We are inviting you to participate in a research study.

 Your participation in this online survey is completely voluntary. If you decide to participate in the survey, you can withdraw at any time without any negative effect on your relations with the University School of Health Science. This consent form will give you information about the study to help you decide whether this is of interest to you.

This study aims to investigate how involvement in different campus activities influences factors such as stress levels, anxiety, depression, and overall mental well-being, specifically at a small school where programs and activities are very close-knit. We ask you to participate because you are an undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Evansville.

Although the results of this study may be published, no information that could identify you will be included. Participants will be exposed to minimal to no risk. However, questions about mental health can lead to discomfort psychologically. There will be a list of mental health resources, including the University of Evansville Counseling Services and national helplines. There will be no compensation for participation in this study. The survey data will be kept in a digital, password-protected file and kept anonymous. This will be achieved because no individual identifiers will be collected through this survey, and data will only be used in aggregate form during analysis.