AceNotes Today
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Active Shooter Drill – Practice "Run" Only!
In response to the Active Shooter Drill, all campus community members are asked to focus solely on the RUN aspect of “Run, Hide, Fight.” regardless of whether the fictitious event affects your specific location.
This means that everyone should vacate their building (simulating the RUN aspect).
Members of the Evansville Police Department will be stationed throughout the campus to gauge individual responses to the drill, as well as determine how quickly individuals were able to make a decision as to which door to exit based on the information given about the fictional shooter. Once individuals leave a building, they should move away from the building and toward the outer perimeter of the campus but should not leave the campus, move vehicles or travel beyond the Weinbach/Lincoln/Rotherwood/Walnut square.
Once the drill is over, another AceAlert will be sent with the announcement to resume normal duties.
The drill will take place sometime between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., between November 5-9. The drill will be announced to the campus via Ace Alerts and the new active shooter audio siren will sound through all computers and video monitors signaling there is a threatening event.
In the spring, we will conduct another active shooter drill - focusing on the HIDE aspect of “Run, Hide, Fight.”
Any questions, please contact the Office of Safety and Security at 812-488-2051.
Photographer on Campus October 31 - November 2
The Office of Marketing and Communications will have a photographer on campus for a photo shoot Wednesday, October 31, through Friday, November 2. UE students and faculty have always been very cooperative and accommodating during previous shoots. As a result, many great photos have been taken for the University’s website and publications. Kim McDonald will try to notify faculty in advance if photos will be taken in a particular class; however, weather may force the shoot inside, and it is possible that last minute requests will be made. If faculty members know that they will be giving a test or do not wish to have their class photographed any of these days, please inform Kim McDonald at ext. 2683 or km117@evansville.edu and the classroom will be avoided.
Neu Chapel Forum discusses "Should People of Faith Engage in Violence?"
For people of faith, engaging in physical violence and warfare has been a topic of contention and debate. This week's Neu Chapel Forum will consider if people of faith should engage in violence. Is there moral justification for it? Why or why not? All perspectives are welcome for a time of great conversation! The Neu Chapel Forum meets tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Class of ‘59 Gallery in Ridgway University Center.
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
LSCM Club meeting
Join us for our Logistics and Supply Chain Club meeting at 8:00 p.m. today - November 1 - in Room 209 in the library.
Submitted by Quincy Stone qs13@evansville.edu
Express Yourself
The Lilly Scholars Network Chapter is hosting Express Yourself today - Thursday, November 8 - from 6:45-8:30 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center. Express Yourself is open to any student at UE to learn more about professional communication and presence in a variety of fields. Local employers will be present to participate in a panel. Unlike previous panel events that may only apply to a specific major, our event is open to all students on UE's campus. We feel that it is necessary for students to have professional communication skills and know how to effectively market themselves to potential employers. Following the panel, the employers will stay for a 30-minute networking session to talk to students one-on-one.
Submitted by Megan Hawkins mh445@evansville.edu
UELA Magnifying Mental Health is November 7
UELA alumni are hosting a Magnifying Mental Health event. This event provides students with the opportunity to discuss their mental health through stories, poetry, and music. UELA wants to create a safe, welcoming environment where students can share their experiences. We ask that students that attend or are participating to be respectful of their peers. Food will be provided at this event. It is November 7 in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Submitted by Megan Hawkins mh445@evansville.edu
UEMTA presents Spotlight!
UEMTA is presenting Spotlight Friday November 2 at 7:30 in Wheeler Concert Hall. Spotlight is a talent competition that raises money for the Isaac Miller Music Matters Foundation. Tickets are $5 at the door or at a table. UEMTA is having ticket sales in Ridgway University Center Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Come out Friday to see fellow students and faculty members show their amazing talents!
For more information, contact Megan Gemmel at mg235@evansville.edu or Jessica Smith at js829@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Megan Gemmel mg235@evansville.edu
Racism and Sexism Unpacked
Today - Monday, November 5 - in Eykamp Hall, Room 251, Ridgway University Center at 7:00 p.m., faculty panelists will lead an interactive campus forum designed to promote campus-wide dialogue about issues of racism and sexism, providing the audience with tools for dealing with both. This event is free and open to all. Bring your questions, concerns, and ideas. Refreshments will be provided. The faculty panelists include professors Dan Byrne, Mari Plikuhn, Rob Shelby, Valerie Stein, and Margaret Stevenson, and chief diversity officer LaNeeca Williams.
This event is co-sponsored by Race and Ethnicity Studies, the Office of Diversity Initiatives, and Gender and Women’s Studies.
Submitted by Margaret Stevenson ms446@evansville.edu
Activist Mary Olson to speak at UE
Activist Mary Olson will be speaking at UE on November 12 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 203 in the library. Her topic will be “A New Global Treaty for Nuclear-Free Nations: How One Woman Made a Difference.”
Olson is acting director of gender and radiation, director of Southeast office, NIRS. She holds an undergraduate degree in evolutionary biology and history of science and has worked for 27 years on radioactive waste policy with the non-government organization, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS, www.nirs.org) based in the Washington DC area; Olson herself is based in a satellite office in Asheville, North Carolina, where she founded the new Gender and Radiation Impact Project in 2017.
She has written and organized on radioactive waste and from 2004-1999, she was a registered lobbyist in the US Congress, working to stop bad legislative proposals for changes in radioactive waste law. Olson leads the successful Stop Mobile Chernobyl Campaign which prevented legislation that would have mandated the shipment of highly radioactive waste to the disputed Yucca Mountain site when it was under study (not yet approved). For many years Olson worked with the No Dumps on Native Lands project to keep nuclear waste off the lands of Indigenous Peoples, including Yucca Mountain which is on traditional lands of the Shoshone Nation.
Olson has been a student of radiation’s impact on living cells and organisms since her own contamination while working in a research lab. She has been privileged to know Dr. Steve Wing and to be mentored by Dr. Rosalie Bertell. Bertell encouraged Olson to do her own analysis of A-Bomb survivor data published by the US National Academy of Sciences (BEIR VII, 2006) in order to answer questions from the public about gender differences in radiation harm. Olson’s paper “Atomic Radiation is More Harmful to Women,” published in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns helped the diplomats working at the UN to bring nuclear weapons under humanitarian law, embodied by the new Convention on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Submitted by Lesley Pleasant p84@evansville.edu
Textbook adoptions past due
Textbook adoptions for Spring 2019 are now past due. If you have not submitted your adoptions, please do so to the UE Bookstore as soon as possible. This will ensure better buyback prices for students and also more used/rental options for the Spring term. The later we receive adoptions in the bookstore this less likely we can get these cheaper editions. Contact the UE Bookstore at ext. 2679 if needed.
Submitted by Doug Gustwiller dg57@evansville.edu
Free HIV testing at SHC
Matthew 25 will be hosting HIV testing at the Student Health Center FREE of charge on Tuesday, November 13 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. No appointment necessary!
Submitted by Tara Ulrich tu19@evansville.edu
Faculty-led study abroad proposal applications due today!
Calling all faculty! Did you know that you have the opportunity here at UE to create and lead your own short term program abroad? If you are interested in taking your class global, make sure to fill out a proposal to set up a faculty-led program! Proposal forms can be found on the faculty-led programs page of the study abroad website or in the Study Abroad area on AceLink. We are currently accepting proposals for the 2019-20 academic year.
Proposal are required whether you’ve run a program multiple times or are hoping to set up something brand new. Applications are due by November 1 and decisions on proposals will be given by the beginning of December. Completed proposals can be e-mailed to studyabroad@evansville.edu. If you have any questions about the proposal application, please contact Greta Becker at gb91@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Greta Becker gb91@evansville.edu
Who is Gregory Gregory? Did he send you a letter?
Did you recently receive a letter from Gregory Gregory? You may be wondering who he is and why he is reaching out. Gregory Gregory is best known for building our beloved Harlaxton Manor. He was born in 1786, went to Rugby School (a prestigious, private institution) at age 11 and then to Oxford University at age 19. In 1831, Gregory returned from living in France and Italy and started the building that we now know as Harlaxton Manor. Gregory moved into the manor sometime around the year 1851. He lived there until 1854, when he passed away from "gout exhaustion".
Gregory Gregory is a key figure in the life of Harlaxton Manor and his legacy live at the University of Evansville today. We hope that the letter you received from him is of interest and you will find your way to his event on Thursday evening.
Submitted by Holly Carter hc110@evansville.edu
Body Image
Body Image, an event hosted by the Change Lab/ GAP Course Mental Health Awareness Team, is planned for Thursday November 1 from 5:00-6;00 p.m. in Room 162 in the Schroeder School of Business Building. The speaker will be Annette Parks, chair of the history department.
The goal of the event is to create awareness about mental health through education about body image on the UE campus.
Submitted by Aisha Tijjani at166@evansville.edu
Erin Lewis selected as November 2018 Employee of the Month
Erin Lewis, associate director of the Center for Innovation and Change, has been selected at the November 2018 Employee of the Month!
The positive impact the Erin makes on student’s lives cannot be measured. She is committed to the students that she works with and to the University as a whole.
Erin works to inspire students in finding new ways to make a difference not only in the classroom, but in our community.
She has been instrumental for her work with the UE certification for ASHOKA and ChangeLab.
Please help us congratulate Erin on her well-deserved honor as November’s Employee of the Month.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.