AceNotes Today
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Olmsted Bells Silenced to Commemorate 9/11 Anniversary
“As the 14th anniversary of September 11 approaches, our thoughts are once again with all those who lost loved ones on that tragic morning. We remember the names, faces, and lives of the men, women, and children who were killed, and look for ways to ensure that each and every one of them is not forgotten.”
- Inscription on The National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation, Inc.
To commemorate the 14th anniversary of 9/11, the University of Evansville will silence the Olmsted Tower bells on Friday, September 11 as we remember all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
Crick Lecture on Neuroscience and Ethics Today
The first installment of the Crick Lecture Series will be held today at 4 pm in Room 100, Koch Center. Dr. Garret Merriam (USI) will be giving a talk entitled "Neuromachean Ethics"
"There is a common view that science can only give us facts, and can say nothing about ethics or other value-laden fields." says Merriam. "This 'is/ought gap' faces new challenges from developments in neuroscience. Close study of the human brain is starting to reveal novel insights into the nature of how moral reasoning works, and what makes it break down.
I will argue for three central claims. First, that science can indeed help us derive a (moral) ought from a (neural) is. Secondly, that the human brain is wired for pluralistic moral values, rather than absolute moral rules. And third, an Aristotelian ethics offers a promising but underappreciated framework from which to understand both the methods and the substance of neuroethics."
Time Management and Study Skills Workshop Is Today
Time Management and Study Skills Workshops will be held for First Year Seminar students on Thursday, September 10 at 3:00 p.m. and Tuesday, September 15 at 5:00 p.m. in The Writing Center, Room 153, Clifford Library. Bring your syllabus from each class and your calendar/planner if you have one.
Cincinnati Trip Open to Faculty and Staff
Due to underwhelming interest in the trip to see the Reds and Cardinals play this Saturday at Great American Ball Park, the Cincinnati trip has been opened to faculty and staff. If you are interested, the cost is $20 for a charter bus there and back and game ticket. We can accommodate 55 on the bus and an additional 25 if they want to drive themselves.
Contact Geoff Edwards or register at
University Worship this Sunday, Neu Chapel, 11:00 AM
Sleep in and still make it to church! You asked for it and we did it! University Worship is now scheduled for a later time on Sunday morning. Join us at 11:00 a.m. for Christian community in Neu Chapel! All are welcome! As always, Donut Bank donut balls and coffee are available before and after the service.
UE/IMEA Symposium this Friday; Nearly 300 High School Students in Attendance
On Friday September 11, in conjunction with the Indiana Music Educators Association, the Department of Music will be hosting a Symposium and Workshop for K-12 music educators in Southern Indiana. Approximately 70 K-12 teachers will be attending workshops and professional development sessions with UE Music Department faculty members and special guest presenters. Additionally, there will be close to 300 high school men attending with their teachers to participate in a day-long workshop on vocal technique for the male voice.
Interested in Law or Criminal Justice?
University of Evansville’s chapter of co-ed pre-law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta is having its call-out meeting! If you have a general interest in law or criminal justice, or are contemplating law school, Phi Alpha Delta is the group for you! ALL MAJORS WELCOME! Join us at 4:30 p.m. Sunday September 13, in Room 71, Schroeder School of Business Building. For more information, or if you have any questions contact kc203 or je123. Hope to see you there!
Free HIV Testing on Friday, September 11
Free HIV Testing will be held in the Health Center on September 11 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon. Please call 812-488-2033 to sign up for your confidential appointment.
Fall Healthy Lifestyles Challenge is September 21 – November 15
The Fall Healthy Lifestyles Challenge is September 21 – November 15. Complete rules and a weekly tally form is in AceLink>Wellness>Healthy Lifestyle Challenge. If you want to receive weekly tally forms plus additional health information, please click here to sign up. Please contact mw307@evansville.edu with questions.
Fall Health Screenings
Employee Health Screenings will be held September 15-17 from 7 am – 11 am in Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center. Employees who are enrolled in the HRA Insurance Plan are eligible to attend and receive HRA Credits. If you participated in the June Health Screenings, there is no need to participate in the September screenings. Individuals are only eligible to receive credit one-time each year.
Employees can only schedule their appointments for the Health Screenings on Acelink. An employee can schedule up to 2 appointments (employee + spouse) when they sign in to AceLink.
An 8-hour fast is required, 12-hour fast is recommended because triglycerides are included with the blood fat/cholesterol testing. Hydration is important when fasting, water and black coffee are allowed prior to testing.
Lambda Chi Alpha Azzip Pizza Giveback
On Monday, September 14, Lambda Chi Alpha will be hosting a giveback at Azzip Pizza located on Evansville's west side. Azzip will donate a portion of the funds made that day to the ARC of Evansville. We encourage as many people as possible to come eat at Azzip to support this great cause. When purchasing your meal at Azzip, just tell the cashier that you are there for the Lambda Chi giveback!
Graduate Expo at IUPUI
There will be a Graduate Expo at IUPUI September 24, from10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Drop in for information about graduate programs at IUPUI and more than 40 other college and universities throughout the U.S. You may also be interested in our 50 minute breakout sessions between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on GRE Test Preparation, Funding for Grad School, and Using LinkedIn.
Register: Fair registration is through UE JobLink. Click Jobs Tab -> Enter 901412 in the search bar (this is the posting number).
Transportation: The University of Evansville will provide transportation. There is a $10.00 deposit required that will be refundable upon attendance. Reserve your seat now through Career Development.
University of Evansville Alcohol-Free Tailgate Party! Fun can be fun without alcohol!
The office of Counseling Services and Health and Wellness Education, in collaboration with the Center for Student Engagement and the Office of Safety and Security, is providing an alcohol-free tailgate party on Friday, September 11, beginning at 6:00 pm prior to the Women's soccer game which begins at 7:00 pm. Multiple tables near the entrance to the stadium will present information related to making healthy choices related to alcohol consumption and prevention of sexual assault. Students will be encouraged to embrace the "It's On Us" campaign to make a commitment to positive action towards creating an environment and culture in which sexual assault is unacceptable. Free popcorn and giveaway items will be available.
Part-time job fair
Need a part-time job for the holidays or beyond? Drop by and meet with area employers at the Seasonal and Part-Time Job Fair!
Wednesday, September 16
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East Terrace (outside Ridgway University Center)
- Professional attire is not required (just stop by)
- Bring many copies of your resume
Schedule an appointment with Center for Career Development to prepare for the fair and perfect your resume! Call (488-1083) or email (career@evansville.edu).
Tobacco Cessation Informational Meetings
All members of the UE Community who are interested in tobacco cessation are invited to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 15 at 5:00 pm or Thursday, September 17 at 4:00 pm. The meetings will be held in Ridgway University Center, Beck Conference Room #219 in the Student Life Suite. If you are interested but can't make either of the meetings, please contact Jamie Adams-Kemper at ja200@evansville.edu or 812-488-2663.
Student Interfaith Alliance Start-UP Coming Soon!
Interested in the religions of the world and interfaith initiatives on campus? Want to know more about being better together? If you are currently enrolled as a student at UE and want to serve as a leader in interfaith initiatives on campus, please email University Chaplain, tg85@evansville.edu. First meeting coming soon!!
Neu Chapel Club for Students Starting UP!
Interested in Christian community? Want to reach out in the Evansville community and give care and compassion to people on the margins? The Neu Chapel Club is inviting you to join up and go out to the prisons and nursing homes with us as we seek to share love and compassion to the world. All students are invited to participate regardless of religious affiliation. Start-up meeting to be scheduled soon! For more information please email University Chaplain, tg85@evansville.edu.
TIAA-CREF Counseling Appointments
There are still appointments available with the TIAA-CREF representative on Thursday, September 10. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at 1-800-732-8353 or 317-706-6200. The sessions are held in the Clifford Rare Books Room of the University Libraries (room 158). Due to Library construction, access to this room is only available through the Office of Technology Services. If you have any questions, call Carol McCraney at 488-2943.
UE Leadership Academy - Application Link
Calling all leaders on campus! We would like to encourage YOU to join UE Leadership Academy. Learn how to develop your leadership skills and improve your other organizations on campus. Click on this link http://goo.gl/forms/7A8nYnP8JR for the application. Applications are due Sept 11 at 5 pm (this Friday). Interviews will be scheduled from Sept. 16-18.
Questions? Contact Anna Kalt (ak195), Andrea Nelson (an122) or Megan King (mk225).
Hosts Needed for Overnight Visit Programs!
Are you interested in hosting a prospective student? The Office of Admission will be holding several overnight visit events this year and are looking at current students to help host. The first opportunity to host a student would be Thursday, September 17 with dinner being provided at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in being a host, please email Catie Taylor at ct37 with you hall, room number, and phone number
IMPACT Employee of the Month Nominations
The University of Evansville, in pursuit of excellence in service, wishes to recognize a non-faculty employee displaying records of achievement as a leader. Leadership may be demonstrated in any of the following categories: service to the University, service to students, job performance and attitude toward fellow employees.
To be eligible, an employee must be a full-time member of administration or staff. Nominations for the October 2015 IMPACT Employee of the Month are due no later than Tuesday, September 15, 2015. To nominate someone, please go to http://acelink.evansville.edu/tools/employeeaward.
Be part of a research study!
Be part of a research study - It’s as easy as breathing! We are searching for individuals to participate in a research study investigating the relationship between breathing and movement. Participants should be between 20-50 years old. Testing takes place Mondays, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Contact aw279@evansville.edu if interested to schedule your testing session.
Need Help With Your Paper?
Need help with your paper? The Writing Center will open on Monday, September 14, and we are here to help. To make an appointment, go to: Acelink... Areas... Writing Center...Appointments... Create An Appointment. Log in or create an account and book a session on our calendar.
Here is more information on how the Writing Center works:
The Writing Center will be open for the fall semester from September 14 to December 8. Hours: Mondays, 12 – 5 and 7 – 10, Tuesday through Thursday 10 – 5 and 7 – 10, Friday 10 – 2, and Sunday 7 – 10. (On Wednesdays, there are workshops on relevant writing topics from 5 – 5:45 in the Writing Center. Check AceNotes for announcements. There will be food)
The Center is located in the Clifford Library, Room 153, on the circle next to the Koch Center. Its WebAdvisor page has many valuable resources including linked documents on writing and grammar. Its Facebook page: UE Writing Center has writing links, workshop announcements, vocabulary help and other general writing support.
It’s really easy. Go to: Acelink…Areas…Writing Center…Appointments…Create an Appointment.
Register for an account and you can then access the center from any mobile device to book or cancel a session.
The site manages appointments and cancellations, you will receive an email or text reminder before you appointment and your professor will receive feedback from the tutor who worked with you.
Bring the assignment sheet or draft of your paper. Prepare specific questions for your tutor to get the most out of a session. For example, “Can you help me to see if my thesis statement is clear?” Plan to visit the Writing Center well in advance of an assignment due date. If you come in the day before or the day an assignment is due, you may not have enough time to make the revisions discussed during a session. Seems obvious, but arrive a few minutes early for appointments and don’t be late. If another student is waiting, that student will be helped if you are over five minutes late.
Research Assistance at the Library
The library invites students and faculty to take advantage of our Research Assistance Program, which we offer to every member of the UE community, and which is available right now, even while renovations are underway.
Research Assistance provides personalized, one-on-one guidance in the most effective use of the University Libraries’ collection of online resources. Students, faculty and other researchers meet in a private session with a research librarian arranged by appointment at the researcher’s convenience.
While renovations are underway, Research Assistance is available Monday through Friday. Interested researchers can sign up online at the University Libraries’ web page. Simply follow this link: https://www.evansville.edu/libraries/rapSignup.cfm
For more information concerning Research Assistance, contact Randy Abbott at 812-488-2727 or e-mail ra2@evansville.edu with questions.
Planning to take the GRE
Planning to take the GRE?
ETS offers a limited number of GRE Fee Reduction Certificates on a first-come, first-served basis that are available for college seniors and unenrolled college graduates who meet eligibility requirements. A Fee Reduction Certificate may be used for one GRE® revised General Test and/or one GRE® Subject Test. Individuals meeting the eligibility requirements will be required to pay 50 percent of the full test fee.
To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien who is a college senior or an unenrolled college graduate.
College seniors must be:
- Receiving financial aid through an undergraduate college in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico, and
- A dependent, who has an Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR) that shows a parental contribution of not more than $1,500 for the senior year, or
- Self-supporting and have an ISIR that shows a contribution of not more than $1,900 for the senior year
Unenrolled college graduates must:
- Have applied for financial aid, and
- Have an ISIR that indicates self-supporting status and a contribution of not more than $1,900
GRE Fee Reduction Certificates are available through the UE Office of Financial Aid.
Family of Stephen P. Small
Stephen P. Small died Sunday, September 6. He was a graduate of the University of Evansville, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in communication from UE in 1976. A life-long learner, he studied acting under Jon David Lutz, R. Scott Lank and Dr. Dudley Thomas at UE, and at USI where he received a teaching degree.
He worked at Welborn Hospital as an activity therapist, and then as assistant director of Human Resources. Later he was public relations director and fundraiser for the American Red Cross of Southern Indiana, and a teacher at Bosse High School.
Steve directed several fundraisers for Evansville Civic Theatre. He was a founding member of the board for Echo Community Health, and served as president of the Boards of Evansville Civic Theatre and the USI Society for the Arts and Humanities.
He is survived by his wife, Vicki (Mathieu) Small; daughter, Kate (Ryan) Scheu; grandson, Benjamin; sisters, Libi Huey and Susan (Johnny) Allen; mother-in-law, Peggy Mathieu; sisters-in law, Angie (Terry) Kleban, and Mitzi Mathieu, and nieces, nephews, great-nephews, cousins, and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Paul and Lucille Small; father-in-law, Charlie Mathieu; and grandchildren, Leo and Harper.
A celebration of his life will be held in the near future. Funeral arrangements are being handled by Boone Funeral Home, East Chapel.
UE Women's Soccer to Hold Military Appreciation / Wounded Warrior Night on Friday
- The UE women's soccer team will hold a Military Appreciation / Wounded Warrior Night on Friday evening when the Purple Aces host Belmont. All military, current or retired, will receive a free ticket for themselves and a guest. Extra family tickets can be purchased for $5 each. The match will be held at Arad McCutchan Stadium and begin at 7:00 p.m. CDT.
Evansville will also be at home on Sunday, Sept. 13 to play IUPUI at 1:00 p.m. as well.
UE Men's Soccer Vying for Veterans Memorial Cup This Weekend
The University of Evansville men’s soccer team is on the road this weekend to compete for the Veterans Memorial Cup. The tournament (Sept. 11-13) features Bowling Green, Evansville, Marshall and Robert Morris. The contests will be held at Veterans Memorial Soccer Complex in Huntington, W.Va.
Friday, Sept. 11
4:00 p.m. CDT – Evansville (1-2) vs. #24 Bowling Green (4-0)
6:30 p.m. CDT – Robert Morris (3-1) vs. Marshall (3-1)
Sunday, Sept. 13
11:00 a.m. CDT – #24 Bowling Green (4-0) vs. Robert Morris (3-1)
1:30 p.m. CDT - Evansville (1-2) vs. Marshall (3-1)
• The Purple Aces are looking to record back to back wins for the first time this season.
• Evansville is eyeing their first in season tournament championship since claiming the 2013 ProRehab Aces Classic.
• With a win, UE will have their first victory over a Top 25 ranked team since defeating #16 Butler 3-1 at home on Oct. 1, 2013.
UE Cross Country travels to Bradley Intercollegiate
In last weekend’s Early Bird Invite, the Purple Aces cross country teams battled excessive heat in their events. Tomorrow, the conditions look much more favorable as the University of Evansville travels to the Bradley Intercollegiate in Peoria, Ill.
With temperatures set to be in the 70’s, the teams look to take advantage of the cooler conditions with the races set to begin in the late afternoon. Both races will be held at Detweiller Park in Peoria as the men take to the course first to run their 8K race at 5:30 p.m. Following its completion, the women will run a 3-mile event at 6:15 p.m.
Joining UE in the event will be Bradley, Chicago State and Western Illinois.
Ben Woolems led the way for the men in last weekend’s opener at Angel Mounds. He ran a 30:15.2 to finish in 21st place overall. Fellow junior Ross Frondorf was next, posting a 30:44.2. James Paul (32:00.2), freshman Jordan Carpenter (32:42.8) and Jon Ashby (32:55.8) completed the top five for the Aces.
The women were led by freshman Siena Crews in the opener. She grabbed the top finish of the day for either UE squad, coming home in 10th. In her first collegiate race, Crews posted a time of 19:01.1 to finish in 10th place in the 5K race.
Behind her was senior Elizabeth Kingshott. She picked up a top 20 finish with her time of 20:26.3. Another freshman – Ashton Bosler – also had a solid debut. She took 22nd, running a 21:12.0. Sophie Etienne was fourth for the team, taking 23rd place with her 21:12.2.
- INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville cross country, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics.
- DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
- TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
Katterhenry named MVC Women's Golfer of the Week
Fresh off of the fourth tournament victory of her career, University of Evansville junior Kayla Katterhenry has been named the Missouri Valley Conference Women’s Golfer of the Week.
For Katterhenry, it is the seventh Player of the Week honor she has received in just over two seasons of action for the Purple Aces.
In the first event of the season, Katterhenry showed that she was in midseason form by taking the fourth tournament medalist in her collegiate career. She began the event with scores of 75 and 71 on Sunday. Her second-round total was 1 under par and saw her sit atop the leaderboard after the opening day.
On Monday, she carded a 74 to clinch the championship by just one stroke. Making her efforts even more impressive was the fact that she played so well in heat that approached 100 degrees.
Evansville has this weekend off before returning to the course on Sept. 21-22 at the Loyola Fall Invitational in Flossmoor, Ill.
- INFO: For all of the latest information on University of Evansville women’s golf, log on to the sport page on GoPurpleAces.com or follow the program on Twitter via @UEAthletics.
- DONATE: For information on giving to UE Athletics or its individual athletics programs, visit the DONATE tab on the top of GoPurpleAces.com.
- TICKETS: To purchase tickets for University of Evansville athletics events, log on to GoPurpleAces.com and click on the TICKETS tab on top of the page.
UE Women's Basketball Unveils Entire 2015-16 Season Schedule
University of Evansville head women’s basketball coach Oties Epps and his staff unveiled the Purple Aces’ 2015-16 schedule on Tuesday afternoon. UE’s schedule features nine games against teams that made postseason tournaments last season including five in the non-conference slate (Ball State, Cleveland State, Nebraska, UT-Martin and Xavier).
“We are excited about the schedule we were able to put together this year,” said Epps. “It will allow us the opportunity early to find out where we are as a team. It is very challenging and we have an array of teams and styles that will help prepare us to play our Missouri Valley Conference schedule.”
The Aces’ preseason features two home exhibition games against Eureka (Nov. 2) and Berea College (Nov. 7).
Evansville starts the regular season with three consecutive contests in Ohio where the Aces visit Xavier (Nov. 14), Miami (Ohio) (Nov. 16), and Cleveland State (Nov. 18). Both Xavier (WBI) and Cleveland State (WNIT) reached postseason tournaments last year.
UE will then compete in the 2015 Cal Poly / ShareSLO Holiday Tournament in San Luis Obispo, Calif. (Nov. 27-28). Montana State and Santa Clara are the other two teams competing in the tournament alongside Cal Poly and Evansville.
Completing the season-opening six game roadtrip, the Aces will travel to play at Bowling Green State University (Dec. 2).
The first regular season home game for UE will be the first Saturday in December as they take on regional foe Murray State (Dec. 5).
Evansville is back on the road for the last time in 2015 when they travel to Nebraska (Dec. 8). The Cornhuskers were a #9 seed in the NCAA Tournament last year.
The final three games of the non-conference slate will be at home as UE hosts UT-Martin (Dec. 12), Ball State (Dec. 21) and IUPUI (Dec. 29). UT-Martin and Ball State both reached the WNIT last season.
The 2016 MVC schedule starts with Evansville on the road against a pair of WNIT teams, at UNI (Jan. 1) and at Drake (Jan. 3).
Back at the Ford Center, UE will begin the MVC home slate with Loyola (Jan. 8) and Bradley (Jan. 10).
The Aces are then on the road for the next three contests at Southern Illinois (Jan. 16) at 2015 WNIT participant Missouri State (Jan. 22), and at the reigning MVC Tournament Champions, Wichita State (Jan. 24).
Returning home, Evansville battles Illinois State (Jan. 29) and Indiana State (Jan. 31) before traveling to Bradley (Feb. 5) and Loyola (Feb. 7).
The Aces then have a three game homestand starting with SIU (Feb. 14), continuing with Wichita State (Feb. 19) and concluding against Missouri State (Feb. 21).
UE’s final MVC road swing will be to Indiana State (Feb. 26) and Illinois State (Feb. 28) before finishing at home with Drake (March 3) and UNI on (March 5).
For the first time ever, the MVC Tournament will be held at the iWireless Center in Moline, Ill. The tournament in the Quad Cities will take place from March 10-13, crowning the 2015 MVC Tournament Champions.
All of the Aces’ home games will be played at the Ford Center in Evansville, Ind.
As a reminder, UE Athletics has eliminated sport-specific season tickets for all sports outside of men’s basketball. This year, we are excited to offer new ticket options that allow you to support all of our teams across the board.
The first new option is the All-Sport Pass. The All-Sport Pass grants you one (1) admission to every regular season/exhibition home athletic contest except for men's basketball games. This pass costs just $150 and is roughly a $375 value. The pass comes in a plastic credit card style that easily fits in your wallet. For women’s basketball games, you will simply need to show your All-Sport Pass at the Ford Center box office before the game or the Carson Center ticket office during the week and a ticket will be printed for you.
Also new for the 2015-2016 athletic calendar year is our Flexible (FLEX) Ticket Wristbands. Each wristband grants you one (1) admission to any regular season/exhibition home athletic contest except for men’s basketball games. These wristbands will replace individual sport season ticket packages and group rate packages, allowing you to enjoy multiple sports throughout the fall, winter, and spring seasons for a standard discounted price. You can purchase 10 wristbands (admissions) for $50 ($20 savings), 25 wristbands (admissions) for $100 ($75 savings), or 50 wristbands (admissions) for $150 ($200 savings). The FLEX packages are great for families, groups and businesses because multiple wristbands can be used at each event. Wristbands can be purchased at any time throughout the year in case you run out. Similar to the All-Sport Pass, the wristbands simply need to be traded in at the Ford Center box office before the game or the Carson Center ticket office during the week and a ticket will be printed for you.
Single game tickets will go on sale in the near future and will cost $7 for adults and $5 for youth (17 & under) and seniors (65 & older).
Please contact the University of Evansville Athletic Ticket Office at 812-488-ACES (2237) for more information or to purchase your ticket package.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.