AceNotes Today
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Tuesday Night Recharge Mass
Join the Newman Club tonight - Tuesday, January 15 - at 8:00 p.m. in Neu Chapel to celebrate a Catholic Mass! Fr. Christian Raab will be the celebrant. All are welcome!
Submitted by Michaela Kunkler mk305@evansville.edu
Venturing Crew Spring Open House
UE Venturing Crew is hosting its Spring 2019 open house on Wednesday, January 16, in Room 162 in the Schroeder School of Business Building at 8:00 p.m. If you paid the $25 registration fee last semester you will not need to pay that again, but can still come to learn about all of the exciting events planned for the upcoming semester! If you cannot attend the open house, but would like to join or learn more about Venturing Crew, you can contact Katie Mearns at km399@evansville.edu for more information.
Submitted by Katie Mearns km399@evansville.edu
Newman Dinner and Discussion: Why Study Theology?
Did you know you can study theology online and in the classroom right down the road? Join the Newman Club this Wednesday, January 16 at 5:00 p.m. for our weekly dinner and discussion. This week's topic is "Why Study Theology?" John Schlacter, director of Admissions for Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, discusses the various opportunities for continued faith formation at St. Meinrad through lay degree programs. All are welcome!
Submitted by Michaela Kunkler mk305@evansville.edu
Hiring - basketball officials
The intramural department is hiring basketball officials. Pay is $8-$10/hour based on years of experience and certifications. Training for officials will take place Tuesday, January 15; Wednesday, January 16; and Thursday, January 17. Meet in Carson Center in Room 113 at 5:30 p.m. or contact the intramural director Drew Hawkins with any questions.
Submitted by Drew Hawkins ah519@evansville.edu
Do you want to be an Orientation Leader (OL)?
Orientation Leader (OL) applications are now available! Visit our website at www.evansville.edu/orientation/welcomeweek.cfm to complete an electronic application before the deadline date of January 29.
Information on "What It Takes to be an Orientation Leader" and the "OL Code of Conduct" can be found on the website along with the application and reference form.
Current Orientation Leaders will be available in the Ridgway University Center Lobby on January 21-25, if you have any questions. You can also contact VPSA/Dean of Students office at 812-488-2500 or stop by Ridgway University Center, Room 230, during business hours.
Submitted by Carleen Barnes cb131@evansville.edu
Purple Friday Patrol starts this Friday: Sign up now!
Purple Friday Patrol: Wear Purple—Get Prizes!
Be on the lookout for the Purple Friday Patrol every week and sign up here to pass out the purple praise!
On Fridays, we wear purple, and each week, the PFP will reward students to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday.
Purple Friday Patrol Teams are made up of members of the campus community including faculty, administrators, and other interested parties, usually from the same department or group.
PFP Teams can sign up for one or more Fridays per semester and the Office of University Relations will supply Purple Swag Packs to the designated PFP Team for the week. PFP Teams are invited to add a personal touch to the swag packs, if desired. (ex. departmental swag, promo for an upcoming event, etc.)
Purple Friday Patrol Teams: What’s my responsibility?
1. Sign up for at least one Friday per semester.
2. Visit the office of University Relations in Sampson Hall during the week of your assigned Friday to pick up your Purple Swag Packs
3. Pass out the purple praise. The distribution format is up to you. You can pass out swag packs to the first few purple people you see, or you can stagger the rewards throughout the day. If you’d prefer to reward online participants, you’re free to promote on official UE social media accounts.
4. Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember, we’re trying to promote school spirit both on campus and online through the use of the hashtag, #UEPurpleFriday, so be sure to snap a picture with your purple people. You can either share them online through an official UE social media account if you run one, or send them to Amanda Campbell at uerelations@evansville.edu to post on the main UE social media accounts.
W-2 notice for 2018
The Office of Accounting/Payroll will be issuing W-2’s for 2018 no later than January 31, 2019.
We are pleased to announce that you can choose one of two options to receive your W-2:
• Electronic W-2 – If you provide your consent, you will receive an e-mail notification via AceNotes Extra that your W-2 is ready to view/print on Self-Service.
• Paper W-2 – If you prefer, you can continue to receive a paper W-2 in the mail, as you have in the past.
Among the advantages of electronic W-2’s: (1) you will have access to your W-2 a couple of days earlier than a paper copy that is mailed to your home; (2) you can print as many copies of the W-2 as you need. The electronic W-2 is IRS compliant and can be submitted with your tax return. To take advantage of the electronic W-2 option, you must log onto Self-Service (https://selfservice.evansville.edu), locate the item titled “Tax Information” either on the main page, or in the left-hand menu under “Financial Information”. Click the option “W-2 Information.” Click the “Change Preferences” button and then click the first radio button to give your consent. Then click “Save.” You will not receive a paper W-2 in the mail if you select the electronic W-2 option.
Again this year, employees that are eligible to participate in the University’s health plans, will receive a 1095-C form. This form will be used to complete questions regarding health insurance offers and coverage on your 2018 tax return. Like the W-2 consent, the 1095-C form will need a consent as well. This is done by clicking on the “1095-C Information” tab (on the same screen as the W-2 Information option – “Tax Information” in Self-Service) and giving your consent.
If you choose to withhold your consent to view/print your online W-2 and 1095-C, a paper copy will be prepared and mailed to you at your home address.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gloria Spencer at ext. 2159.
Professional development workshops for faculty, staff and students!
The Center for the Advancement of Learning is offering professional development opportunities this spring for the community and UE faculty, staff, and students. Online registration is open for both of the professional development workshops this spring.
The first workshop will be February 13 from 6:00-8:00 p.m., titled Enhancing Creativity and Building Collaborative Teams to Solve Complex Problems.
The second workshop will be offered on April 10 from 6:00-8:00 p.m., titled Creating a Culture of Empathy.
Register today!
$75 for community, faculty, and staff
$45 for UE students
For more information, go to this webpage: www.evansville.edu/centerforlearning/professional-development.cfm.
Submitted by Lindsay Roberts lr155@evansville.edu
UE Jazz auditions
UE Jazz Auditions will be Wednesday January 16 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Room 144 in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music. Excerpts are located at www.evansville.edu/majors/music/ensIntro.cfm and clicking on Jazz Bands. The audition sign-up sheet is located on the door of Room 144. Contact professor of music Timothy Zifer (tz3@evansville.edu) if you have any questions. Instruments in the band include saxophones, trumpets, trombones, piano, bass, guitar, and set drum. Come swing with us!
Submitted by Timothy Zifer tz3@evansville.edu
Wind Ensemble auditions
Auditions for UE Wind Ensemble for Spring 2019 are:
- Monday, January 14 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Room 103, Krannert Hall of Art and Music
- Tuesday, January 15, from 3:00-5:30 p.m. in Room 103, Krannert Hall of Art and Music
A sign-up sheet is available on the UE Bands bulletin board across from Room 103 in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music.
Excerpts are available at: www.evansville.edu/majors/music/ensIntro.cfm.
Contact associate professor of music and director of bands Kenneth Steinsultz (ks306@evansville.edu) for more information.
Submitted by Kenneth Steinsultz ks306@evansville.edu
Interested in studying abroad? Stop by our table to find out more!
Do you have an interest in studying abroad? Whether you’d like to study at Harlaxton or anywhere else in the world, we can help find the right program for you. Make sure to stop by our table in Ridgway University Center to ask any question you might have and find out how you can start your adventure abroad! The study abroad office will be in Ridgway on Monday, January 14 and Tuesday, January 15 from noon-1:00 p.m. If you can’t stop by during these times, you can always e-mail us at studyabroad@evansville.edu or stop by Room 261 in the Schroeder School of Business Building.
Submitted by Greta MI Becker gb91@evansville.edu
UE Orchestras seeking for new members
![Holiday Pops on stage](http://acenotes.evansville.edu/photos/HolidayPops.jpg)
Students, staff, faculty, and administrators are invited to play in the University Symphony Orchestra and String Chamber Ensemble. The University Symphony Orchestra meets on Monday at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. The String Chamber Ensemble meets on Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in the Krannert Hall of Art and Music. Join us!
E-mail Chun-Ming Chen, director of orchestral activities at cc319@evansville.edu for more information.
Submitted by Chun-Ming Chen cc319@evansville.edu
UE team to participate at 2019 Diversity, Civility, and Liberal Arts Institute
An Institute for Faculty and Administrators at Independent Colleges and Universities has selected the University of Evansville to participate in the Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts Institute to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 2–5. The institute is made possible by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. CIC received many more proposals than the number of spaces available in the Institute. The volume, quality, and urgency of the proposals reflect the commitment of independent colleges and universities to promoting diversity and civility, not just on their campuses but across the nation. The selection committee was especially impressed by the high quality of the proposal written by UE. Team members are as follows: Ray Lutgring, LaNeeca Williams, Valerie Stein, and Maggie Stevenson Special thanks to Johnna Denning-Smith for helping the team submit the proposal.
McBride and Gieselmann publish article
Amy McBride, assistant professor of education, and Sharon Gieselmann, chair of the School of Education, published their article "The Ron Clark Academy's Impact on Preservice and First-year Teachers" in the 2018 Volume 85-2 issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is a professional honorary society of women educators.
Petrosillo presents paper at MLA convention in Chicago
Sara Petrosillo, assistant professor of English, presented her research on medieval poetry and animals titled, "Species, Gender, and Falconry: Sexual Dimorphism as Poetic Form" at a science and literature session at the Modern Language Association convention in Chicago on January 3. Her presentation included original manuscript research conducted at the Vatican and University of Bologna, as well as observations from teaching literature about hawks and falconry in her fall 2018 FYS.
Harlaxton College receives Historic England Angel Award
Harlaxton College has received a certificate of commendation from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Historic England’s Chief Executive Duncan Wilson in the ‘Best Rescue of an Historic Building or Place (under £5 million)’ category of Historic England’s Angel Awards 2018.
It was received in recognition of the ‘time, effort and determination’ of the College to repair and restore the South-West and North-East Gazebos and Retaining Wall which form part of the entrance forecourt group of structures which significantly contribute to the framed setting of Harlaxton Manor and is highly visible from the main approach to the Manor and contributes to its theatrical silhouette.
In receiving the award, Harlaxton College would like to acknowledge the dedication and skill of Skillingtons Workshop (main contractor), the generous financial support of our donors and Historic England, and the support of the University as a whole.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.