AceNotes Today
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Viewing Party for Men's Basketball CIT Quarterfinals Tonight
The University of Evansville will host a local viewing party tonight as the Purple Aces men's basketball team takes on Canisius College in Buffalo, New York in the quarterfinals of the CollegeInsider.com Postseason Tournament.
The party will take place at Showplace Cinemas East (1801 Morgan Center Drive). The game begins at 6 p.m. local time, and tickets will be available starting at 5 p.m. at Harbor Bay restaurant, located in Showplace Cinemas East. Admission is free; in-your-seat food and drink service will be available for purchase from Harbor Bay.
Come cheer on the Aces as they look to advance in the CollegeInsider.com Postseason Tournament and watch senior Colt Ryan in his effort to become the all-time leading scorer in UE basketball history. Wear your purple and be ready for a great game! For more information, call 488-ACES.
This Week in Music: University Choir and Bach Singers Perform
The University Choir will be joined by the Evansville Bach Singers to present a concert in Neu Chapel this Tuesday evening, March 26, at 7:30. Director of Choral Activities Dennis Malfatti will lead the combined ensembles in a concert titled "The Three B's: Bach, Bach, and Bach," which will feature works by three of the most famous members of the Bach family.
The concert will open with two choral psalm settings: Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden (“Praise the Lord all ye Nations,” Psalm 117) by the most famous member of the Bach family, Johann Sebastian Bach, followed by the double choir work, Das ist meine Freude (“Thou art my joy,” Psalm 78) by Johann Sebastian's cousin, Johann Ludwig Bach. The featured work on the program will be the nine-movement Magnificat by Johann Sebastian's second son, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, a composer whose fame actually eclipsed the fame of his father during the 18th century. This dramatic and powerful work, a setting of the Canticle of Mary from the book of Luke, is C.P.E. Bach's most famous large-scale choral work. The performance of the Magnificat will include a chamber orchestra of UE faculty, students, and area professionals. Faculty soloists Stacey Uthe (soprano), Gregory Rike (tenor), and Jon Truitt (baritone), as well as guest soprano soloist Andrea Drury, will join the choirs and orchestra for the Magnificat.
The Evansville Bach Singers, an ensemble founded by Dr. Malfatti in 2011, includes some of the finest voices in the Tri-State area and performs regularly at Eastminster Presbyterian Church under the auspices of the church’s Christianity and the Arts Endowment. Tuesday’s concert will be their first performance at UE. The concert is free and open to the public.
Vote Now in Resident Students Association (RSA) Elections
All residents, elections for the 2013-2014 RSA Executive Board are going on now until Wednesday, March 27, 11:59 PM on AceLink (acelink.evansville.edu). The candidates include: President: Mary Hoskins; Vice President of Area Council Relations: Belen Robles; Vice President of Special Events: Dalton Bosze and Sarah Kessen; Secretary: Tyler Best. Elections are your chance to let your voice be heard. Don't forget to vote between now and Wednesday.
Help the Local Fight Against Hunger
Newman Club members will be at a table in Ridgway from 11-1 this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with the "penny jar" for their annual Lenten collection. This year, donations are going to the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Saint Vincent's is the largest food pantry in Evansville, and serves thousands of people each year. Please be as generous as you can be in the local fight against hunger. Even your loose change can be a big help!
Crimes of the Heart Honors Talk-back
The Honors Program will host a talk-back for the recent theatrical production of Crimes of the Heart this Tuesday from 5-6 pm in Hyde Hall Room 103. Come join us for an interesting question and answer session with the cast and crew of the play. This event is worth 0.5 honors points (0.25 for play attendance, 0.25 for talk-back.)
Student Government Association Elections
Student Government Association Elections for the 2013-2014 Student Congress are coming up! We will be electing the positions of President, Vice President, and Senior Trustee.
Any full-time student who meets the eligibility requirements to be the Student Government President or Vice President needs to submit a petition by March 27th at 5 p.m. All graduating seniors from December 2012 or May 2013 who are interested in becoming the Student Trustee representative for a three year term may also request a petition to run for office.
Candidates that are interested need to fill out a petition (available in the Center for Student Engagement, on the SGA Blackboard account, or by e-mailing jb517) and return it to the Center for Student Engagement by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 27. Completed petitions must have 75 valid student signatures.
Any potential candidates who have questions about these offices should ask current President Patrick Hayden, Vice President Kate Schlarf, and Senior Trustee Alissa Fricke. Voting for these offices will take place via AceLink April 1-3, and winners will be announced at the Student Congress meeting on April 4 at 5 p.m.
PT Club Meeting
The third Physical Therapy Club meeting will be held Tuesday, March 26th at 12:00pm in Graves 104. All undergraduates and physical therapy students are welcome to attend. Please contact the club's president,Jenna Fischer (jf146) if you have any questions. Thank you!
Transitions to Professionalism: Networking Etiquette - RSVP TODAY!
We all know the value of networking, especially for the job search. Learn valuable tips to help you mix and mingle your way to a job from Sharla Cowden, etiquette mentor. A complimentary luncheon will be provided with an RSVP to ds120@evansville.edu by March 26. The luncheon & workshop will be in Eykamp 253/254/255 in Ridgway University Center on April 2 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Office of Veterans Affairs, UE VETS (Veterans Education Transition Support), and AES (Adult Education Society) student organizations in collaboration with UE Center for Career Development.
UE Bookstore Spring Sale
The UE Bookstore is having a Spring Sale Monday-Thursday, March 25-28. All UE clothing and imprinted gift purchases will be discounted 20% OFF the original price. The store also has a selection of clearance items reduced for quick sale that will be exempt from additional discount. Stop by during the week and check out the selections. Please note the Bookstore will be closed on Friday and Saturday, March 29 and 30, due to the Easter holiday.
Holy Week in Neu Chapel
Holy Thursday Service with the commemoration of the Last Supper begins at 5:30 p.m. in Neu Chapel. The service will include a dramatic monologue with singing from arguably the most famous betrayer in history, Judas Iscariot, played by David Westfall.
Easter Sunday and the Festival of the Resurrection begins at 10:30 a.m. in Neu Chapel. Join us for some Easter jazz and percussion with UE professor, Ross Erickson. As always, the community is invited, all are welcome, and Donut Bank donuts will be available at 10:00 a.m.
David Westfall is from Evansville. He graduated from North High School and studied Musical Theater at UE and Indiana University. He lived in New York City for several years and appeared in many off- Broadway productions. Following a call to ministry he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. David is a youth counselor in Evansville and a member of Trinity United Methodist Church.
I-House: Myanmar
All members of the campus and local community are encouraged to attend I-House: Myanmar. Attendees will learn about another culture, lifestyle, food, and so much more. Bring your friends to enjoy the presentation and complimentary cookies this Wednesday at 7 p.m. on the second floor of Ridgway University Center in the Class of 1959 Gallery.
Cisco Systems & JP Morgan Chase Representatives Speaking on Campus
The Schroeder School of Business announces an upcoming presentation by Greg Bertles, Virtual Sales Manager at Cisco Systems, and Eloho Okeze, Business Analysis and Reporting Analyst at JP Morgan Chase. Greg and Eloho will be presenting to students and faculty on Thursday, April 4th in SOBA 272, from 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Greg is a master at identifying and explaining what college graduates need to be doing in order to land jobs at top companies and Eloho navigated the tough procedures of international sponsorship requirements and landed a job with a top firm. In addition, Eloho provides students with the skills needed to correspond effectively with top companies.
Acettes Auditions
The University of Evansville Acettes invites all eligible students to audition for the 2013-2014 season. Auditions will be held in two sessions on April 7 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Carson Center. Please visit the Acettes Webpage for additional details as well as team requirements. Alternate auditions may be arranged through Coach Arata. Contact Coach Arata at ma112@evansville.edu or 812-488-1145 with questions. We look forward to seeing you on the 7th. Go Aces!
"Sex on Campus" Program March 27
"Sex on Campus," a sexual health program put on by UE Nursing students and sponsored by the Office of Health Education and Wellness Programs, will be in Eykamp 251 on Wednesday, March 27, at 5pm. Students who attend will learn about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy!
Shirley J. Schwarz Prize for Art History Research Paper
The Department of Archaeology & Art History is pleased to announce the 2013 Shirley J. Schwarz Prize for the best undergraduate research paper on an art historical topic. The winner will receive a $250 cash prize.
Papers entered need not have been written for an art history class or a class in any particular discipline. They must, however, address an issue related to the history of visual art or the impact of visual art on society. Papers from disciplines such as art history, history, archaeology, art, visual communications, and other areas may qualify, depending on the subject matter. The award is intended to support undergraduate research in the history of art, and so entries must include formal documentation in the form of footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical notes, along with a bibliography of sources consulted. Papers should be a minimum of 10 pages in length; undocumented essay-type assignments should not be submitted. A faculty jury will evaluate papers submitted. Entries will be judged on the basis of the quality of research evident, critical analysis, proper documentation, and clarity. Students may submit only one paper for consideration.
Students should submit one complete copy of their paper.
Entrants' names should not appear anywhere within the body of the paper.
Each submission must have a SEPARATE title page indicating the title of the paper, student's full name, campus address, and phone number.
In order for the competition to be fair, students should not ask or expect faculty to critique or proofread entries for them. They certainly may (and should) respond to any comments, suggestions, or corrections made on the original assignment, if it derives from a paper submitted for a class.
For the 2013 prize, the deadline for submissions is April 24, 2013; the winner will be announced in May. Please submit entries to Kimberly Higgins in Olmsted 350.
Fitness Center Easter Break Hours
Fitness Center hours over Easter Break are as follows:
Thursday, March 28 – 6:30am to 6:00pm - No evening fitness classes.
Friday, March 29 – Closed
Saturday, March 30 – Closed
Sunday, March 31 - Closed
Graduate Reminder
May graduates are reminded that if you still need a cap and gown and/or graduation announcements you should come to the UE Bookstore as soon as possible. If you are a Masters or Doctoral graduate and need a cap, gown and hood you should contact the UE Bookstore immediately. Masters and Doctoral regalia needs to be custom ordered and can take 3-4 week to arrive in most cases. Bachelor degree gowns are stocked in the store but bachelor graduates should get their gowns well in advance of graduation day to insure that gown sizes and tassel colors are available. If you have any questions please contact the UE Bookstore.
Good Friday – No UE Mail Services
This is a reminder that UE Mail Services will be closed on Good Friday, March 29, 2013. Please note the last day of campus mail pickup and delivery this week by UE Mail Services will be Thursday, March 28. UE Mail Services will resume normal mailing operations on Monday, April 1. For mailing questions, contact Mail Services at extension 2197.
Graduation Announcement Pick-up
Those graduates that ordered their graduation announcements before or on March 23 may pick them up in the UE Bookstore. Those that were scheduled to be shipped have been shipped out via UPS. If you have any questions please contact the UE Bookstore.
What UEL Can Do 4U: TRIAL access to Academic Search COMPLETE
Do you need an article on: the Arab spring uprisings in the Middle East, the new Pope, or plant viruses that attack tulips?
Find these articles and many more in Academic Search COMPLETE This database provides complete coverage of multidisciplinary, full-text academic journals. Research in disciplines from the social sciences, humanities, and science, technology and mathematics is collected in peer-reviewed journals, full-text periodicals, reports, and books.
Content includes:
*More than 13,600 abstracted and indexed journals
*Nearly 9,100 full-text journals
*Full text for more than 7,900 peer-reviewed journals
*PDF content dating back as far as 1887
*Searchable cited references provided for more than 1,460 journals
Trial access to Academic Search COMPLETE is available until May 1, 2013.
Contact Kathy Bartelt (kb4 or 2486) with questions or comments regarding Academic Search COMPLETE.
Reminder: Pi Gamma Mu Still Collecting New and Used Shoes
Pi Gamma Mu, the Honor Society for the Social Sciences, is still collecting new and used shoes for Soles4Souls, a charity dedicated to providing shoes to those in need around the world. Shoes of all styles and sizes are welcome! Collection boxes are located in Ridgway University Center, Koch Center, Graves Hall, Carson Center, and the Department of Law, Politics, and Society in SoBA 50. Collection will run through next Monday, March 25 in the collection boxes, or through April 1st in the Department of Law, Politics, and Society. Our goal is to collect 200 pairs! If you have any questions, contact Mari Plikuhn at mp168@evansville.edu.
Need Financial Aid for Summer Courses?
If you are seeking financial aid to help pay for summer courses at UE, please complete a Financial Aid Summer Preliminary Application, available from the Office of Financial Aid. We will help you examine your options for aid, which in most cases is limited to loans.
On-Campus Jobs Available for Summer
Jobs are available on-campus for UE students for this summer (must be continuing at UE in the fall semester). You do not need to be eligible for need-based Federal/State Work-study during the academic year in order to apply. Furthermore, you may apply regardless of your enrollment in summer courses. Applications may be obtained at the UE Office of Financial Aid, Olmsted Hall, Room 116. Questions should be directed to Hilary Morales at hm38@evansville.edu
Vote for People's Choice Award in Student Art Exhibition
Stop by the Melvin Peterson Gallery to view the 51st annual Student Art Exhibition and cast your vote for the People's Choice Award. Each visitor may cast one vote for his or her favorite piece of artwork, and the student whose piece earns the most votes by the end of the exhibition (Friday, April 5) will be declared the winner and receive a $150 prize.
The Melvin Peterson Gallery is open noon-3 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, please contact the Department of Art at 812-488-2043.
Libraries Announce Easter Break Schedule
UE Libraries will observe the following schedule of hours during the Easter Recess which begins on March 29 and concludes on March 31. Contact William Louden, University Librarian, with questions at 488.2376 or wflouden@evansville.edu.
• Thursday, March 28: 7:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
• Friday, March 29: CLOSED
• Saturday, March 30: CLOSED
• Sunday, March 31: CLOSED
• Monday, April 1: Resume Regular Hours
Quidditch Club
Ace Advocates' Kiva Challenge has ended with Quidditch Club as the winner, raising $88.71! In second place was Powell Hall Council with $67.10, and in third Venturing Crew with $30. A total of $315.61 was raised for Kiva!
Ace Advocates thanks the campus community for their participation in the competition. The money raised will continue to circulate through Kiva to help many people now and in the future. For more information on Kiva, visit their website: www.kiva.org.
Sigma Tau Delta Members
The members of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society, for presenting their scholarly and creative work in Portland, Oregon, at the annual conference. Jenelle Clausen, Brennan Girdler, Emily Krieble, Klara Nichter, and Anna Sheffer all delivered their papers. The President of Sigma Tau Delta, Chris Norris, also attended.
Landon Sholar
Landon Sholar, a junior voice major, has been hired by the Woodstock Playhouse in Woodstock, New York, to play the lead role of Jean Valjean in Les Misérables. Landon will be the youngest person ever to play Jean Valjean in a professional setting. Les Misérables opens June 20 and will run through June 30. After he closes that show, Landon will remain with the company for the rest of the summer to perform in Biloxi Blues, Fiddler on the Roof, and the musical version of The Who's Tommy.
Honors Program Nerd Wars
On February 12, the Honors Program, with generous funding from SDF, sponsored “Nerd Wars” trivia night. The Enginerds faculty team comprised of Dr. Gerhart, Dr. Roberts, Dr. Hwang, Dr. Valenzuela, and Dr. Tipton were the overall winners. The event raised nearly $300 for Albion Fellow Bacon and the Honors Ace Mentors program!
Softball Hosts Campus-wide Homerun Derby
The UE Softball team will be hosting a campus-wide homerun derby for any student interested. The derby will take place Wednesday, April 10th immediately following the Aces' second game of their double header against Middle Tennessee State University (approximately 5:00pm). The cost will be $5 and the money will go towards a Breast Cancer Awareness game on Thursday, April 18th.
1st round: Each participant will get 10 swings off a front tosser. 2nd round: Top five from the first round will get 5 swings off a front tosser. Final round: Top two from the second round will get 5 swings off a front tosser. The winner will get to throw out the first pitch of the game on Saturday, April 13th.
If interested, please stop by the softball offices in the Carson Center to register and pay by Tuesday, April 9th!
Aces Softball Set to Host Murray State
After being in conference action, the University of Evansville softball team will step outside of the Missouri Valley on Wednesday, March 27, to host opponent Murray State in a doubleheader beginning at 2:00 p.m. CST at Cooper Stadium.
Evansville’s offense, now 2-0 against Murray State so far this year, combined for a .286 batting average earlier this season against the Racers as sophomore Kayla Fortner was a perfect 4-for-4 at the plate while notching one home run and four RBIs. The Aces combined for a total of 11 runs, 16 hits, one double, three home runs, 11 RBIs, and went 7-for-8 in stolen bases.
The games will be broadcast live and will be available on the radio at WUEV.org.
Scouting the Opponent
Murray State Racers (11-14, 5-1 OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE)
Murray State is led by Alexa Becker at the hitting position as she averages a .333 at bat out of her 72 appearances so far this season. Becker has racked up three doubles and six home runs while notching 17 runs and 14 RBIs for the Racers.
CheyAnne Gaskey leads the pitching staff with 78.2 innings in the circle while averaging a 2.58 ERA. Gaskey has recorded 81 strikeouts this season while pitching eight complete games with one save for Murray State, making her 6-5 on the season.
Following the action on Wednesday, the Aces will hit the road as they will face Wichita State in conference play in a three-game series. The series will begin on Friday, March 29, with a doubleheader starting at 2:00 p.m. CST before wrapping up on Saturday in a single game contest with the Shockers scheduled for 12:00 p.m. CST.
UE Baseball vs. Western Kentucky Moved to Wednesday
Due to weather concerns, the University of Evansville baseball team’s game at Western Kentucky has been moved back a day to Wednesday, March 26 at 4 p.m.
The game against the Hilltoppers will begin a four-game road swing for Evansville, as the Aces will return to Missouri Valley Conference play Friday night, when they start a three-game series at Bradley.
UE Basketball Looks for 21st Win on Tuesday
The University of Evansville men’s basketball team looks to keep rolling through the CollegeInsider.com Tournament quarterfinals as they travel to face Canisius in Buffalo, N.Y. on Tuesday evening.
Fans are invited to watch a free live stream of the game by registering for free at www.watchcollegeinsider.com.
For the first time, the Aces advanced to the quarterfinals of the CollegeInsider.com Tournament following an 86-72 victory over Eastern Kentucky on Saturday. The win gave UE its first 20-win season since 1998-99 while marking the first time Evansville won two postseason tournament games since the championship season of 1971. UE is just three wins away from taking top honors in the CollegeInsider.com Tournament.
The other remaining teams include Loyola (Md.), East Carolina, Canisius, Bradley, Northern Iowa, Weber State along with Oral Roberts and UC Irvine, who play their second-round game on Wednesday.
For the first time in 42 years, the Purple Aces won two postseason contests after defeating Eastern Kentucky. The championship season of 1971 was the last time UE has won more than one game in a postseason tournament as the Aces went a perfect 5-0 en route to their fifth NCAA College Division National Championship. Evansville also reached the magic 20-win mark for the first time in 14 years; the last time UE did so was in the 1998-99 campaign where they posted a 23-10 record.
Tuesday’s game at Canisius can put an end to another long streak as UE is looking for its third consecutive road victory. The last time the Aces did so came in the magical 1998-99 season with consecutive road wins at Wichita State, Missouri State and Indiana State. In its last two true road games, UE topped Wright State before earning its first win at Wichita since 2001.
Over the course of the last seven games, the Purple Aces are an impressive 6-1 as they continue to peak at the best time of the year. It is the third such streak in the Marty Simmons era as UE had a 6-1 streak in the 2010-11 season and started off the 2008 year at 7-1. Shooting has been the primary difference in the streak as UE has outshot the opposition 47.2%-40.1% while also owning a 46.9%-30.2% edge from outside. Colt Ryan has averaged 23.9 points per game over that stretch while also contributing on defense with eight steals and 4.9 rebounds per game. The Aces own a +2.4 rebounding edge and a +1.9 lead in turnovers.
Tuesday’s contest at Canisius will mark the 13th true road postseason game for UE since 1957 as the Aces have won 8 out of its first 12. Boise State marked the lone Division I opponent that UE has faced on the road as they fell to the Broncos by a 75-69 final in the CBI two years ago. In the NCAA College Division, Evansville posted an impressive 8-3 mark in road tournament games.
Canisius enters Tuesday’s game with a 20-13 record while posting an 11-7 mark in the MAAC. In the CIT opener, the Griff s took down Elon by a 69-53 final before defeating Youngstown State in overtime, 84-82, on Saturday. Three-point shooting is a specialty for Canisius as they led their league and currently rank 17th in the nation as they shoot 38.4% beyond the arc; they are second in the MAAC in overall shooting at 44.3%.
Rebounding is another strength as they lead the MAAC in rebounding margin at +1.1. Billy Baron leads the way for the Griff s as he has tallied 17.1 points while dishing out 168 assists; his scoring output was third in the league while his 5.1 assists were tops in the conference. Baron led all players with 30 points in the win at Youngstown State. Chris Manhertz leads the way for CC and is second in the conference with 8.8 rebounds per contest.
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.