W-2 forms were processed this morning for all employees and student workers. Employees and student workers who did not provide their consent to electronic W-2’s should receive their W-2 in the mail Thursday or Friday. If you already provided consent to electronic W-2’s, you can view/print your W-2 now. Simply log on to WebAdvisor, click on Employees or Students, click on W-2 Statements, and click on the 2013 tax year.
If you have not already provided consent for an electronic W-2, it is not too late. To take advantage of the electronic W-2 option, you must log onto WebAdvisor and select the option “W-2 Electronic Consent”. Click the first radio button to give your consent. You would then receive a paper and electronic copy this year. However, beginning next year, if you continue to consent to the electronic W-2, that will be the only version you receive. Among the advantages of electronic W-2’s: (1) you will have access to your W-2 a couple days earlier than a paper copy that is mailed to your home (2) you can print as many copies of the W-2 as you need. The electronic W-2 is IRS compliant and can be submitted with your tax return.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gloria Spencer at ext. 2159 or gs55@evansville.edu.