Purple Friday Patrol: Wear Purple—Get Prizes!
Be on the lookout for the Purple Friday Patrol every week and sign up here to pass out the purple praise!
On Fridays, we wear purple, and each week, the PFP will reward students to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday.
Purple Friday Patrol Teams are made up of members of the campus community including faculty, administrators, and other interested parties, usually from the same department or group.
PFP Teams can sign up for one or more Fridays per semester and the Office of University Relations will supply Purple Swag Packs to the designated PFP Team for the week. PFP Teams are invited to add a personal touch to the swag packs, if desired. (ex. departmental swag, promo for an upcoming event, etc.)
Purple Friday Patrol Teams: What’s my responsibility?
1. Sign up for at least one Friday per semester.
2. Visit the office of University Relations in Sampson Hall during the week of your assigned Friday to pick up your Purple Swag Packs
3. Pass out the purple praise. The distribution format is up to you. You can pass out swag packs to the first few purple people you see, or you can stagger the rewards throughout the day. If you’d prefer to reward online participants, you’re free to promote on official UE social media accounts.
4. Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember, we’re trying to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday, so be sure to snap a picture with your purple people! You can either share them online through an official UE social media account if you run one, or send them to uerelations@evansville.edu to post on the main UE social media accounts.