Dr. Robert Dion of the Department of Law, Politics, and Society was one of two commentators interviewed by Radio-Canada on Monday to get their analysis of the likely political and economic effects of the recent debt ceiling crisis and the downgrading of America’s credit rating by Standard and Poor’s.
The radio program, Le National, devoted a bloc of 11 minutes to an in-depth analysis of the economic and political woes facing the United States.
Dion was interviewed live and in French to discuss the political consequences of the stalemate in Washington, and his remarks were aired nationwide across Canada.
The other person interviewed for this particular story was the Honorable Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada, former Finance Minister in the cabinet of Jean Chretien, and former leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Dion also appeared in a story in last Sunday’s edition of the Indianapolis Star, in which he discussed the effects on Indiana lawmakers of the vote on the debt ceiling compromise.