AceNotes Today
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Turn in your United Way pledge form today to win!
Early Bird deadline: October 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Regular deadline: October 23 at 5:00 p.m.
Fair Share Giving: Please check your packet for a NEW incentive for giving at the Fair Share level.
Take a moment today to fill out your United Way pledge form. The Early Bird Grand Prize is a $250 gift card to Amazon!
Turn in your pledge form at any time this week and be eligible to win more prizes:
• (5) free meals from Chartwells
• Season pass from the theatre department
• (4) passes for UE Men’s and Women’s Basketball games
• Tailgating blanket from UE’s bookstore
• Gift bag from Basket Kases
• Gift bag from Penny John’s
• $10 gift card from Honey Moon Coffee Shop
Please read the information in your packet and if you have any questions, feel free to contact Office of Human Resources at ext. 2943. Join UE today in helping make the Evansville community a better place for everyone!
Active shooter drill scheduled
In cooperation with the Evansville Police Department, the University of Evansville is planning an Active Shooter Drill. In order to maintain the integrity of the drill exercise, the exact date and time will not be published in advance. Note: the drill is scheduled for some time between 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 11 and 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31. When the drill begins, all members of the campus community are expected to respond as if reacting to a real emergency situation. Participants are asked not to call 9-1-1 during the drill so that there is no disruption to the delivery of emergency services in the city. Also, please do not move your vehicle during a drill.
Things to know:
The drill will be announced to the campus community via an Ace Alert message. The alert will clearly state “THIS IS A DRILL” and will provide specific information relative to the location of a fictitious shooter. Only the Ace Alert message will activate the drill.
The drill will not involve simulated gunshots or an individual(s) posing as a shooter. The Evansville Police Department will be present to provide constructive input during the drill and will provide direct feedback to those who are in the selected area(s).
Whether or not you are in the direct area of the fictitious emergency, you should respond as you would if this were a real campus emergency.
You should consider the possibility that a second “fictitious shooting event” may be part of the drill.
The drill will conclude approximately 15 minutes after it begins with another Ace Alert message indicating the drill is over.
At the conclusion of the drill, classes and/or activities will resume as normal.
A Post Active Shooter Drill Survey will be emailed to all faculty, administrators, staff, and students on or before November 3. We ask that everyone respond to the survey as soon as possible after the drill.
How to respond during the drill:
Assess the situation! What do I know about the circumstances? What is the best response for me personally to ensure my safety? Then choose…
- RUN: If the best way to keep yourself away from the fictitious danger is to flee the building, do so immediately. (For the drill, there is no reason to drive off-campus.)
NOTE: In a real situation, if you hear gunshots on the other side of the building and you are close to an exit, law enforcement recommends running from the building. If you are outside, get as far away from the threat area as possible. In some situations, you might decide that you can safely run away from the campus if the reported gunman is a good distance away from your campus location.
- HIDE: If you are in a position to lock a building door and can do so safely, do so. In addition, seek shelter inside of the building (classroom, closet, office, etc.) If there is a lock on an interior door, lock yourself in the space. Go to a location in the room where you cannot be seen and stay in place until you are notified that the threat (drill) is over. Turn ringers and other tones off of cell phones and turn off lights if possible.
- FIGHT: Note: There will be no need to FIGHT during this drill. In a real situation - If you are confronted with a gunman, you (and those with you) stand a better chance of surviving if you do something rather than nothing. Look around you. What would you use to help defend yourself?
Remember: All exterior doors to buildings may be locked if the occupants within the building can do so safely. Electronic Card access may also be shut off. Use your best judgment in determining the safest course of action to protect yourself. Seconds count!
Watch the Video – Run, Hide, Fight.
As a reminder, you can find information about “Emergency Situations and Procedures” on the Safety and Security Website (https://www.evansville.edu/safety/emergencyProcedures.cfm) including a video on the Run, Hide, Fight response (https://www.evansville.edu/safety/) and additional information such as sheltering in place, outside and inside threats, and so forth.
H Lot closed for Homecoming Tailgate Oct. 12-14
The North end of H Lot will be closed Thursday, October 12 starting at 5:00 p.m. until Saturday, October 14 after the Homecoming Firework Show for Homecoming Festivities. Please move your car from this portion of H Lot before Thursday, October 12 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Megan King mk225@evansville.edu
Front Oval parking restricted on Friday, October 13
On Friday, October 13, parking on the front oval will be restricted due to meetings of the UE Board of Trustees. In addition, please be aware that setups for a President’s Club Homecoming Harvest Party will occur throughout the day on the front oval.
Fireside Chat: Every Vocation Tells a Story
Are you wondering how your vocation and career path fits into a larger, grander Story? Are you still trying to figure out the career path and vocation that's right for you? In this week's Fireside Chat, we will discuss how every vocation, no exceptions, has a story to tell within the great Story of God. Please join us for an exciting time of exploration, spiritual reflection, and conversation. The Fireside Chat meets in Grabill Lounge (basement of Neu Chapel) on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
Homecoming Week activities
Lots of activities are planned for Homecoming Week (October 11-14):
Friday, October 13
The Homecoming Pep Rally is at 8:00 p.m. on the East Terrace Lawn with the Cheer Team, Dance Team, and Soccer Team, free T-shirts, and announcement of the finalists for Mr. and Miss UE.
Saturday, October 14
The Homecoming Tailgate is at 2:00-5:00 p.m. in H Lot with organization booths, live music, food trucks, raffle prizes, and more! The women’s soccer game is at 2:30 p.m. and the men’s soccer game at 5:00 p.m. The crowning of Mr. and Miss UE will take place during halftime of the men's game. There will be a fireworks show after the men's soccer game
Submitted by Megan King mk225@evansville.edu
Homecoming Worship in Neu Chapel
The campus community is invited to join us for University Worship during Homecoming Weekend. We are very excited to welcome all visiting alumni and friends of UE to our congregation on this special Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Together we will sing; we will pray; we will be fed. As always, donuts and coffee will be served before and after the service. We hope to see you there!
Submitted by Keith Turner kt160@evansville.edu
UE Gives Back registration deadline extended to Tuesday, Oct. 17!
UE Gives Back – Fall is this Saturday, October 21. The registration deadline has been extended to next Tuesday, October 17!
Students, join your fellow Aces for this campus-wide day of service, either as an individual or as a group. Non-profits across Evansville are counting on you to get out in the community. Free T-shirt, donuts, and coffee provided starting at 8:00 a.m.
With over 200 spots available, we have needs doing advocacy work for a local peace center, helping with Halloween and other great events, working at Audubon State Park, some demolition work, and much more. Most opportunities range from 9:00 a.m.-noon, but we have afternoon and evening opportunities as well.
To register go to Get Connected or http://volunteer.evansville.edu. Look for the Students Only: UE Gives Back – Fall purple banner and search for opportunities now!
Questions? Contact Jackie Luedtke at jl295@evansville.edu or 812-488-1115.
Submitted by Jackie Luedtke jl295@evansville.edu
Free coffee today with Career Development
Come for free coffee and an informal career chat with alumni and friends of the University today - Thursday, October 12 - 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Phillips Study Alcove (opposite of WUEV) in the Ridgway University Center.
Learn about their journey to their current job and the skills needed for career success.
This week's focus: careers in parks, museums, and historical preservation.
Submitted by Alison Morris-McDonald am268@evansville.edu
Homecoming Pep Rally tonight at 8:00 p.m.
Join SAB, the Dance Team, the Cheer Team, and the Men's Soccer Team today - Friday, October 13 - at 8:00 p.m. on the East Terrace Lawn for the Homecoming Pep Rally. Mr. and Miss UE finalists will be announced and free T-shirts will be passed out!
Submitted by Megan King mk225@evansville.edu
Speaker Series/Lunch & Learn
Please plan to join us for our first Mentor Speaker Series Luncheon/Lunch and Learn, on Thursday, October 19 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 252, Ridgway University Center. We will have a panel of the Young Professional Alliance from Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce discussing and answering your questions on networking and career-related issues. If you wish to reserve a free lunch, please RSVP here: www.uealumnionline.com/lunchandlearnOct17 by October 13. This event is open to the campus community.
Submitted by Linda Wulf lw8@evansville.edu
Salsa class planned for today
The Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by dancing salsa on October 12 from noon-1:00 p.m. on the East Lawn Terrace. The class will be taught by the best teacher ever, Erin Lewis! Please, join us!
Submitted by Lorena Andueza pa55@evansville.edu
Fiddick Lecture: Long struggle for racial equality in Indiana
James H. Madison, Thomas and Kathryn Miller Professor Emeritus of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, will be the speaker for this year’s University of Evansville Thomas C. Fiddick Memorial Lecture. The event is planned for TODAY - Friday, November 3 - at 7:00 p.m. in Room 170 (Smythe Lecture Hall) in the Schroeder School of Business Building. This is the 16th year for the lecture, which is free and open to the public.
Madison will be delivering an illustrated lecture on “Hoosiers and the Long Struggle for Racial Equality.”
For over two centuries the people of Indiana have struggled with challenges of race. There were times when African American Hoosiers could not vote, when the danger of lynching was real, when the Ku Klux Klan seemed right and necessary, when segregationists created schools, restaurants, and basketball tournaments for whites only. Beginning in the1950s, Indiana reformers began a push toward equality that we know as the great civil rights movement. Madison’s lecture will focus on several flash points of challenge and change to spark thinking about race and about where we have been, where we are, and where we want to go as citizens in a changing world.
Madison is without doubt one of the most distinguished scholars to work in the field of Indiana history. An award winning teacher for over four decades at IU, he is the author of several books, including Eli Lilly: A Life; A Lynching in the Heartland: Race and Memory in America; and Slinging Doughnuts for the Boys: An American Woman in World War II. He has taught as a Fulbright professor in Japan and England and has served on the boards of Indiana Humanities and the Indiana Historical Society, as well as being a member of the Indiana Bicentennial Commission. Madison’s most recent book is the highly acclaimed bicentennial history, Hoosiers: A New History of Indiana; it is the basis for an Emmy-awarded PBS documentary on Indiana’s history.
“Professor Jim Madison is an extremely eminent scholar of Indiana History and we are absolutely thrilled to bring him to the University of Evansville to deliver the Fiddick Lecture and interact with students in class,” said James MacLeod, UE professor of history and director of the Fiddick Memorial Lecture Series.
“As recent events have catapulted race relations back into the center of public discourse,” MacLeod added, “this is a perfect time to educate ourselves about the history of racial equality in our home state. There can be few better-qualified people to tell this story than Professor Madison. It is especially appropriate given Tom Fiddick’s lifelong passion for many of the key issues discussed by Jim Madison, especially Civil Rights.”
Thomas C. Fiddick, for whom the Fiddick Memorial Lecture is named, served as professor of history at the University of Evansville from 1963 to 2002. In his 39 years at the University, he was a dedicated teacher, a productive scholar, and a tireless fighter in the cause of justice. His untimely death on the day of his retirement in 2002 stunned the UE community, especially his many former students. It was from the former students’ efforts in particular, with the support of Fiddick’s friends and the University, that the annual Thomas C. Fiddick Memorial Lecture was established.
“The Fiddick Lecture is one of the best events of the year, as we get to celebrate the career of a truly outstanding faculty member here at UE,” MacLeod said. “Tom Fiddick was a brilliant scholar and an incredible teacher who made a life-transforming impact on generations of students.”
For more information, please contact the UE Department of History at 812-488-2963.
This Week in Music: Opera guest artist
The UE music department welcomes guest artist Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek in recital tonight - Friday, October 13 - at 7:30 p.m. in Wheeler. Horner-Kwiatek is a former vocalist of Anonymous 4, with whom she recorded twelve award-winning CDs. She is a versatile and accomplished musician and is a highly sought after performer of new music. She has premiered several operatic roles by composers as varied as Harrison Birtwistle and Phil Kline, and she has appeared as guest soloist with several of the world’s leading new music ensembles.
Horner-Kwiatek also regularly performs early music, and has performed throughout Europe and the United States. She is voice teacher in New York, where she maintains a private studio and is an Adjunct Professor of Voice at Colombia University Teachers College, Fordham University, and the Dalton School.
Horner-Kwiatek’s recital will feature works by Butterworth, Ferguson, Britten, and Copland, as well as series of anonymous works from the 13th century.
For complete program information, please visit the music department’s concert calendar at: https://www.evansville.edu/majors/music/eventDetails.cfm?eventId=13396.
The concert is free and open to the public. It is made possible by the generosity of the William E. Schmidt Foundation and an anonymous donor.
Submitted by James Sullivan js820@evansville.edu
Indiana Means Business Career Fair
Register via JobLink for this exciting career fair for business-related disciplines! The event is October 31 from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Eastern) at the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott.
Students in all class levels encouraged to attend.
Bus transportation provided from UE. Reserve a seat online at https://www.evansville.edu/careercenter/students/busReservationForm.cfm.
Register for the fair by Tuesday, October 24, through UE JobLink (Jobs tab --> search for posting 901450)
Need assistance with your job, internship, co-op or graduate school search? Please contact the Center for Career Development: career@evansville.edu or 812-488-1083.
Submitted by Alison Morris-McDonald am268@evansville.edu
Health Careers Fair next Tuesday
Over 60 employers are registered for the Health Careers Fair planned on Tuesday, October 17, 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the Student Fitness Center.
All students, freshmen through seniors, who are considering a health-related career should attend. Pre-register for the event in JobLink to allow employers to view your resume early!
Don't forget to download the app, Career Fair Plus, to view employer details and event layout. Search for Career Fair Plus on the App Store and Google Play Store.
Submitted by Alison Morris-McDonald am268@evansville.edu
Free lunch! UE Connect Lunch and Learn Thursday, October 19
"What I've found over time is who you know matters just as much as what you know," said Steven Stump, Evansville Business Journal 20 Under 40 Rising Leader.
Informal and formal networking are a part of nearly every successful career today. Join members of the Young Professional Alliance for lunch on Thursday, October 19. Steven and other members from the Young Professional Alliance steering committee will discuss the power of networking, and share best practices for preparation, introductions, presenting yourself professionally, and more.
The event is planned from 12:15-1:15 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. The admission fee is complimentary for all students and professionals.
Register online by Tuesday, October 17, at www.uealumnionline.com/lunchandlearnOct17.
Panelist include:
- Brooke Fisher, Old National Bank
- Ashley Murray, Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce
- Josey Roth, Evansville Christian Life Center
- Steven Stump, University of Southern Indiana
Submitted by Liz Riffert EL37@evansville.edu
Native plant sale benefits SW Indiana ecological communities
Extra plants from the native plant garden in the Koch Center for Engineering and Science will be sold at a local native plant sale held by the Southwest Indiana Native Plant and Wildlife Society (SWINPAWS). The plant sale will occur Saturday, October 14 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the SWIMGA Display Garden, located at 3501 E. Lloyd Expressway, in Evansville. The UE community is invited to this native plant sale!
SWINPAWS promotes native plants as an essential part of Southwest Indiana’s ecological communities. Unfortunately, habitat destruction and introduction of non-native plant species has led to the loss and degradation of wetlands, prairies, and forests, resulting in reduced numbers of native plant species. The plants offered in the sale will help support our native pollinators and herbivores by providing food, shelter and a place to raise their young. Native birds, insects and other wildlife depend on native plants to thrive.
Submitted by Cris Hochwender ch81@evansville.edu
Free transportation to graduate school fair
Thinking about going to grad school? If you are searching for a nationally recognized professional degree program in business, law, medicine, and pharmacy, or a graduate program in education, fine arts, liberal arts, public affairs, religious studies, and related fields, you will find the perfect school for you at the Midwest Graduate and Professional School Summit. All the details may be found at: https://www.evansville.edu/careercenter/students/GpIntro.cfm.
At a glance information:
- The event is Saturday, November 11 at Purdue University
- Free accommodations and transportation provided by UE
- Registration deadline is October 30 – so ACT NOW!
Submitted by Gene Wells gw5@evansville.edu
Donations of food and hygiene products for local food pantry
The UE nursing seniors are sponsoring a food drive for Catalyst Church Food Pantry until November 1. A table will be set up in Ridgway University Center for food or monetary donations today from 8:00 a.m.-noon. (There may be an additional table set up in Carson Center during the Career Fair today.) In addition, donation boxes will be set up around campus.
In addition to taking donations at the Ridgway table, the group will also be taking orders for T-shirts at $15 each. The shirts will be available in four different colors. Proceeds from the T-shirt sale will be used to buy needed materials and food and hygiene items to donate to the pantry.
Donations of peanut butter and jelly and canned fruit in 100 percent juice are especially needed. The students are also gathering donations of new or gently used socks and hygiene products such as baby wipes, bar soap, deodorant, mouthwash, toothbrushes, and toothpaste.
Each year, the UE senior nursing class takes on a project that promotes good health in the community. This year, they are partnering with the food pantry to address the problem of food insecurity, an inadequate amount of resources to provide basic needs, including medical care and food.
“People have to decide between food or utilities, food or transportation, medical care, housing, and bills,” explained UE nursing student Megan Dunn. “We are teaming up with the Catalyst Church Food Pantry due to their commitment to serving the food insecure of Evansville. They will serve anyone who comes through the door and they provide three meals a week per family.”
For more information, contact nursingproject2017@evansville.edu.
"'Chili' Out with Phi Mu" - continuous open bidding event
Interested in joining a sorority? Phi Mu will be hosting an informal recruitment event in the Phi Mu suite tonight from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The theme is "’Chili’ Out with Phi Mu” - feel free to come and eat chili, play games, and just hang out in a casual setting! This is a great time for you to meet our sisters, have some fun, and see what our Phi Mu sisterhood is all about.
If you have any questions, or if you are unable to make it to the event but are still interested in the informal recruitment process, please contact Katelyn Hedinger at kh327@evansville.edu or Olivia Shoup at os29@evansville.edu.
Submitted by Olivia Shoup os29@evansville.edu
Blood Drive Tuesday, Oct. 17 - volunteer or donate
The Newman Club is hosting a blood drive with the Red Cross on Tuesday, October 17 in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center from noon-5:00 p.m.
To donate, email ph89@evansville.edu.
Sign up to be a volunteer here: http://signup.com/go/KBcmmAJ.
Volunteers will be needed to help recruit donors at tables in Ridgway University Center on Wednesday, October 11, Thursday, October 12, and Friday, October 13 for one hour over lunch and dinner hours
On the day of the blood drive, volunteers will help check in donors and pass out refreshments after donation in one hour shifts.
Submitted by Gabrielle VanBuskirk gv19@evansville.edu
Federal loan repayment counseling session for graduating or transferring students
Students who have received federal direct (sub/unsub) Loans and plan to graduate in the fall (or transfer after the fall semester) are required to attend a loan repayment counseling session. The Office of Financial Aid will hold the first session of the semester TODAY - Thursday, October 26 - at 2:00 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Room 253, Ridgway University Center. The last session will be held on December 7 at 2:00 pm.
Submitted by Amy Sowders as560@evansville.edu
Homecoming 2017 Reunion Weekend set for Oct. 13-15
The University of Evansville Homecoming 2017 Reunion Weekend is October 13-15. Special events are planned for parents and alumni, many of which will be open to the public.
Dr. Guy Banta Distinguished Lecture Series – Speaker Zach Cheviron ’00, Environmental and Wildlife Biology
Friday, October 13, 3:00 p.m. Vectren Lecture Hall, Room 100, Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
Reunion Celebrations
Anniversaries to be celebrated at homecoming include the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1967, 65th anniversary of Phi Mu sorority, 60th anniversary of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and the 60th anniversary of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Homecoming Tailgate
Saturday, October 14, 2:00-5:00 p.m., H-Lot, South Frederick Street
Food, games, live music, and fun. Open to public.
The Ace Race
Saturday, October 14, 9:00 a.m., UE campus. Open to public.
This 5K run benefits Ace CARE, UE’s pro bono physical therapy clinic run by doctor of physical therapy and physical therapy assistant students for the uninsured, underinsured, and homeless. Participation fee for the public is $25 before October 1 or $30 after October 1. Those registering before October 1 will receive a long sleeve T-shirt. To register, go to www.uealumnionline.com/acerace2017.
UE Women’s Soccer versus Drake
Saturday, October 14, 2:00 p.m., Arad McCutchan Stadium. Open to public.
UE Men’s Soccer versus Loyola (followed by fireworks display)
Saturday, October 14, 5:00 p.m., Arad McCutchan Stadium. Open to public.
For the full schedule of events or more information, visit www.evansville.edu/alumni or contact alumni@evansville.edu or 812-488-2586.
So who is a Changemaker? YOU ARE!
By now, you’ve heard a lot about changemaking at UE, but you still may have questions about just what that means. Chances are, you’re a changemaker yourself!
Here’s a list of changemaking activity already happening on campus:
- Collegiate Changemaker Challenge
- High School Changemaker Challenge
- Ethics and Social Change Major
- Catalysts for Change
- Related Courses: Social Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Ethics, Social Justice Movements, Complex Systems and Social Change, Social Change Field Experience, Ethics and Social Change, and FYS: Transformative Action
- Upgrade Bike Share
- Changemaker Incubator
- GAP projects such as: Sustainable art therapy in Guatemala, Cuba Skate, Alternative Energy, Infant Mortality, and Greenbelt connectivity
- Annual Days of Service
- Anti-bias team
- Change Fest
- Ace Care pro-bono PT clinic
- Institute for Banking and Finance - financial literacy for expectant parents
- Institute for Banking and Finance - microloans for diverse populations
- Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua
- Habitat for Humanity Guatemala
- College Mentors for Kids
- Community Garden
- Social Innovation Club
- Diversity House
- Sustainability Task Force
- Scholars for Syria
- Rally for Love
- Rally for Refugees
- Eco-Action Initiative
- Community Health Projects in Nursing
- Aces into Evansville
- Alternative Spring Break
- PSA student grant writing
- Work on issues such as: human trafficking, childhood aids, and homelessness
- And more!
UE Changemakers – Collegiate Changemaker Challenge
Collegiate Changemaker Challenge is an annual event dedicated to launching the next wave of social entrepreneurs and innovators. UE student teams compete to solve the world’s challenges with innovative ideas for sustainable initiatives, products, programs, non-profits or start-ups. Examples include the reduction of food waste and the creation of sustainable permanent-supportive housing to reduce homelessness. To learn more, go to www.evansville.edu/globalenterprise/cc.cfm.
UE men's golf wraps up fall season
Senior Tyler Gray was the top finisher for the University of Evansville men’s golf team as they wrapped up the Bill Ross Intercollegiate on Tuesday at Milburn Golf and Country Club.
Gray finished his fall with a 4-over 76 to lead the Purple Aces. He finished in a tie for 16th place with a final score of 222. In Monday’s opening rounds, Gray finished with identical scores of 1-over 73.
Noah Reese was second on the team, tallying a 79 in the final round. His total of 226 was good for a tie for 35th place. Matthew Ladd matched Reese’s tally on Tuesday. His final round score of 79 gave him a 228 for the event, tying him for 43rd.
Cameron Weyer was fourth on the team. His 82 in round three saw his final total check in with a 232. Jessie Brumley wrapped up the Aces squad, recording an 81 in the final round to complete play with a 242.
Grand Canyon swept the team and individual championships. On the team side, their final-round score of 299 saw them defeat UMKC by six strokes. Vinnie Murphy was the medalist on the strength of a 3-round total of 211 strokes, five under par. He defeated South Dakota’s Matt Tolan by three shots.
UE came home in ninth place with a score of 907. They finished eight shots in front of former MVC rival Creighton.
HoopFest tickets now available to general public
Fans of the University of Evansville men’s and women’s basketball teams are invited to sign up for their seats to the 2017 HoopFest event, which is set for October 25 at Meeks Family Fieldhouse.
Tickets are free, but seating is limited. You can guarantee your ticket is by registering here or by calling or texting 812-488-ACES or by visiting the Carson Center ticket office. Approximately 500 seats remain and are going fast. Fans are limited to four tickets apiece.
HoopFest, which is presented by Heritage Federal Credit Union, will take place starting at 7:00 p.m. on the 25th with the doors opening an hour prior. Both the men’s and women’s squads will be on hand for scrimmages, contests and much more.
Schedule posters for both teams will be available with a team autograph session following the event. For more information, call 812-488-ACES.
This will also be the first opportunity for season ticket holders to pick up their ticket boxes.
Updates from Chartwells: New general manager, Chick-fil-A opening, alcohol permit application, social media connections
Chartwells Hires New General Manager
Chris Clay has been hired as the new general manager for Chartwells at the University of Evansville. He comes to UE after serving as the director of dining services for Chartwells at the University of West Florida. Learn more about Clay and the rest of the Chartwells staff here: https://www.dineoncampus.com/ue/staff.
Chick-fil-A is scheduled to open on Wednesday, November 1
Chick-fil-A serves chicken sandwiches, nuggets, spicy chicken sandwiches, and legendary waffle potato fries. Hours of operation for the Ridgway University Center location will be as follows:
Monday - Thursday: 10:30 a.m. – midnight
Friday: 10:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 2:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Chartwell’s Applying for Alcohol Permit
Chartwells is applying for an alcohol permit. As part of the process, they are required to post a sign announcing intent to acquire a license and to communicate details of the application process. The neon orange sign will remain posted for 10 days from October 14-24. Chartwells will appear before the board on October 24 for permit approval.
Connect with Chartwells on Social Media
Chartwells takes suggestions and posts menu updates on social media. Check them out at the links below:
Winter Intersession courses
The University of Evansville offers Winter Intersession courses between the fall and spring semester from December 15, 2017 to January 5, 2018. Registration begins October 30. Students may register for one Winter Intersession course.
For more information visit: www.evansville.edu/registrar
These accelerated courses offer students the opportunity to:
- Take a course on-line to earn credits toward graduation
- Lighten your spring course schedule
- Complete missing requirements
Class offerings:
- ART 105: Introduction to the Visual Arts (Professor Larmann)
- COMM 380: Intercultural Communication (Professor Thomlison)
- ES 103: Fundamentals of Environmental Science (Professor Thananatthanachon)
- EXSS 320: Nutrition for Performance and Health (Professor Rodd)
- FIN 280: Introduction to Personal Finance (Professor Alhenawa)
- PH 190 Introduction to Public Health (Professor Patel-Dovlatabadi)
- PSCI 100: World Politics (Professor Kim)
- PSYC 416: Human Sexuality (Professor Becker)
- PSYC 121: Introduction to Psychology (Professor Hennon-Peters)
- PSYC 229: Social Psychology (Professor Stevenson)
- SOC 105: Introduction to Sociology (Professor Plikuhn)
Submitted by Paula Heldt ph28@evansville.edu
Do you want to volunteer at International Bazaar?
Are you interested in helping out with the biggest event on campus? Do you need to get some volunteer hours before you graduate? Well, the 31st Annual International Bazaar, which is coming up on November 17, is the perfect opportunity to do that!
This event is a fun way to learn about different cultures and raise money for a good cause. This year’s proceeds will go to the International Rescue Committee, an organization that offers emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees affected by war, persecution, or natural disaster.
If you want to be a part of this amazing experience, make sure to sign up on the spreadsheet at the link below by October 16: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yghTb5ZMrw7H9eSu3FVZC5IR4IzHLP74C_8Svm3jkLU/edit?usp=sharing
During the week of October 23, everyone that is listed as a volunteer will receive an email with a link to sign up for specific shifts and duties. Things you could do include helping to decorate booths, serving food, greeting people, and selling tickets! We will also have a MANDATORY meeting with all the volunteers on November 16 at 8:00 p.m. in Room 170 in the Schroeder School of Business Building to confirm assignments and give more detailed instructions.
We are so excited to work with you!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email Emile Moura (em238@evansville.edu) or Ebonique Ellis (ee86@evansville.edu)!
Submitted by Emile Moura Coelho da Silva em238@evansville.edu
Robert Dion featured in Indiana Historical Society exhibition
The Indiana Historical Society recently unveiled its newest exhibition, Be Heard: LGBT Experiences in Indiana. The display is the culmination of years of work done by Indianapolis photographer Mark Lee in gathering oral histories from a wide variety of people across the state, including Robert Dion, chairperson of the Department of Law, Politics, and Society. The exhibition chronicles the many challenges faced by LGBT Hoosiers and their allies over the years, along with some of their signature triumphs. It will be on display at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center in Indianapolis until November 4. Professor Dion will be teaching a course on Gay and Lesbian Politics (PSCI 390) next spring.
More information on the exhibition can be found here: www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/be-heard-new-exhibit-chronicles-lgbtq-experiences-indiana-n800291.
Overtime goal pushes Aces past Belmont
Not a downpour, lightning delay, nor an early deficit could stave off the University of Evansville men's soccer team as the Aces captured a 3-2 win in overtime over Belmont on Tuesday night at Arad McCutchan Stadium.
"We've been strong in overtimes that we've played this year. We've created a lot of chances, a lot of corners and it’s nice to get the result tonight," said Aces head coach Marshall Ray. "Our guys can battle and fight and compete, there's no question about it. To respond the way we did tonight, to go down 1-0 and come back and tie it up and then go down 2-1 and tie it up and win it in overtime says a lot about the character of our team."
Redshirt-sophomore defender Hunter DeWeese and junior midfielder Caleb Williams each scored for the Aces while senior midfielder Ian Mcgrath led the way with nine shots in the win. Sophomore goalkeeper Frederik Reimer earned his second win of the season between the posts. For the Bruins, Creaghan Diekema and Adam Voloder both tallied goals.
Within the first minute, Belmont jumped ahead 1-0 just 44 seconds in as Diekema received a pass from Jaime Giraldo Angel and put it into the back of the net.
Evansville tied the match at one in the 16th minute as junior Brian Hughes passed the ball to DeWeese who quickly fired a shot from 25 yards out that flashed past the keeper. Just eight minutes later, the Bruins went back in front as Diekema clipped the ball into the box where Voloder then finished it to push Belmont ahead, 2-1.
The weather did not cooperate as the match was stopped in the 59th minute for a weather delay which lasted 50 minutes and forced both teams back into their locker rooms.
In the 76th minute, Evansville found the equalizer as senior midfielder Arlick Ntabana crossed the ball across the face of the goal where Williams slipped it past the Bruins' keeper. To close the second half, Belmont had a pair of chances in the box, but Evansville held off the Bruins.
Six minutes into the first overtime, sophomore midfielder Jesse Stafford-Lacey received the ball at his feet just a few steps into the 18 yard box. Lacey looped in a shot that was deflected off the leg of a Bruin defender and into the back of the net for an own goal giving the Aces a 3-2 overtime victory.
In the match, Evansville out-shot the Bruins, 20-13, while Belmont held a 4-3 advantage on corner kicks.
"We need to build off this. We need some momentum, so it was good to get that tonight. We've got some things to work on, but we're looking forward to getting back on the field for homecoming on Saturday," said Ray. "Loyola is going to be a good opponent and we have to do the same thing on Saturday night that we did tonight. Just find a way to win, that's what's important."
The Aces stay at home for Homecoming on Saturday evening as Evansville takes on the Loyola Ramblers at 5:00 p.m. at Arad McCutchan Stadium. Saturday's homecoming festivities will begin at 2:00 p.m. with food trucks and live music until 5:00 p.m. The homecoming doubleheader will also feature postgame fireworks following the Aces' match with Loyola.
UE Tennis claims two singles championships in MVC's
In Monday’s final day of action at the 2017 Missouri Valley Conference Individual Championship, the University of Evansville women’s tennis team saw Andrea Pascual-Larrinaga and Theodora Soldatou take the championships in their respective flights.
Pascual-Larrinaga took top honors in flight four as she defeated Ivon Mihaleva from Illinois State, 6-1, 6-1. Soldatou was the top finisher in the sixth flight. She beat Drake’s Megan Webb, 6-2, 6-4, in the final. Both went a perfect 3-0 on their way to the conference championships.
Nicoli Pereira made it to the finals of flight five, but dropped her finals match-up against DU’s Elizaveta Petushkova, 6-3, 6-0.
Other action in the final day of play saw Diana Tkachenko earn third place at flight one. Facing off against Missouri State’s Alye Darter, Tkachenko won, 6-2, 6-2. Marie Kapelevich also earned a third place win, topping MSU’s Abbey Belote, 6-1, 6-1. They squared off in flight seven.
Daria Pentsova and Tkachenko played Drake in the finals of flight two doubles with the Bulldogs coming out on top, 8-6. At flight one, Chieko Yamada and Soldatou came home in fourth place, falling by an 8-3 final to Drake on Monday. Pascual-Larrinaga and Pereira earned the sixth spot at #3 doubles.
This weekend, the Aces will be back on the courts at the ITA Ohio Valley Regional in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Women's soccer earns USC Team Academic award for 11th-straight year
The University of Evansville women's soccer team received the United Soccer Coaches Team Academic Award for the 11th-straight season, it was announced Monday.
The award, which was initiated in the 1996, honors collegiate and high school men's and women's soccer teams that displayed excellence in the classroom during the school year by maintaining at least a 3.00 cumulative team grade-point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale. The Aces earned a 3.42 cumulative team GPA in the fall of 2016 and spring of 2017.
United Soccer Coaches recognized 825 teams, 286 men and 539 women on Monday. Evansville was one of 195 schools to have both their men's and women's programs honored this year. This year marks the fifth-straight year and ninth overall that both men's and women's soccer teams have earned the team academic honor.
UE is joined on the list by six fellow Missouri Valley Conference members Drake, Illinois State, Loyola, Missouri State, Northern Iowa, and Valparaiso.
The Aces are back in action on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at Arad McCutchan Stadium for homecoming when Evansville hosts Drake. Saturday's homecoming festivities will begin at 2:00 p.m. with food trucks and live music until 5:00 p.m. The homecoming doubleheader will also feature postgame fireworks following the Aces men's soccer contest with Loyola.
Rodriguez and Dos Santos lead UE volleyball to 3-2 win
Mildrelis Rodriguez and Gabriela Dos Santos each had one of the best matches of their college careers on Monday night to lead the University of Evansville volleyball team to a 3-2 win over Bradley inside Meeks Family Fieldhouse.
Rodriguez led everyone with 21 kills, just two shy of her career high. She tied her career mark with 22 digs. Dos Santos had a great game for the Purple Aces (7-12, 1-6 MVC) as she posted career highs in kills (15) and added 18 digs while hitting .333. Cathy Schreiber also finished with double digit kills, notching 11. Cassie Brooks led the squad with 25 digs while Allana McInnis posted 35 assists.
Joselyn Coronel and Schreiber were great around the net, each finishing with seven block assists. It was a career-best for Coronel.
Pacing Bradley (8-14, 1-7 MVC) was Erica Haslag, who had 18 kills. Yavianliz Rosado led all players with 33 digs.
The night started off with a back-and-forth contest. Bradley jumped out to a 4-1 lead before UE battled back to take an 8-7 lead on a double block by Joselyn Coronel and Erlicia Griffith. A Gabriela Dos Santos kill gave UE a 15-12 lead and the advantage for UE reached as many as four at 22-18. That is when Bradley made its run, posting six in a row before taking a 25-23 win.
Another early lead by the Braves saw them take a 3-1 lead before UE rallied back to tie the score at 4-4 before later taking an 8-7 advantage. Cathy Schreiber notched a kill to give UE an 18-16 lead before the Braves made their way back with three in a row to go back in front, 19-18. That is when Olivia Goldstein had a clutch service ace that help the Aces go back in front before Mildrelis Rodriguez had the clinching kill in a 25-23 victory to tie the match up at 1-1.
Evansville wrestled the lead away in game three, taking an 8-6 lead after the score was tied up at 5-5. Bradley took the lead back at 13-11 before Dos Santos took over. Her kill ended the stretch before she did the serving to put the Aces back in front by a score of 18-13. Cassie Brooks notched an ace as UE added to its lead, going up 23-17. The Braves had another run left in them, getting within a pair at 24-22, but Dos Santos struck again with the clinching kill as the Aces took a 2-1 lead.
Bradley scooted out to a 7-4 lead in the fourth frame, but UE fought back in a big way. Rodriguez posted two more kills in a 7-1 stretch as the Aces opened up an 11-8 lead. Bradley responded with a run of its own, retaking the lead at 14-13 before opening up a 24-17 advantage. They went on to win by a 25-19 final.
Erlicia Griffith opened up the fifth game with back-to-back kills as UE took an early lead before Bradley came back with five in a row. Evansville responded with a run of its own, posting the next five tallies to go up 7-5. The lead extended to 10-6 as Rodriguez notched her 19th kill of the match before Allana McInnis added an ace. UE went up by five points at 12-7 but the Braves had one more run left. They got within a pair at 13-11, but the Aces forced two errors to win the match with a 15-11 win in the set.
After the 3-match home stand, the Purple Aces take to the road this weekend to face Loyola and Valparaiso on Friday and Saturday.
Kiesel's research published in international journal
Kyle Kiesel, professor and chair of physical therapy, has been published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. His article is titled “Development of a Screening protocol to Identify Individuals with Dysfunctional Breathing.” This was the first study to attempt to apply simply clinical measurements to screen for those with breathing problems. His co-authors include Robert Butler, PT, PhD, and UE DPT alumni Tonya Rhodes, Jacob Mueller, Alyssa Waninger, who were students at the time of data collection. This work was supported by the UE Ridgway Fund.
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