AceNotes Today
Friday, October 7, 2011
Public Talk on Buddhism, Neu Chapel, Friday, October 7
The Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche will present “Compassion: The Heart of the Spiritual Path” at 6:30 p.m. Friday, October 7, in Neu Chapel.
Bardor Tulku Rinpoche was born in 1950 in Kham, East Tibet. At an early age, he was recognized as the third incarnation of the terton Terchen Barway Dorje by His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa. Terchen Barway Dorje, who lived at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, was a student of the 14th Karmapa, the 9th Tai Situ Rinpoche, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, and many other masters of his time.
In 1977, after completing many years of study and practice, and at the direction of the 16th Karmapa, Bardor Tulku Rinpoche relocated to the U.S. to help establish Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD) in Woodstock, New York. Together with the Venerable Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, the abbot of KTD, Bardor Tulku Rinpoche worked for 31 years helping establish KTD and its affiliates. In 2003, and with the blessing of H.H. the 17th Karmapa, Rinpoche founded Kunzang Palchen Ling (KPL), a Tibetan Buddhist Center in Red Hook, New York.
KPL is a religious organization that serves to bring teachings of all Tibetan lineages to the West, and especially to preserve the terma teachings of Terchen Barway Dorje.
Aurora Orientation Session
Adults and high school-age youth interested in volunteering with Aurora are invited to an orientation session from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Friday, October 7 at Central Library, 200 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, in the Browning Room B. Individuals and groups will learn about Aurora, the homeless issue in southwestern Indiana and volunteer opportunities available to community members.
Everyone needs a safe, decent and affordable place to call home. Aurora is a non-profit organization that exists to end homelessness in southwestern Indiana. Aurora pledges to provide services to the homeless, promote services that prevent homelessness, educate the community on the issues, facilitate collaboration, and advocate for the social and economic changes necessary to make ending homelessness a reality.
To make reservations or obtain more information, contact Jayme Walters with Aurora at 812-428-3246 or jwalters@auroraevansville.org.
No Catholic Mass on Campus this Sunday
There will be no 1 p.m. Mass in Neu Chapel this Sunday due to Fall Break. Students remaining on campus are welcome at St. Benedict Cathedral Parish six blocks west of campus on Lincoln Avenue. Mass times there are Saturday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday morning at 6 a.m., 8:30 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. For the schedules of other area Catholic parishes, contact Newman Center Director Mike Roesch at mr201@evansville.edu.
Dance Team Call Out Meeting and Auditions
The Dance Team is looking for two new members for the 2011-2012 season. There will be a call out meeting on Oct. 18 at 9 p.m. in Carson 113. You can meet team members and the coaches and learn about the team's program. Auditions will be held in the small gym on Oct. 21 from 7-11 p.m. Auditions will consist of learning a short routine, technique, original choreography, and a short interview with the coaches. Please wear dance shoes and form fitting clothing to the tryout--no baggy pants or tops. A $15 audition fee will be due at time of audition. An alternate audition may be scheduled if unable to attend on Oct. 21. Please contact Coach Arata with any questions at ma112@evansville.edu or (502) 689-4085.
Coldstone Creamery Night
Coldstone? Phi Alpha Theta, the History Honors Society, will be sponsoring a Coldstone Creamery Night on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 6-8 p.m. Proceeds will go to the Boys and Girls Club, which helps children lead better lives. Come on out to Coldstone Creamery off the Lloyd and help Phi Alpha Theta give back!
Rick Watkins to Give Lecture on Investment Planning
Rick Watkins, CFP, CLU, ChFC, will be talking to UE students in Room 170, Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building, at 4 p.m. on Oct. 17. Rick is an independent financial planner and consultant in Evansville. He graciously accepted an invitation from Walayet A. Khan, professor of finance, to give a presentation titled, “Investment Planning in current Volatile Global Financial Environment.” The event is open to the UE community and the public.
UE PRIDE Coming Out Panel
This year's UE PRIDE Coming Out panel discussion is set for Monday, Oct 17 at 7 p.m. in Room 170 in Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. This question and answer panel will highlight individual coming out stories. Special guests this year include Private Maycomber, who will discuss coming out during DADT, and a potential visit from Rick Davis the Democratic candidate for the Evansville mayoral position. Other panel members include Associate Professor of Psychology Lora Becker and current UE PRIDE. members. This provides a discussion for the community about accepting LGBT individuals. Extra credit for attending this event may be available from some courses in psychology and political science depending on the individual professor.
Kickin' It for the Kids
Together, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the Students of Ailing Mothers and Fathers are sponsoring a Kickball Tournament on Friday, Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. on the intramural field. The cost will be $40 per team or $60 for 2 teams. They will also be charging a $5 entrance fee or $4 if you purchase your ticket before the event (they will be on sale in Ridgway on Wednesday, Oct. 12 and Thursday, Oct. 13). The proceeds from this event will benefit the Children’s Miracle Network. They hope to you see at this event and helping support their cause. If you have any questions please email kc157@evansville.edu or aj93@evansville.edu. You can also contact them at (812) 249-7963 or (812) 249-6145.
Zeta Tau Alpha Presents Big Man On Campus
Big Man On Campus will be Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in Eykamp Hall in Ridgway University Center. Admission is $5 with all proceeds benefitting the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation- Breast Cancer Survivor Recognition Program. The theme this year is NFL with a special presentation by Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders. Please come out and help us fight breast cancer one tackle at a time!
TIAA-CREF Counseling Sessions Dates
A TIAA CREF representative will be on the UE campus on Thursday, Oct. 13 for individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA CREF at 1-800-732-8353 or 317-706-6200. The sessions will be held in the Clifford Rare Books Room in the Library (Room 158). If you have any questions, call Carol McCraney at extension 2943.
Order Game Day BBQ!
Game Day BBQ! Orders must be submitted by Tuesday, Oct. 11 at noon. Pick up will be on Saturday, Oct. 15 on the west side of the campus near the Armory parking lot by the softball field. This is a fundraiser for the Ace’s Strength and Conditioning Department. Please email jh464@evansville.edu or call 488-2298 to place an order for either pulled pork by the pound at $8.50 per pound (5 lb. and 10 lb. discounts) or entire pork butts for $22. The S&C department will make phone call reminders on Friday, Oct. 14. Don’t miss out on great BBQ ready to pick up and eat for the games on Saturday!!
Lunch & Learn on October 12 at Noon!
Mark your calendar! UE faculty, staff, students and community are invited to attend the free (bring your lunch) Lunch & Learn Session on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from Noon–12:50 p.m. in Eykamp 253, Ridgway University Center. The session will be presented by Centennial Wealth Advisory on " Saving for College - Take Advantage of UE's Tuition Remission and Much More." Sponsored by: University of Evansville, Center for Adult Education. Please contact Judy Caldwell at jc313@evansville.edu if you have questions. This event is being presented by the Society for Financial Awareness.
Neu Chapel Organ @ Noon
University Organist Douglas Reed will present Neu Chapel Organ @ Noon on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 12:15 p.m. The informal program, dubbed The Last Rose of Summer, will include discussion and performance of a bokay [sic] of musical flowers by a variety of composers: Dudley Buck, Joseph Bonnet, and Johannes Brahms. Special features will include the Waltz of the Flowers and Tip Toe Through the Tulips played on that infamous portable reed organ, the accordion. Refreshments will be served in Neu Chapel narthex following the concert.
Art Of & About Food Exhibit
UE Faculty, Students and Staff - you have an exhibition opportunity to show off your talents as artists and artistic chefs!
The Friends of Art is sponsoring a special exhibit that will be held in both the Melvin Peterson Gallery and the Krannert Gallery simultaneously. The exhibit, “Art Of & About Food” will be on display from Oct. 17 through Nov. 11. According to Professor William Brown, Gallery director, any artist or chef is invited to submit 1-3 works of art or artistic food items. The medium is wide open, painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, ceramics, or any medium that has a relationship with food or is food based chocolate, sugar, dough etc. This could include artistically decorated cakes, cookies and candy, even gingerbread constructions or bird houses created from gourds. The primary thing to remember is that it will be on display for a month.
Art work and food items must be delivered to the Art Office, room 212 in Krannert Fine Arts no later than Tuesday, Oct. 11 or may be delivered to the Peterson Gallery on Monday, Oct. 10, or Tuesday, Oct. 11, between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The Peterson Gallery is located on the corner of Lincoln and Weinbach Avenues. To deliver you may pull up in the diagonal spaces in front of the building. Work must be prepared for hanging or easy installation. It is our intention to display all work but if there is too much submitted, artists may not get all of their entries on display. These decisions will be at the discretion of the director.
You may email Bill Brown at bb32@evansville.edu or call the Art Office at 488-2043 for further information or to arrange an alternate delivery date.
New Platform for Publicizing Student Success
The University of Evansville wants to make sure that you're recognized for your achievements. The University has started using a platform called readabout.me to publicize your accomplishments, like making the dean's list, participating in service activities, or winning an award. This platform allows us to send news items about your achievements back to your hometown newspapers, and also publishes them on the Web.
Your online reputation is important – most employers Google an applicant's name during the hiring process for jobs and internships. By using readabout.me, UE will help you create a positive online profile.
When UE issues news stories about your accomplishments, you'll receive an e-mail with a link to view your story online. You can log in via Facebook to add your photo and share your achievement with friends and family.
If you have any questions about this platform, please contact UE's Office of University Relations at x2241. We look forward to celebrating your achievements with your local hometown media and online at readabout.me. Keep up the good work, and be on the lookout for e-mails about your accomplishments!
WUEV To Offer Discount On Tickets To "An Evening Of Jazz With Stefan Scaggiari" Thursday & Friday
91.5 F.M.-WUEV will offer UE faculty and staff half-priced tickets to this Saturday’s “An Evening Of Jazz With The Stefan Scaggiari Trio” concert, if they purchase advance tickets on either Thursday or Friday at the WUEV Studios. UE faculty and staff who purchase advance tickets at the WUEV Studios between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday will pay just $10 per ticket (with a valid UE I.D.). Tickets are regularly $20. All tickets will be $25 on Saturday. UE students will be admitted free with a valid UE I.D. Doors will open on Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and the concert will begin at 7 p.m. in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center, and will feature Jeff Harmon Jazz, Skelton’s Montourage and The Stefan Scaggiari Trio. For questions, please contact WUEV Station Manager Tom Benson either by phone at x2689 or via email at tb39@evansville.edu
What UE Libraries Can Do For You: ATLAS
ATLAS Religion Database with AtlaSerials is an EBSCO supported database which indexes journal articles, essays and book reviews related to religious topics. Among many topics, a researcher could find articles addressing anthropology, Church history, Bible, philosophy and Theology. With over 1 million articles from 1700 journal titles, the ATLAS database is an indispensible resource for theological research. The database offers some full-text resources along with a unique index of journal titles.
*more than 1 million articles
*over 1700 journal titles
*Covers multiple areas focusing on Religious perspectives
UE Libraries' Wheeler Gift Fund Available
UE Libraries invites applications by Monday, Oct. 24, for the Wheeler Gift Fund. Materials purchased with Wheeler funds consist of items an academic department has identified as useful for support of a newly established class, a new academic program, or a cross-disciplinary effort undertaken by faculty members from several departments.
The total amount available this year is $1,018. This entire sum may be awarded to one proposal or, depending on the number of proposals received and the merit of each, funds may be divided among proposals received.
The Wheeler Gift Fund was established to honor Walton M. Wheeler, Jr. (1908-60). Mr. Wheeler was a prominent Evansville attorney who served on the Board of Trustees of Evansville College from 1953-1960.
Please contact Kathy Bartelt, Collection Development Librarian, at kb4@evansville.edu or 488-2486 for an application form or to answer questions regarding the Wheeler Gift Fund.
Libraries Announces Autumn Recess Hours
UE Libraries will observe the following schedule of hours for Autumn Recess.
~ Friday, Oct. 7: 7:45 a.m. – 5 p.m.
~ Saturday, Oct. 8: CLOSED
~ Sunday, Oct. 9: CLOSED
~ Monday, Oct. 10: 7:45 a.m. – 5 p.m.
~ Tuesday: Oct. 11: 7:45 a.m. – Midnight
Contact William Louden, University Librarian, with questions.
UE Bookstore Fall Break Hours
The UE Bookstore will close at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 7 and not reopen until Monday, Oct. 10. Hours on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 10-11 are the regular hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Writing Center Closed During Fall Break
The Writing Center will be closed during Fall Break. Doors will reopen at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12. Anyone wishing to make an appointment at the center may do so online through AceLink: Just click on "Areas," then "Writing Center," then "Create an Appointment."
Campus Dining Fall Break Hours
The Cafe Court's last meal will be dinner on Friday, Oct. 8 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The first meal back is dinner on Tuesday, Oct. 12, and it will be served at normal hours. Also, Ace's Place and Jazzman's will close at 2 p.m. on Oct. 8. They will reopen Oct. 13 and resume normal hours.
Fitness Center Fall Break Hours
Fitness Center Hours for Fall Break are as follows:
Friday, Oct. 7 - 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct, 8 - Closed
Sunday, Oct. 9 – Closed
Monday, Oct. 10 – 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 11 – 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Regular hours resume Wednesday, Oct. 12
Sodexo Customer Service Satisfaction
Sodexo is requesting your participation in an important online survey about your recent dining experiences on campus. In return for your participation, you will receive a coupon for 50% off any tall beverage at Jazzman’s! To log-in now and participate in this online survey, please visit www.synovate.net/diningkiosk and use Log-in ID 79404 .The survey will take about 7-9 minutes max to complete and will only be available from Oct. 3-16. Questions about the survey may be directed to Lindsey Mitchell at lindsey.mitchell@sodexo.com
USPS Closed Monday, October 10 for Columbus Day
This is a reminder that the United States Post Office will be closed on Monday, Oct. 10, for Columbus Day. =Any mail picked up by UE Mail Services on Monday, Oct. 10, will be metered and mailed on the afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 11. For mailing questions, contact UE Mail Services at extension 2197.
Trees of the University of Evansville
A booklet published in 1970 titled Trees of the University of Evansville contained information on a study done of the trees found on the front 40 acres of campus. At that time, there were more than 550 trees of over 80 species to be found there, including oak, maple, pine, ash, tulip, dogwood, mimosa, butternut and yellowwood. The booklet and the information in it was compiled by UE biology professors Wayne Mueller and Louis Winternheimer.
Aces Open House Set for October 11 at The Ford Center
Aces fans will have their first opportunity to check out the new Ford Center at an open house set for Tuesday, Oct. 11.
The event begins with a select-a-seat opportunity for those interested in purchasing available season tickets. Select-a-seat will take place from 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. Representatives of the University of Evansville ticket office will be on hand to give fans information on seat availability for the upcoming season.
Purple Aces Club members and season ticket holders will have the chance to take part in the second PAC Meet and Greet event from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Evansville head basketball coaches Marty Simmons and Oties Epps will address everyone in attendance at 6:30 p.m.
Throughout the evening, fans will also have the opportunity to check out all areas of the arena including the concourses, locker rooms and numerous other amenities that the facility has to offer.
For full Evansville basketball ticket information, contact 812-488-ACES or stop by the ticket office at the Carson Center. For information regarding the Oct. 11 event, please contact Lance Wilkerson at 812-488-2623 or via email at lw137@evansville.edu.
UE Women's Swimming and Diving Host and Men Travel ot SIU
The University of Evansville swimming and diving teams look to continue the strong start to the season this weekend. The women's team will host a dual meet against Southern Illinois Friday, while the men's team travels to Carbondale Saturday to compete against Southern Illinois and Miami (Ohio). The women's meet will begin at 2 p.m. The men are slated to start at 10 a.m.
Head coach Rickey Perkins believes his team is ready for the upcoming meets. "From top to bottom we have had tremendous training this week," says Perkins. "This weekend we aren?t thinking about anything. We are going from training to trusting mode. These are two very good teams that we are facing this weekend and we are going into the meets trusting that we are going to compete well."
Last weekend both teams posted solid performances, placing first at a meet hosted by Butler University. The women took the top spot over Butler, Wright State, Saint Louis, and Valparaiso while the men defeated Saint Louis, Wright State, and Valparaiso. On the day, Evansville had at least one swimmer place in the top three in all but one event.
"We are expecting a lot out of everyone this weekend," Perkins added.
That is exactly what the team got that last weekend, as first place finishes came from all ages.
The women's team saw strong finishes across the board. Freshmen Caroline Lee and Michelle Tipton both took first place in their collegiate debuts. Sophomore Melissa Thurman also grabbed a first place finish along with junior diver Sadie Wells and senior swimmer Alex Howard.
The men's team also started the season off strongly. Sophomore Ryan Metzger, freshman Gabe Carandang, and seniors Alex Seward and Jake Harrington took first in the 400-yard medley relay. Metzger and Seward both recorded another first place finish in individual events, while diver Mallet Reid notched the top score on the 1-meter board.
UE Men's Soccer Sets for MVC Start at SIUE Saturday
With a 5-3-0 record, the University of Evansville men’s soccer team opens Missouri Valley Conference play this weekend, traveling to SIU Edwardsville Saturday for a 7 p.m. start.
Evansville and SIUE have met 12 times in history, dating back to 1979. From 1979-88, the pair battled every season, ending in a 4-4-2 series record. After a 20-year hiatus, the squads met again in 2009. The Cougars edged UE, 1-0, at Arad McCutchan Stadium in the season-opener, but Evansville returned the favor on Oct. 13, 2010 with a 1-0 victory of their own at home. The all-time series stands even at 5-5-2.
With a 12-day break between contests, its longest of the season, Evansville comes off a 4-1 win at Belmont University on Sept. 25. The Aces have won four of their last five games, the only loss being a tough 3-2 defeat at No. 21 Kentucky. As a team, Evansville has outscored its opponents, 17-10, with equal shot opportunities, 97-97. Junior Jesse Sharp (14 points) and freshman Ryan Stallings (5g, 2a, 12pts) lead the Aces’ offense. In addition, freshman Dylan Terry and senior Jarrett Robbins have each tallied two goals this fall. Freshman goalkeeper Eric Teppen has definitely made a mark in his first collegiate season, owning a 4-2-0 record with a 0.99 GAA, 35 saves, and .854 save percentage. In his short career, he has already earned conference and national honors, earning a spot on College Soccer News’ National Team of the Week, as well as being named Missouri Valley Conference Defensive Player of the Week on Sept. 19.
In every match UE has scored at least one goal (6-of-8 matches), Jesse Sharp has recorded points in each of those contests, having a hand in 10 of UE’s 17 goals. Sharp leads Evansville with four goals, including two game-winners, six assists, and 14 points this season.
Head coach Mike Jacobs has led his squad to a winning record in five of his six seasons at the helm when heading into the first non-conference match of the season. The only year the Aces did not was in 2010 when UE was 4-5-1. This season, UE will be 5-3-0 entering the first MVC match.
In this week’s NCAA rankings, UE ranks 18th nationally in scoring offense (2.13) and 37th in total goals (17). Jesse Sharp ranks 11th in assists/game (.63), 18th in total assists (5), and 27th in points per game (1.63). Ryan Stallings is 35th in the nation in goals per game (.63) and Eric Teppen ranks 11th in saves/game (5.83) and 18th for save percentage (.854).
Aces Volleyball Returns To Action On The Road
The University of Evansville volleyball team will return from a seven-day layoff this weekend, as they will travel to Illinois State on Friday before facing off against Indiana State on Saturday evening.
The Aces are looking to put an end to a recent six-match losing streak, which began at Northern Iowa on Sept. 17. Last time out, Evansville came up short at Southern Illinois, falling in five sets. The Aces won two of the opening three sets before the Salukis rallied to force a fifth. SIU took an early 2-1 lead before cruising to a 15-10 win.
Several UE players set career marks against the Salukis. Sophomore Jenn Murphy saw extensive action at the setter position, setting a personal best with 51 assists. Murphy's move shifted senior Ellen Sawin to hitter where she recorded a career-high 13 kills. Jessica Knackmuhs also had her top offensive match at UE, finishing with ten kills. Senior Brooke Maher was the top performer for the Aces against SIU, tallying 18 kills.
Friday marks the first contest of the weekend at Illinois State at 7 p.m. The Redbirds are 10-8 overall while posting a 2-4 mark in the Missouri Valley Conference. They went 1-1 last week, falling in three sets at Creighton before earning a road sweep at Drake on Saturday.
Shannon McGlaughlin tops the Redbirds with 250 kills. She has been on a roll as of late, notching 32 kills over their last two matches. She picked up her seventh double-double of the season against Creighton before averaging 5.7 kills per set in the sweep over Drake.
A trip to Indiana State for a 6 p.m. match on Saturday will wrap up the weekend. The Sycamores have lost their last three matches and are 2-5 in their last seven. Overall, they are 9-8 and 1-5 in the MVC. Indiana State has won just one set in their last three matches while being swept by Northern Iowa and Creighton.
Last Friday, Monique Morris recorded 14 kills and 22 digs to notched her fourth double-double of the season.
Next weekend, UE will be back at the Carson Center, playing host to Wichita State on Oct. 14 before facing Missouri State on Oct. 15.
Women's Tennis Heads To State Farm MVC Individual Championships
The University of Evansville women?s tennis team will wrap up the fall season this weekend as they travel to the State Farm Missouri Valley Conference Individual Championships in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
On Friday, the championships begin with the first round of doubles followed by two singles rounds. A pair of doubles rounds highlight Saturday?s action, which will also feature a singles round. Play wraps up on Sunday morning with the doubles and singles finals.
This will mark the third and final tournament for the Aces, who opened up with the BGSU Invitational before taking part in the UK Invitational last weekend. Dora Kotsiou has put up a stellar fall, going 3-3 in singles action while posting a 5-1 mark in doubles with partner Natasha James. The pair won their flight at BGSU before going 2-1 last week.
Four Evansville players have notched a pair of singles wins including; Kelsey Costales, Aleks Dzakula, Gaby Fifer and Jessica Raatz.
The Aces will begin the winter season in January with a trek through the state of Tennessee. On Jan. 27, UE will travel to Austin Peay before heading to Nashville for a Feb. 3 matchup at Lipscomb.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.