AceNotes Today
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Bible Study
Adventist Campus Ministries will have Bible Study on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 153 in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. The topic of study is "The Christian and Principles of Health." Come and learn what the Bible teaches about lifestyle and caring for one's physical health. Contact: Guy Goodness at gg57@evansville.edu and Chris French at cf104@evansville.edu for more details.
Deadline for Great Colleges To Work For Survey Is Friday!
REMINDER - the deadline for the Great Colleges to Work For Survey is this Friday, April 15! This survey is designed to obtain feedback from faculty and administrators and is part of The Chronicle of Higher Education's 2011 Great Colleges to Work For program. As of now only 28 percent of UE faculty and administrators have completed the survey - so if you haven't completed it yet, please do so before Friday!
This link will take you to the survey page where you will enter your unique user name and password provided in an e-mail invitation to participate: https://www.modernthink.net/chroniclegreatcolleges .
If you need assistance or have lost your password, please call the toll-free Help Desk at 888-684-4658 or e-mail surveys@modernthink.com and cc to chronicle@modernthink.com . If you do not receive timely assistance, please e-mail Lucy Himstedt in University Relations at lh133@evansville.edu
Last I-House of the Semester: Bahrain
Come to I-House on Wednesday, April 13, at 7 p.m. in the Class of 1959 Gallery on the second floor of Ridgway University Center for a program on Bahrain presented by Suha Hebaishi! Attendance at I-House is worth .25 honors points.
International Club Elections This Wednesday
ISC Club Elections will be held in Room 162 in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building this Wednesday at 8 p.m. after I House Bahrain. Another great ISC year is about to end and it's time to elect members to reperesent the International Club for the 2011-2012 year. Anyone is welcome to run, but keep in mind that the positions of president and vice president are only available to current executive board members. Running for an executive position means committing to attend all events and weekly meetings hosted by the International Club.
The positions are as follows:
1. President [previous ISC executive experience]
2. Vice President [previous ISC executive experience]
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Social Chair
6. Publicist
7. Intramural (IM) Chair
8. SGA representative
We hope to see you there.
Crick Lecture Speaker Will Be Derek Jones
The speaker for the Crick Lecture on Wednesday, April 13, will be Derek Jones, who was a UE undergraduate in philosophy and creative writing and who is now a Ph.D. Candidate at IU. The lecture, which is at 4 p.m., will be in Room 100 in Koch Center. Jones' topic will be "Animats as Biological Models: Exploring the Realization Space of Behavior Types."
Jones explains his premise of his lecture is that "the practice of modeling behavior using "animats" - abstract computer-generated agents - has been recently subjected to criticism. The central complaint is simple: since animats bear little structural resemblance to biological systems, it isn't clear what animal models are models of ... I identify and defend a central epistemic presupposition behind animat modeling research, namely the idea that modelers can gain new knowledge about biological systems without modeling the specific underlying mechanisms of those systems. The critique of animat modeling presented by Webb (2009) and Bechtel (2009) can be viewed as presenting a skeptical challenge to this presupposition. I will attempt to offer a defense of this thesis and consequently of animat research, highlighting both the direct and indirect ways in which animat models can provide knowledge about biological systems in the absence of Webb-style biological grounding."
Homecoming Meeting
There will be a Homecoming meeting this Wednesday, April 13 at 4 p.m. in Room 272 in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. Any UE student who will be on campus in the fall is welcome to come and share ideas.
Brent Sternberg to Speak to Finance Students
Brent Sternberg, CFA, Senior Vice President, Director of Equities, Old National Wealth Management and UE alum, will talk to students in Professor Walayet A. Khan's finance classes on April 13. The presentation will be at 4 p.m. in Room 170 in the Schroeder Family School of Business Administration Building. The title of his presentation will be “Positioning Clients for a Global Economic Recovery”. Old National Wealth Management has approximately $6 billion in assets under supervision. Brent joined Old National in 1997, became a CFA charter holder in 2004, and currently serves on the University of Evansville Alumni Board of Directors.
Harlaxton 40th Anniversary Reunion Weekend to be Celebrated at UE April 15 and 16
All former and future Harlaxton students, faculty and staff are invited to take part in activities planned for the Harlaxton 40th Anniversary Reunion weekend. Check out the full schedule of events at http://www.evansville.edu/harlaxtonsociety/reunionweekend.cfm. As you’ll note, Dr. Bujak will be at UE for the weekend and making a few presentations. These events have no charge and do not require registration.
Other interest/educational sessions scheduled include:
Friday, April 15 at 3 p.m. – The Gardens of Harlaxton by Dr. Mark Valenzuela, Eykamp Hall
Friday, April 15 at 4 p.m. – Life in the Grand Manor by Dr. Edward Bujak, Eykamp
Saturday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. – Up the Naked Mile and Down Memory Lane led by Dr. James MacLeod and Dr. Michael Carson, Eykamp Hall
Saturday, April 16 at 10:30 a.m. – Harlaxton Then and Now Panel Discussion, Eykamp Hall
Over 100 alumni from a variety of schools have already registered – including many members of the original class. Some Harlaxton alums are coming from as far away as Turkey. There will be many opportunities to meet new people and share Harlaxton stories. Everyone’s invited to share in the celebration. Questions? Contact alumni@evansville.edu or extension 2586.
Anthony Sheridan Named April UE Employee of the Month
The University of Evansville Employee of the Month for April is Anthony Sheridan, leader of the catering staff at Harlaxton, UE's British campus. Anthony came to work at Harlaxton on Jan. 2, 1981.
Harlaxton Principal Gordon Kingsley explains why those who nominated Anthony felt he should be selected for this month's award.
"Thanksgiving is not a holiday for Harlaxton students and staff - it's Britain, you know - and so instead we are in class and at work. Sometimes it is very sad to be so far away from home on this special family day. Sometimes it hurts kind of bad. Into this picture steps Tony Sheridan. Sizing up the situation, and working for the past few years with Suzanne Kingsley, Tony has led his staff to work overtime and to work hard to get an American Thanksgiving Dinner just right - the right food, the right seasoning for American tastes. And he bakes turkeys - lots of them. And oversees preparation of dishes British people never eat - British people do the green beans, but not the sweet potatoes with marshmallows melted on top. Tony adds the cranberry sauce, dressing (done the American way, which is very different from the English), the hot cider. He even manages Grandma's apple cobbler and somehow finds the fixings for pumpkin pies.
"So, on Thanksgiving night, our students and staff gather at the buffet - right after our Harlaxton Thanksgiving Service - and pile Tony's food on their plates, proceeding to the Long Gallery for a Thanksgiving Dinner they will never forget. And they come back for more. They call their mums and say how wonderful it was. Somehow, an American meal with our Harlaxton family helps us through a day when we miss our own families. And it doesn't seem quite so far from home. Tony does this for our whole college."
Kinglsey pioints out that besides the Thanksgiving meal, Anthony also "leads the preparation of ordinary student meals as well as fine dinners for the lords and ladies. Same with the Harlaxton Family Christmas, for staff and faculty families, students, and Meet a Family hosts. Very fine food around the Christmas tree, with carols before a fireplace in the Great Hall. And there is Tony, working on that day so that students and his fellow staff-members can have a special day with their families. Tony is special, in his competence and in his caring. He is good at what he does. And he is 'can do.' 'Can it be done?' is the question. 'Sure it can,' is his answer."
Photographer on Campus
The Office of Admission will have a photographer on campus for a photo shoot, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 13, 14, and 15. UE students and faculty have always been very cooperative and accommodating during previous shoots and as a result, many great photos have been taken for UE publications. Kim McDonald will try to notify faculty in advance if photos will be taken in a particular class, however, often weather unexpectedly can force the shoot inside and it is possible that last minute requests will be made. If faculty members know that they will be giving a test or do not wish to be bothered any of these three days, they should please inform Kim McDonald at ext. 2683 and the classroom will be avoided.
Help Japan!
The Newman Club will be in Ridgway University Center with its annual Lenten collection jar during lunch and dinner during the next several days. This year's collection will go to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Please consider making a small donation.
Internship Opportunity with Measure
The Department of English’s international poetry journal Measure is looking for two interns to fill vacancies for the 2011-2012 academic year. These positions, which can be taken for credit or non-credit, entail various responsibilities, including reading and selecting submissions for publication, corresponding with contributors, editing and proofing new issues, and contributing in various clerical capacities. If you are interested in applying, please contact Professor Rob Griffith for an application form (rg37@evansville.edu). Deadline for application is April 15. They will be looking for applicants who have a strong interest in reading and writing poetry and who have completed copyediting and at least one course in poetry writing. Other advantages would include internship experiences in editing, upper-division courses in writing poetry, and knowledge of HTML and layout programs such as InDesign (though these skills are not required).
Special Thanks to Peabody Energy Industries
The Biology Department’s Microbial Ecology class lead by Professor Mark Davis visited Peabody’s Somerville Mine on Friday. Allen Eicher, a representative from Peabody, showed the class the entire process chain involved in coal extraction and remediation. Techniques witnessed were open pit mining, coal cleaning, remediation of tailings, and bringing the land back to original condition before the mining disturbance. Travel for this educational experience was funded by: The Lilly PIEE II Experiential Learning Grant.
Move Vehicles from Lot H by 5 p.m. Wednesday!
In order to prepare for the upcoming Bike Race, all vehicles must be removed from Lot H by 5 p.m., on Wednesday, April 13. Vehicles remaining in the lot after this time may be towed. The removal of vehicles is necessary so the lot can be prepared for the race which is set for Saturday April 16. Vehicles must be moved by Wednesday evening so the lot can be restriped and time trials can be held Thursday, April 14. The lot will be reopened for parking by Sunday morning at the latest. Please note - vehicles must be moved to legal parking places for the permit category held by the driver. The use of Lot O, by the Armory, and Lot Q, by the General Services building is recommended.
Holy Week Services
Save the dates!! Holy Week Services in Neu Chapel are: Holy Thursday, "Service of Darkness," in Neu Chapel, April 21 at 9 p.m., and Easter Sunday, "Festival of the Resurrection," in Neu Chapel, April 24 at 10:30 a.m
Welcome Home to New Director of News Services
Kristen (Woszczynksi) Lund, a 2008 graduate of UE, has joined the Office of University Relations as the chief liaison between UE and all external media outlets. She will replace Joe Atkinson in that role, after Atkinson was named UE’s Associate Director of University Relations and Director of Digital Media.
“As a University of Evansville student, I gained a firsthand perspective on the life-transforming educational experiences UE offers,” Lund said. “Now, as Director of News Services, I look forward to helping my alma mater advance its outstanding reputation.”
Lund, a native of Columbus, Ind., enrolled at the University of Evansville in 2004 after earning a full-tuition academic scholarship as a National Merit Scholarship winner. She double-majored in writing and international studies and minored in literature. Lund graduated summa cum laude in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Prior to graduation, she studied abroad for two semesters at Harlaxton College and Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She also completed an editorial internship with Tucker Publishing Group in Evansville.
Lund joined Tucker Publishing Group full-time in May 2008 as Staff Writer and was promoted to Senior Writer in July 2009. During her time at TPG, Lund’s responsibilities included writing and editing for the bimonthly Evansville Living and Evansville Business magazines, which have a readership of over 75,000 and have won national awards from the City and Regional Magazine Association. She also produced content for the company’s annual publications such as Evansville City View, as well as custom publishing projects and digital media outlets such as EvansvilleLiving.com and the weekly E Living e-newsletter.
Lund’s husband Eric graduated from UE in 2007 and works as a music therapist with Integrative Music Therapy, LLC.
Harlaxton Art Exhibit in Krannert Gallery April 2011
To coincide with the UE Harlaxton 40th Anniversary Reunion Weekend, an exhibit of Harlaxton inspired art work is on display in Krannert Gallery during April 2011. A variety of former faculty members and students from UE, Western Kentucky, and USI have submitted works. They include: Gretchen Bies, William Brown, Kim Pazuk Butcher, Alaina Clingman, Joe Flauto, Brelyn Holmes, Ella Combs-Larmann, Katrina Layer, Leslie Nichols, Michael Nichols, Carolyn Roth, Dana Samson, Amanda Topper, Kayla Troutman, Kathryn Waters and Julie Wilson.
March of Dimes "March for Babies" Event - UE Team Needs You!
Please mark your calendars for the 2011 March for Babies event on April 30, at Sunset Park. Registration is at 9 a.m. with the walk through downtown Evansville starting at 10 a.m. There will be a UE Team walking in the event.
"Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick," explains UE Team Captain Becky Hamilton, "There will be a UE team walking in this March for Babies event because we want to do something about this. I know you care, too. That's why I'm asking you and your family to join us. It's easy: just click here http://www.marchforbabies.org/team/t1479808 to sign up for our University of Evansville team."
"If you can't walk with us," adds Becky, "please help by donating to our team. You can do so by clicking on “Donate to this team” from the team registration page above. Thank you in advance for helping us give all babies a healthy start!"
If you have questions, call Becky at ext 2163
Bev Fowler Presenting Session at Education USA Triennial Conference
Bev Fowler, Director of International Admissions is attending the Education USA Triennial Conference in Doha, Qatar for U.S. university representatives and U.S. Department of State educational advisors from the Middle East and North Africa. Bev will co-present a session with advisor Arona Maskil from Israel titled "How to Plan an Effective Pre-departure Orientation."
Contribute to Purple Pulse To have content considered for inclusion in Purple Pulse, please submit a Marketing Request Form. Deadline for submission to Purple Pulse is 10:00 a.m. on the requested date of publication. Only articles concerning UE related/sponsored activities will be accepted. Articles submitted to Purple Pulse may be edited for length and clarity. Submitter contact information is at the end of each article.