied the game in the fourth, ripping a base-hit to center that scored freshman Simon Scherry.
• After giving up the two runs in the second, freshman pitcher Donovan Schultz was lights-out. Schultz exited after the fifth, allowing four hits and striking-out a career-high eight batters.
• The late innings proved to be key to the Aces win, beginning in the seventh with two outs and a pair of runners on. Junior Tanner Craig came to the plate and drove a single up the middle, scoring redshirt junior Kenton Crews and giving the Aces the 3-2 lead.
• Evansville broke the game wide open in the eighth, batting around and scoring six runs, including a two-run single by senior Ben Komonosky, an RBI single from Crews, and an RBI double by redshirt senior Troy Beilsmith.
• Junior Caleb Reinhardt closed-out his impressive performance in the ninth, allowing just one runner on and getting out of the inning with a line-out to third. Reinhardt earned the victory, his first of the season, pitching four scoreless innings, giving-up just three hits.
• "Just a gutsy effort," remarked Carroll. "Another Sunday win for our club coming into the yard and expecting to win and playing at a high level. I couldn't be more proud of our team right now."

Previewing the Matchup: SDSU
• The history between the Aces and Jackrabbits is short with the two sides only playing two times previous to this weekend with Evansville winning both.
• The last time UE and SDSU met, the Aces took a 10-9 win over the Jackrabbits as Evansville's Robbie Minor went 3-for-5 at the plate with 3 RBI.
• SDSU enters the weekend having lost three-straight games, dropping its last series to Western Illinois.
• The weekend series concludes a 24-game road trip for the Jacks, who last played a game at home on May 11, 2019, falling 5-3 in five innings to Oral Roberts.
• Evansville will utilize its fourth different rotation combiination this season for four-game series. The Aces have once before used the combination of Gray, McMahill, Reinhardt, and Schultz, picking-up a 3-1 series win over Western Illinois from March 5-7.

Blanking the Opposition
• Evansville recorded its third shutout of the season on Saturday when the Aces captured a 1-0 victory over Xavier.
• UE's three shutouts on the season are one of 32 teams in the nation with three-or-more shutouts and are the only team in The Valley to reach the mark.

Beilsmith Brings Extra Bases
• Redshirt senior Troy Beilsmith has brought the extra base hits in 2021 for the Aces.
• Beilsmith has 10 doubles on the year, adding three to his total this past weekend against Xavier, putting him in fourth in the nation and best in The Valley in the category.
• In his career, Beilsmith has 40 doubles, making him Evansville's active career leader in doubles.

* Softball Travels to UNI on Friday and Saturday

Following a 15-game homestand that saw the University of Evansville softball team go 11-4 overall and 5-1 against Missouri Valley Conference opposition, the Purple Aces take to the road this weekend for a 3-game set at UNI.  Play gets underway on Friday with a noon doubleheader before an 11 a.m. contest on Saturday at Robinson-Dresser Sports Complex in Cedar Falls...ESPN3 will carry all three contests.

Last Time Out
- Taking on Valparaiso last weekend, UE earned its first 3-game MVC sweep since 2019 to improve to 5-1 through its first six conference games...that is the best start since 2002 when the Aces recorded an identical mark through six games
- Eryn Gould and Jessica Fehr each batted over .500 in the series while Marah Wood hit a pair of home runs on her way to being named the league’s Newcomer of the Week...Izzy Vetter threw 14 innings against Valpo and struck out 21 batters
- On Tuesday, Evansville faced UT Martin in a midweek contests...the Skyhawks took a 4-0 lead entering the bottom of the sixth before the Aces scored a pair in the bottom of the frame to get within two...UTM added two more in the seventh on their way to a 6-2 win
- Winning 17 of its first 25 games, the Aces are off to their best overall start since the 2008 campaign

Reaching Base
- Senior Eryn Gould continues to reach base by any means possible and is currently 19th in the nation and tops in the MVC, reaching base 58.5% of the time in 2021
- Over her last seven games, Gould has taken her game to an even higher level, reaching base in 21 of her last 26 plate appearances (80.7%)
- Gould was named the MVC Player of the Week on March 22 after reaching base 83.3% of the time versus Loyola while hitting a pair of home runs
- Her .441 batting average and 25 RBI are each second in the conference while her total of 30 hits and 24 runs scored are both tied for second

Make it 3
- For the third time this season, Marah Wood garnered MVC Newcomer of the Week accolades on March 29 after batting .417 and hitting two home runs in a 4-0 week for the Aces
- Since going 0-4 in the MVC opener against Loyola, Wood has rebounded, going 9-for-21 from the plate over the last 7 games and has two home runs and five RBI
- For the season, she leads the squad with seven homers while sitting second with a .365 average, 21 RBI and 16 runs scored

Highway Robbery
- Averaging 2.44 steals per game, the Aces rank 8th in the NCAA and are tops among Valley schools...UE has four players currently ranked in the top 150 nationally in steals per game (Adams, Hood, Gould, Fain)
- Hannah Hood leads the team with 12 steals in 12 attempts while Mea Adams is right behind, going 11-for-11...the duo rank third and fourth in the league, respectively


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