Dear UE Community, 

While this semester has taken an unanticipated turn for all of us, the University of Evansville recognizes the importance of celebrating the educational achievements of our Class of 2020. Each one of our students has had a life-changing experience at UE – whether studying at home or abroad, through hours of classroom and out-of-classroom experiences, our students have made lifelong connections. We want to celebrate those moments, in person, at a rescheduled Commencement ceremony.

After much discussion and input from students, faculty, and staff, we are rescheduling graduation to take place during Homecoming Weekend on the morning of September 19, 2020, at the Ford Center. Your participation greatly enriches the significance of the celebration. We feel this is a unique way to celebrate and reunite our current alumni and welcome the entire Class of 2020 to the UE Alumni Association.

Though the ceremony is rescheduled, the traditions remain. The Outstanding Senior Service Award will be presented during Commencement. Faculty and staff are currently submitting nomination materials to the selection committee, and selections will be made this spring.

As in years past, our keynote speaker will be a member of the graduating Class of 2020. The deadline for submissions has been extended, and we are looking forward to hearing the perspectives and experiences of our students as we select one for this special occasion.

The Homecoming Weekend schedule is being developed now, and it will include time for everyone to enjoy all the festivities (i.e. ballgames, alumni events, etc.). It also promises to be a momentous homecoming as so many of us on campus will reunite after being away for so long. More details are forthcoming. 

Christopher M. Pietruszkiewicz
University of Evansville