The Student Alumni Ambassadors, or SAA as we like to call it, is here to enhance your experience as a UE student! Join in the fun, support tradition, and start building your professional UE network through SAA connections. Our mission is to provide students service and leadership opportunities, to build a foundation for future alumni leaders, and to foster communication, awareness, and interaction between current students and alumni.
Our first meeting is tonight and anyone is welcome to join us to learn more about some of the fun activities we participate in throughout the year, including:
Purple Friday—Purple Patrol
Philanthropy Week
Family Weekend
Homecoming Tailgate
Christmastime on Campus
UE Spirit Week
When: Monday, August 31
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 1529 2449
Passcode: 807058
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Meeting ID: 961 1529 2449
Passcode: 807058
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Questions? Contact Nichole Coffey at 812-488-2900 or