AceNotes Today
Thursday, April 3, 2014
SGA Meeting Tonight
The Student Government Association will be having a meeting tonight, April 3, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 170 (Smythe Lecture Hall), Schroeder Family School of Business Building. Organizations should remember to send a representative. Meetings are open to all of campus.
ESL Writing Bootcamp!
There will be an ESL Writing Bootcamp (academic writing for International students) on Thursday, April 3, at 5:00 in the Writing Center:
How do you know when to use “a,” “an,” or “the”? What about run-on sentences? How can you use the conditional tense effectively? Do prepositions make you crazy? Are your sentences choppy? This workshop will present some strategies for helping you overcome the above obstacles, and for creating effective academic papers in English. Regardless of your level at the university, there are probably areas of grammar and writing that you still struggle with. This session will offer a quick review and an opportunity to polish up your academic writing even further.
Tickets Still Available for Sunset Concert!
Have you forgotten your FREE Sunset Concert ticket, sponsored by the Student Activities Board? They are still available!
Tickets can be picked up in the Center for Student Engagement on the second floor of the Ridgway University Center from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm until this Friday.
You may pick up one free ticket and one free guest ticket with your valid UE Student ID.
Don't forget your Sunset Ticket today!
Campus Community Invited to Panel Discussion and Reception at the University
The Schroeder School of Business and Office of Alumni and Parent Relations are honored to host a panel discussion in Room 162 in the Schroeder School of Business Building from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm on April 3. The career focused panel discussion will feature Nancy Lurker M’90, Lynn Penland, Ph.D., Christine Keck, and Jeanne Braun.
A reception will be held prior to the panel discussion at 4:30 pm in Dunigan Lounge in the Schroeder School of Business Building in honor of our distinguished guest and alumni Nancy Lurker M’90. The campus community is cordially invited to attend the reception and panel discussion on April 3.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Sethlyn Morgan, assistant director of the Office for Career Success, Schroeder School of Business at (812) 488-1148 or sm247@evansville.edu.
Disability Awareness Fair - Kindle Fire Giveaway!!
Help us “Disable the Label” by attending the Disability Awareness Fair and enter to win a Kindle Fire and gift certificates. The fair will take place on Thursday, April 3, from 5-6:30pm in the first floor lobby of Ridgway University Center and Rademacher’s Lounge. There will be interactive simulations provided by the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, assistive technology used by our students with disabilities, music therapy, sign language demonstrations, and much more.
"Sex on Campus" health program planned for April 3
"Sex on Campus," a sexual health program put on by UE nursing students and sponsored by the Office of Health Education and Wellness Programs, will be in Eykamp 251 in Ridgway University Center on Thursday, April 3, at 5 pm. Students who attend will learn about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy
Social Enterprise Week Kicks off Sunday, April 6 - Ignite Your Passion!
To kick-off the Institute for Global Enterprise’s Social Enterprise Week at UE, these TED-style talks will promote what is often the very core behind great social enterprises -- passion. Join us on Sunday, April 6 in Room 251, Eykamp Hall in Ridgway University Center from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. for inspiring stories, discussion and networking. A reception will follow. This event is Passport approved. To RSVP, visit www.globalindiana.com. Free and open to the public. Contact ck116 for more information. The Institute for Global Enterprise is funded by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.
Bryce Weiler
“A Chance to Live my Dreams”
“College basketball has been an important part in my life. Throughout my journey, I have learned how to overcome challenges and to conquer obstacles. I hope to be able to show others how to live their dreams and let nothing stand in their way.”
Paul Medcalf
"Liberia & Lessons Learned that lead to Lyrical Literacy and a Longer Life”
Hear how an entrepreneur is using naval maneuvers in the Midwest through noteworthy networks, to lift up an African country, decimated by civil war for decades, into sustainability.
Joel Nash
“Relinquishing Fears to Enhance Change”
“Through the pursuit of soccer dreams, fears were conquered and true purposes realized revealing a deeper core passion for benefiting every environment. Without the sometimes agonizing journey, I never would have achieved such personal fulfillment.”
President Thomas Kazee
“It’s Good Work”
A useful test of whether a person has made the right vocational choice is if he or she would describe it as "good work." Dr. Kazee will explore what "good work" means and discuss how such a standard has shaped his own career choices.
This Weekend in Music: Student Recitals and an Early Alert
Department of Music students will offer two recitals this Saturday afternoon. Soprano Rochelle Beckman will perform her Senior Recital in Wheeler Concert Hall at 2:30 p.m., and soprano Elisabeth Bombell will follow with her Senior Recital at 4:00 p.m. Both vocalists are students of Assistant Professor of Voice Alanna Keenan. These recitals are presented in partial fulfillment of the students’ specific degree requirements, and the recitals are free and open to the public.
Next weekend, UE Opera will present Gioachino Rossini’s beloved comic classic, The Barber of Seville. The performances will occur in Wheeler Concert Hall on Friday and Saturday evening, April 11 and 12, with both performances beginning at 7:30. Associate Professor of Voice and Opera Jon Truitt will conduct the performances. Admission for the general public will be $10; UE students with an ID will be admitted without charge.
First Friday Forum at 4: Faith and Faculty Presents Islam
The Office of Academic Affairs and the Department of Religious Life are pleased to welcome Professor of Mathematics Mohammad Azarian and Assistant Professor of Accounting Rania Mousa to the Faith and Faculty Forum series this Friday, April 4 at 4:00 p.m., Room 172, Schroeder Family School of Business Building.
Azarian received his Ph. D. in mathematics from Saint Louis University in 1985. Since then, he has been at the University of Evansville where he is presently a professor of mathematics and a 2007-2008 Global Scholar. While his main area of research is Infinite Group Theory, he has also published papers in Combinatorics, Differential Equations, Number Theory, and History of Mathematics.
Mousa is an assistant professor of accounting at the University of Evansville. She earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Birmingham, UK (2010) and her B.A. in Accounting from the American University in Cairo, Egypt (2000). She received an MBA degree from Illinois Institute of Technology (2002). Since 2002, Mousa worked as a financial analyst in several financial services companies in Chicago (USA), Cairo (Egypt) and Kuwait. Mousa's main research interests include electronic government, electronic business and financial reporting, and the adoption and usage of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL).
The monthly Forum provides an informal venue where UE faculty can present and offer reflections about their own faith traditions/religious practices and engage the University community in informal dialogue. Each forum lasts 50 minutes, 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm including time for Q & A.
By highlighting the religious diversity of our faculty, we aim to demonstrate the variety and richness of traditions represented on our campus. The forums will also encourage students and the campus community to widen their understanding of and respect for traditions different from their own.
As an institution affiliated with The United Methodist Church, we want to continually affirm our call to initiate and promote better relationships between Christians and people of other faiths based on informed understanding, critical appreciation, and balanced perspective. Interfaith discussions can make religion a bridge and not a barrier toward a peaceful world. The University of Evansville is committed to religious diversity and interfaith dialogue as we continue to serve an interconnected, global society.
For more information, please contact University Chaplain Tammy Gieselman, tg85@evansville.edu or Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs John Mosbo, jm545@evansville.edu.
#readingseries Friday, April 4th at 4 pm
Please join us on Friday, April 4 at 4 pm at The Slice for original readings of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by UE's Creative Writing majors. This week is sure to be fantastic as it will feature work by Danielle Gillespie, Anna Sheffer, and Tia Balmer.
Campus Community and Friends Invited - Honors Program Project Presentations April 7, 8, 9, 10
The University of Evansville Honors Program offers highly motivated and talented students the opportunity to participate in unique and stimulating academic experiences alongside peers and faculty who share the love of learning and desire to excel.
Through Honors classes and activities, Honors students are challenged to maximize their potential in all areas of study. The Honors experience culminates in the Honors project, an opportunity for students to explore an area about which they are passionate. The Honors project may consist of a research project, thesis, or creative work. Students may use the Honors project to launch areas of interest for graduate study or to expand résumés for employment.
This week’s presentations showcase the project work of the 2014 Honors graduating class. Special thanks are extended to all faculty, advisors, and others who have supported the Honors students in their educational achievements. Please join us as we celebrate their accomplishments.
All presentations will be in Vectren Lecture Hall, Koch Center, Room 100
Monday, April 7 – 3:00 P.M.-4:15 P.M.
• Brodie Gress, Creative Writing
“Short Story Collection Featuring Stories about Gay Men in Southern Indiana”
• Abbigail Uhl, History
“Clothing: The Axis of the Revolution”
• Shannon Young, History
“Facing the Cathar Threat: the Medieval Church's Response to a Strong Heretical Community”
• Amy Rabenberg, Classical Studies / Art History
“Exploring the Forum Baths of Pompeii”
Monday, April 7 - 4:30 P.M. – 5:45 P.M.
• Alexander DiBenedetto, Physics / Mathematics
“Estimating Systematic Uncertainties in the Cosmogenic Background for Next-generation SuperCDMS”
• Dalton Snyder, Chemistry / Mathematics
“Profiling of Phenolic Glycosides in the Leaves of Populus deltoides by Ambient Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
• Christopher Kuester, Civil Engineering
“Labyrinth Spillway Model Tests for the Beaver Creek Lake Dam”
• Darwin Cordovilla, Mechanical Engineering / Physics
“Modeling and Sizing of Energy Storage Devices for Wind Power Generation”
Monday April 7 - 7:00 P.M. – 8:15 P.M.
• Stephanie Underhill, Sociology / Anthropology
“The Effects of Labeling Gifted Students on Peer Relations and Educational Experiences”
• Jessica Foster, International Studies / Spanish
“Dealing with the Mexican Drug Trade: An Analysis of Mexican Cartels”
• Julia Finder, Business
“Explaining the Dragon”
• Sarah Orler, History
“Fashion in the Face of Fear: Aristocratic Women in the 18th Century”
Tuesday, April 8 - 3:00 P.M. – 4:15 P.M.
• Alex Raby, Theatre - Performance
“Developing a Student Playwriting Workshop Series”
• Lily Steckman, Theatre
“Stage Management and Show-Inside the Rehearsal Room”
• Austin Lauer, Theatre - Performance
“Sweeney Todd Character Work”
• Katie Nykanen, Theatre - Performance & Olivia Shadid, Theatre
“Troubadoctoring: Medical Clowning at St. Mary's”
Tuesday, April 8 - 4:30 P.M. – 5:45 P.M.
• Gina Filo, Literature
“Manors and Manners: The English Country House in Aemilia Lanyer, Jane Austen, and Emily Bronte”
• Amanda Oaks, Creative Writing / Literature
“Defining Jeanette Sinclair: Writing a Dystopian Novel”
• Uyen Truong, Theatre
“Stage Make-up of Sensitive Skin and in a Spectrum of Color”
• Olivia Shrum, Theatre
“ASLam Poetry”
Tuesday, April 8 - 7:00 P.M. – 7:45 P.M.
• Taryn O’Laughlin, Elementary Education
“The Importance of Bilingualism in American Schools”
• Ashley Shoultz, Health Services Administration
“Healthcare Process Improvement”
Wednesday, April 9 - 6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.
• Jacqueline Carlson, Art Therapy
“Artistic Healing: Utilization of Art in Medical Settings to Benefit Patient Experience”
• Morgan Pruitt, Biology (Pre-PT)
“Systematic Review of Factors Predicting Ankle Sprain”
• Kaitlin Emmert, Music Therapy
“The Effect of Music Therapy on Sleep Quality, Pain, Emotional State, and Quality of Life in Adults Residing in a Sub-acute Rehabilitation Setting”
• Cassandra Gutman, Visual Communication Design / Literature
“Windows in the City”
Wednesday, April 9 - 7:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.
• Melissa Ball, Athletic Training
“The Effectiveness of Prophylactic Ankle Taping in College Soccer Player and the Cost of Ankle Taping vs. Bracing”
• Sophia Pollalis, Athletic Training (DPT)
“Coaches and Parents who Receive Concussion Education Better Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Concussion”
• Kelsi Schluter, Exercise Science (DPT)
“Focus Study on Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities”
Thursday, April 10 6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M.
• Anna Maurer-Batjer, Neuroscience / Psychology
“The Association between Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and Autism Diagnosis”
• Jennifer McFarland, Neuroscience / Psychology
“Characterizing the Role of the dCIRH1A, a Putative Ribosome Biogenesis Component, in Drosophila”
• Kasey Michel, Neuroscience / Cognitive Science / Psychology
“Utilization of On-Campus Counseling Services”
• Randall Hemmings II, Psychology / History
“The Perceptions of Domestic Abuse in Same-Sex Relationships”
Thursday, April 10 - 7:30 P.M. – 8:15 P.M.
• Joshua Garrett, Theatre
“Playwriting Project”
• Jessica Haswell, Theatre
“Costumes to Scale”
TIAA-CREF Counseling Appointments
The TIAA-CREF representative will be on the UE campus on Wednesday April 16 for individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at 1-800-732-8353 or 317-706-6200. The sessions are held in the Clifford Rare Books Room of the University Libraries (room 158). If you have any questions, call Carol McCraney at 488-2943.
Social Enterprise Week - Define Your own Road in Life
The campus community is encouraged to join us on Thursday, April 10 in Room 252, Eykamp Hall, Ridgway University Center from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. to hear the inspiring story behind the social enterprise Roadtrip Nation. Southern California based Roadtrip Nation co-founder Brian McAllister and team member Jason Manion will be on campus to discuss their story as social innovators who are following their passion to empower hundreds of thousands of students to define their own roads in life and how YOU COULD BE NEXT!
RTN empowers students to "define your own road in life" through education. Their curriculum provides students with the tools needed to "get out into their communities and around the globe and connect what they learn to the real world." This event is Passport approved, free and open to the public. Please RSVP at www.globalindiana.com Contact ck116 for more information.
The Institute for Global Enterprise is funded by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.
Renowned World Bank Economist to Speak to UE Students
Dr. Farrukh Iqbal will be speaking to UE students via video conferencing (from his office in Washington DC) at 4.00 p.m. in Room 170 (Smythe Lecture Hall), Schroeder Family School of Business Building, on April 15. The title of his presentation is “Global Economic and Financial Prospects: Have We Turned the Corner Yet?”
Since obtaining a PhD in Economics from Yale University in 1981, Dr. Iqbal has been affiliated with the World Bank in Washington DC, most recently as Country Director in the Middle East Region. He has graciously accepted an invitation to speak to UE students from Walayet A. Khan, Research Director, Institute of Global Enterprise in Indiana and Professor of Finance. The event is open to public.
The Institute for Global Enterprise is funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.
Department of Theatre Premieres Guest Director Curt. L. Toftland's "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare
The University of Evansville Department of Theatre ends its 2013–2014 Shanklin Theatre season with William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, opening at 7:30 p.m., Friday, Apr. 4, in Shanklin Theatre. Additional performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Apr. 5, 10, 11 and 12 and at 2:00 p.m. on Apr. 6 and 13.
Curt L. Tofteland served as the producing artistic director of Kentucky Shakespeare Festival for 20 years and is the founder and producing director of Shakespeare Behind Bars. Tofteland resonates his vision of this popular Shakespearean comedy in the post WWII era of 1950’s Greenwich Village. Where, on the edge of Washington Square Park, Beat Generation artists gather in the Forest of Arden Pub to share their creative work and enjoy the music of the As You Like It Jazz Band. Outside the safety of the pub, the dangers of an apocalyptic world are ever-present. The combined fear of a nuclear bomb and a familial quest for power and money pit brother against brother, thereby forcing our youthful, romantic heroes, Rosalind and Orlando, to flee this urban jungle and seek sanctuary amongst the gentler, kinder folk who inhabit a pastoral world where love flourishes and all things are truly possible.
As You Like It is directed by Tofteland; with scenic design by Taylor Ely, a senior from San Antonio, Texas; costume design by Professor Patti McCrory; lighting design by Sarah Stolnack, a junior from Seattle, Wash.; technical direction by Dylan Kind, a senior from San Antonio, Texas; dramaturgy by Visiting Assistant Professor, Katie Rasor; and stage managed by Stephanie Mendoza, a senior from Kingwood, Texas.
The 25–member cast features seniors Nicholas Selting, from Laramie, Wyo., as Orlando; Brandon Maldonado, from Lewis Center, Ohio, as Duke Senior; Katherine Nykanen, from Duluth, Ga., as Celia; Albert Rubio, from San Antonio, Texas, as Duke Frederick; Austin Lauer, from Louisville, Ky., as Touchstone; Ross DeWitt, from Owensboro, Ky., as Silvius; Kelsey Miller, from Evansville, Ind., as Audrey; juniors Jessica Intner, from Marietta, Ga., as Rosalind; Ben Anderson, from Los Angeles, Calif., as Jaques.
Ticket prices are $15 for adults and $13 for senior adults, students and UE faculty. UE students may obtain one free student rush ticket beginning at noon on the day of the performance they wish to attend. Tickets may be purchased by calling (812) 488–2031, Monday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m.
Family Weekend & Homecoming to Combine
Family Weekend & Homecoming to combine in 2014! Homecoming and Family Weekend are scheduled for October 3-5! The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations has started working on event planning. If your department or organization would like to have an event during this weekend, please complete the "Family Weekend Event Form" by April 18, by clicking on this link: http://acelink.evansville.edu/Areas/Alumni/, or by e-mailing the information to Alumni@evansville.edu. This year, all requests will be gathered and will be reviewed for approval. Like past years' successful events, we would like to have a lot of student, school, and department participation! If you have any questions, please contact alumni@evansville.edu or extension 2586.
SAB Announces Sunset Concert Contests
Student Activities Board is excited to announce its Sunset Concert Contests for this year!
There are three prizes that will be offered:
1st place: Two (2) meet and greet passes to meet Smash Mouth;
2nd place: limo ride to dinner, then to the concert, all paid by SAB;
3rd place: merchandise from Smash Mouth and Love & Theft!
In order to enter the contest, you must be a full time UE Student. If you decide to bring a guest, your guest does not have to be a student.
We challenge participants to come up with a creative/funny/silly/serious music video to "All Star" by Smash Mouth. Feel free to make it your own. Video must be at least 1 minute long, but does not need to be the full length of the song.
Judging will be only on the content and creativity of the video, not the quality, so don't feel like you have to be a professional to enter!
Video submissions can be posted to our Facebook page, or a youtube link can be messaged to our Facebook page or emailed to us.
Submissions are due by Friday, April 4 at 5:00 pm, and winners will be announced by Saturday, April 5 at 5:00 pm.
If you have questions, please email sw202@evansville.edu.
Old National Bank University Square to Adjust Business Hours
Effective April 19, 2014, Old National Bank University Square will no longer have Saturday hours of operation; however, the lobby will continue to be open Monday through Thursday, 9 am-4 pm, and drive thru, 9 am-5 pm. On Friday, the lobby and drive thru will continue to remain open from 9am-6pm. Clients are encouraged to take advantage of services available outside of normal banking center hours. If you need cash, our ATMs at University Square and on the second floor of UE's Ridgway University Center are always available. You can also use Old National Mobile Banking anytime to manage accounts from a mobile phone or tablet. You can learn more about this service at oldnational.com/mobile.
In addition, the Old National Bank locations at 961 Washington Avenue and 4500 Washington Avenue, less than three miles away from University Square, will remain open on Saturdays, 9 am-12 pm. If you have any questions, please call the University Square location at 469-7830.
REMINDER – 2014-2015 Letterhead and Envelope Orders
The Office of Publications has distributed letterhead and envelope ordering information. If your department uses letterhead or envelopes during the fiscal year, this is the time to order it. We are able to get a substantial price break on boxes of envelopes (500 quantity) and reams of letterhead (500 quantity) due to the size of the order. Smaller orders placed later in the year will be more expensive.
If you did not receive the ordering information from the Office of Publications, please e-mail publications@evansville.edu or call 2561.
Orders are due April 11, 2014.
Outstanding Senior Service Awards-Nomination Applications Now Available
Do you know a senior deserving of the highest award given by UE? Ten finalists will be honored at a luncheon in May and one male and one female will be given this award at commencement. Selection is based on demonstrated leadership, academic achievement and future contribution to society.
The Guthrie May and Mabel Dillingham Nenneker Outstanding Senior Service Award nominations will be accepted March 7-April 7. The nomination application is available at this link:
Please print it out and share copies with students whom you would like to nominate so they can complete the requirements and submit their applications. Copies are also available in the Dean of Students office. Applications must be submitted to the dean of students' office by April 7. Questions can be referred to Karen Martin at km306@evansville.edu or 812-488-2500.
UE Biology Majors Participate at MESCON, Receive Top Awards
Biology majors Andrew Abad, Margaret Frerichs, Christie Hubbard, Kelly Lamarche, Samantha Montgomery, Emmy Ogawa, Mackenzie Powell, Taylor Timbrook, Stephanie Tran, and Kelsey Williams presented their research findings at the 10th Annual Math Engineering and Science Conference (MESCON) held at the University of Evansville on March 29. Timbrook and Williams received first and second place awards, respectively for their poster presentations. Drs. Brian Ernsting, Dale Edwards, Noah Gordon, Cris Hochwender and Ann Powell served as mentors for research projects presented at the meeting. Numerous UE faculty served as judges during the meeting, including Drs. Ann Powell, Joyce Stamm, Mary Padberg, Taylor McNeil, Gifford Brown, Mark Randall, Don Roberts, and James Doane. Special thanks to the local MESCON Program Committee consisting of Drs. Todsapon Thanantthanachon (chair), Dick Blandford, Deborah Hwang, Joyce Stamm, Cris Hochwender, Arlen Kaufman, John Stamm, James Doane, Mary Padberg, Lora Becker, Taylor McNeil, and Angela Reisetter.
Department of Archaeology and Art History Announces Browning-Miller Award Winners
The Department of Archaeology and Art History is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Browning-Miller Advancement of Archaeology Awards to support student participation in archaeological excavations: Kelli Duggan (Jezreel Expedition, Israel), Alyssa Reynolds (New Harmony Excavations, IN), Emily Stewart (Jezreel Expedition, Israel) and Raeanna Wood (Ness of Brodgar, Orkney Islands, Scotland). The Browning-Miller Endowment was established in 2012 in order to raise the profile and the prestige of the University of Evansville's archaeology program and to increase public awareness; the department is grateful to the Browning-Miller family of Evansville for its generous support.
Plikuhn Named Pi Gamma Mu Governor for Indiana
Mari Plikuhn, assistant professor of sociology, was named Governor for Indiana of Pi Gamma Mu, International Honor Society in Social Sciences. This position serves as a liaison between the regional chancellor and the state's chapters, and is by appointment of the President of Pi Gamma Mu International.
Softball Team Hosts Wichita State This Weekend
The Purple Aces softball team will host Wichita State in MVC play this weekend at Cooper Stadium. On Saturday, the Aces face the Shockers in a doubleheader, with game one of the twin bill scheduled to start at 12 pm. Then on Sunday, UE and Wichita State will square off at 12 pm in the finale to close out the weekend series.
Faculty and staff receive free admission to all softball games by showing their UE IDs at one of the ticket windows near Cooper Stadium. Students also get free admission by showing their IDs, and can receive Student Rewards points by checking in at a ticket window with their IDs or ID numbers. These Student Rewards points can be redeemed for great prizes at the Carson Center or in Ridgway when an Aces Marketing Staff member is set up at one of the Ridgway tables!
Come out and support the Purple Aces softball team this weekend as they host the Wichita State Shockers at Cooper Stadium!
Lady Aces Tennis Hosts Drake and Northern Iowa This Weekend
The Lady Aces tennis team will be in action this weekend as they take on two MVC foes at Wesselman Park. On Saturday, UE will take on Drake, with the match starting at 1 pm. Then on Sunday, the Lady Aces will face Northern Iowa at 10 am.
Come out and support the Lady Aces tennis team as they face Drake Saturday afternoon and then Northern Iowa on Sunday morning!
Aces Drop Two to UT Martin in Mid-Week Doubleheader
The University of Evansville softball team fell to the UT Martin Skyhawks at Cooper Stadium today, as the Purple Aces hosted the visiting Skyhawks in a mid-week doubleheader.
On a cloudy day in Evansville, UE fell in game one, 3-0, and in game two, 5-2. Evansville couldn’t seem to get their offense going in either game, having a total of four hits on the day.
Coach Mark Redburn managed to see some positives despite the two losses:
“The first game I wasn’t too upset about. We were able to hit the ball pretty hard and although we did create a few errors on ourselves, the team competed hard. In game two, I liked the way the team came out to start off. We were able to put two runs on the board right away, but after that the hitting kind of ceased and we didn’t get a lot of offense here after that and two hits alone isn’t going to win you many ball games.”
The Purple Aces fell to 14-16, as they prepare to host Missouri Valley Conference rival, Wichita State at Cooper Stadium this weekend. UT Martin moves to 17-16-1 with the two wins over the Aces.
Game One
In game one of the doubleheader, the Aces started their Ace from Saskatchewan Megan Gurski in the circle and the junior pitched a solid, complete game for Evansville.
UT Martin was able to get on the board in the top of the first on an RBI single from the pitcher Kenzi Tate to give the Skyhawks the early 1-0 lead.
The Aces were unable to get anything going in the bottom of the first and after a scoreless second inning for both teams, UT Martin struck again in the top of the third.
The pitcher Tate was able to drive in another run off of an RBI single in the top of the inning giving UT Martin the 2-0 lead heading into the bottom of the third.
UE couldn’t seem to get their offense going in the bottom of the third, as UT Martin kept the 2-0 lead heading into the fourth.
Tate and Gurski were able to hold both offenses in check for the fourth and fifth innings, but in the top of the sixth UT Martin added one more run to increase their lead to 3-0 and seal the win for the visiting squad.
Gurski (6-8) received the loss for UE, pitching 7.0 innings for the Aces, allowing only seven hits while striking out nine.
Game Two
The second game of the mid-week doubleheader started out better for the Aces. Evansville started freshman Briana Combs in the circle and the right hander kept the Skyhawks off the board in the top of the inning.
The Purple Aces were able to give Combs the early 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first as freshman Emma Buckles scored on a bases loaded wild pitch and Chandra Parr hit a ground out RBI to short to drive in the second run.
Neither team would score in the second and in the top of the third is where the visiting team tied the ball game. The designated player, Deven Wilson, hit a two run homerun to tie the game in the top of the inning, leaving the score at 2-2 headed into the bottom of the third.
After a scoreless bottom of the third for Evansville, the Aces brought in senior Taylor Perry to pitch heading into the fourth and Perry and Casey Vincent for UT Martin kept both offenses off the board in the fourth and fifth innings, leading to a 2-2 tie heading into the sixth.
Perry gave up one run in the top of the sixth, to give the Skyhawks the 3-2 lead and the Aces wouldn’t be able to score in the inning to tie or take the lead.
The senior Perry (0-2) would receive the loss for Evansville finishing the day throwing 3.0 innings, striking out five and allowing only one run on four hits.
Annie Moore entered the game in the top of the seventh for the Aces and the sophomore gave up two runs in the top of the inning to increase the Skyhawks lead 5-2 and ultimately the win.
Evansville will look to bounce back this weekend as the Aces host MVC rival Wichita State at Cooper Stadium on April 5-6.
Katterhenry Earns Third MVC Weekly Award
On the heels of her first collegiate victory, University of Evansville freshman Kayla Katterhenry was named the Missouri Valley Conference Women’s Golfer of the Week by the league on Wednesday. It is the third time Katterhenry has won the award in her inaugural campaign with the Purple Aces.
Katterhenry had a record-setting effort at the Saluki Invitational on her way to the first tournament victory of her career. In Sunday's opening round, she posted a 3-under 69. Her effort was the top opening round score in the history of the event and marked the No. 2 round in UE program history.
She followed that up on Monday by carding a 78 to finish with a 147, winning by one stroke. Despite falling by 9 shots in day two, her total was still the second-best score of the day. Her efforts helped UE improve to finish in fourth place. Katterhenry became the third female to medal in program history while posting the fourth victory by a Purple Aces female.
This weekend, Katterhenry and the Aces will look to continue their hot streak in the spring as they head to the Bradley Invitational. Set to take place at Pekin Country Club, the tournament will be held on Saturday and Sunday.
Natasha James Named MVC Women's Tennis Player of the Week
For the first time in her collegiate career, University of Evansville women’s tennis player Natasha James was named the Missouri Valley Conference Women’s Tennis Player of the Week by the league on Tuesday.
James went a perfect 4-0 for UE as the squad opened up MVC play last Wednesday. In the match at Southern Illinois, James teamed up with Kelsey Costales to top Natasha Tomishima and Meagan Monaghan by an 8-7 final.
At No. 2 singles, James rallied to top Anita Lee in three sets, 1-6, 6-1, 7-5. James remained perfect in Sunday's match at IUPUI. She and Costales defeated Julie Brockman and Abbey Neff at top doubles, 8-6. She earned another singles win in the second flight, defeating Rachel Bridegroom 6-3, 6-1.
Her award was the second in three weeks for the Aces. On March 18, Marketa Trousilova garnered the honor.
This weekend, the Aces will complete their home slate. On Saturday, Evansville welcomes Drake at 1 p.m. before squaring off against UNI on Sunday at 10 a.m. Wesselman Park will host both matches.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.